Bodyman Read Online Lucy Lennox

Categories Genre: Contemporary, M-M Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 19
Estimated words: 17401 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 87(@200wpm)___ 70(@250wpm)___ 58(@300wpm)

The first time I got on my knees for President Ashley, it was the night of his inauguration…

And I was only doing my job… helping him remove his shoes.

I’m Lieutenant Commander Kenan Harper, the president’s trusted valet. His loyal aide. His bodyman…

And the fool who’s been in love with Garner Ashley since long before I took this job.

If I had my way, I’d be so much more than his employee, but to say that would be impossible would be the understatement of the century. Garner might be the first openly gay president, but the world’s not ready for a gay First Gentleman, and Garner’s never looked at me with anything but professional courtesy…

Until suddenly, he does.

The first touch between us sparks years of longing into a blaze so bright and wild, neither of us can deny our feelings any longer. But when a relationship is this forbidden, this career-ending, this… world-changing… both of us will have choices to make.

Will I remain in the shadows as the president’s bodyman… or stand out and proud by Garner’s side as the one he loves?

*************FULL BOOK START HERE*************



The first time I got on my knees for President Ashley, it was the night of the inauguration. He’d gone back to the Oval Office after making an appearance at one of the balls and had fallen asleep on the sofa. Considering he’d already been awake and working for over twenty hours by then, I wasn’t surprised he’d dozed off.

I’d only been on the job for five days at that point, but I’d spent the entire month between my separation from the Navy and my first day as the president’s bodyman researching what the hell a bodyman was supposed to do.

As a personal aide to the president, it was my job to… pretty much do whatever the man wanted. I was tasked with helping him dress, fetching him coffee, making sure he was properly fed and hydrated, finding missing items or ensuring he had what he needed for trips and meetings, and basically anything else he needed done in order to keep from being distracted from the most important job in the world.

So I had to assume it meant helping him get much-needed sleep when he dozed off on the presidential sofa.

But when I began slipping off his formal wing tips, he jerked awake with a grunt. Irish-green eyes peered at me through inky lashes, and I tried to keep any emotion off my face, even though I was suddenly flooded with it.

“Kenan?” His voice was hoarse from sleep and exhaustion. “Sorry… Commander Harper. What time is it?”

“Three a.m., sir. Would you prefer to move to the residence?”

He sat up and rubbed both hands over his face. A lick of hair stood up on the back of his head, and my fingers itched with the need to smooth it. Instead, I kept my eyes focused on the rug under me as I stood up.

“Yeah. Yeah, I guess that would be a good idea. I have an early meeting at…” His voice trailed off.

“Seven,” I said before clearing my throat. “I’ll make sure you’re up.”

He glanced at me before standing. “That won’t be necessary. I’ll set an alarm.”

Those were the early days, when I’d still stupidly thought I could keep some distance by living in my own apartment. Before the sheer demands and long hours of the job had necessitated me finally caving and accepting a bedroom in the staff section of the residence.

I’d gotten on my knees for President Ashley countless times during that first term, when we were both new and unsure of ourselves.

But none of them were for the reason I’d secretly wanted.

No, that didn’t happen until four and a half years later.



I’d known before I’d accepted my sister’s suggestion it was a bad idea.

Kenan Harper had been her best friend growing up, the quintessential boy next door who mowed lawns for extra cash, helped at his dad’s hardware store, and dreamed about following his favorite uncle into the Navy. Even though I’d been six years older than Kenan, I’d still gotten used to seeing him around. He and Cat were inseparable, to the point I’d expected the two of them to wind up together one day.

But then Cat had gone to law school, and Kenan had joined the Navy and moved to California. I’d been so busy building my own legal career before accidentally entering politics I hadn’t given the beautiful boy from Brownsburg, Indiana, a second thought.

Until Cat had recommended him for the position of my personal aide after the election.

“This position is usually filled by a kid,” I’d explained, thinking it was a joke. “Not a lieutenant commander in the Navy.”

“He’s getting out. And he doesn’t want to move home yet. His dad’s pressuring him to come take over at the shop, and he’s not ready. This would be perfect.”


