A Curse of Blood & Stone – Fate & Flame Read Online K.A. Tucker

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, New Adult, Paranormal, Romance, Vampires Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 152
Estimated words: 145704 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 729(@200wpm)___ 583(@250wpm)___ 486(@300wpm)

I dismiss Pan’s prattles and peer up into the soulless sky, squinting against the rain. The screaming from the inn room has stopped, replaced by the sounds of a brutal battle.

I hope Zander and Elisaf are fine. And even Jarek. But I can’t do anything for them.

I draw my hood over my head and tuck my ring in my pocket. “Stay here.”

Pan’s protests fade as I move away from the Greasy Yak, my boots splashing through puddles. People leak out of the door in a panic, some holding wounds, others in hysterics, yet others with their heads down, intent on escaping the chaos to the safety of their hovels.

It’s the perfect time.

It’s the only time.

I embrace the swell of adrenaline buzzing in my core as I stalk toward the square. The guard watching over the prisoners runs past me and into the tavern’s fray, not so much as glancing my way. No one looks at me, the lone hooded figure walking toward the condemned mortals. Even they don’t hint at noticing me.

I am a ghost.

That certainty brings with it a wave of confidence.

The female on the end—a young woman of maybe twenty—sobs quietly, but otherwise no one makes a sound, trembling in the cold. A few are slumped, their knees buckled. I’m not sure they’re alive. The pungent smell of urine and vomit curls my nostrils, the rain unable to wash it away.

How long have these people been here?

It’s so dark, and the trigger to open these contraptions so I can release these people is not obvious—

“You have to pull the peg out.”

I jump at Pan’s voice suddenly behind me. “I told you to stay over there!”

“And the commander told you to leave. Looks like neither of us is a good listener.” He grabs the wooden dowel and wrenches it until it slides out.

Pan was watching me the entire time I walked over here. It makes sense; it’s like that night with Gesine and the ring. I couldn’t hide what she knew was happening.

I will have to remember that little loophole.

The prisoners begin shifting, their heads turning toward us. The spell my affinity wove must be broken, but I don’t have time to worry about that now. “Let’s get them out of here.”

Grabbing one end of the stocks, Pan heaves. “It’s kinda heavy,” he grits out.

I dive in, and together we hoist the top piece high enough for the girl to squirm out. Quickly, I unfasten my cloak and throw it over her as Pan works on the next peg.

One by one, we free the prisoners. A few break off in a stumbling run, weak and disoriented, but most help, catching those who can’t stand on their own anymore.

We’ve released the last, a man who staggers off in the opposite direction of the tavern, when shouts call out. A moment later, my ears catch a distinctive hiss I’ve come to know all too well.

The fleeing man drops, an arrow protruding from his back.

“Stop! All of you!”

At the guard’s command, the other prisoners panic and scatter. They’re picked off one by one, three of them hit by arrows in mere seconds.

If this keeps up, there will be none left to save. I need to do something.

You will be limited only by the boundaries of your imagination.

And the only thing I can imagine right now is retaliation.

I used the rain before to stop a charging nethertaur. Now I welcome the surge of power deep inside and allow my mind’s eye to see the drops shifting direction and gaining speed, merging, forging into the arrows aimed at these people.

When they hit their mark, they are as hard and sharp as metal slicing through flesh.

Grim satisfaction washes over me as the two guards felling these prisoners collapse.

But more men are coming, rushing toward us, all wielding swords. The closest has his sights on the girl wearing my cloak, cowering next to a woman.

The power surge rises faster this time, as if answering my need, and fills me with a euphoric burst of energy similar to the night I saved Pan. I throw out my hand, and the rushing soldier catapults backward, crashing into a thatched house.

Another soldier runs toward us.

And another.

I stop them, too, sending them soaring.

Victory buoys me. Gesine was right. Channeling Vin’nyla’s affinity is becoming easier with each assault.

A fourth soldier, I send colliding into the gallows. The heavy post cracks with his bones, groaning until it finally splinters. The hanging bodies drop to the ground, no longer on display.

Pan gapes at me.

More soldiers approach, too many for me to stop one by one. Eventually, one will slip through.

I need help. I need Zander.

But he’s still inside. I can’t rely on anyone but myself right now.

What I need is a barrier, something that will stop the enemy in their tracks, but the mortal prisoners are still spread out. “Closer. I need you closer to me!” I scream.


