A Dawn of Gods & Fury – Fate & Flame Read Online K.A. Tucker

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 210
Estimated words: 200096 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1000(@200wpm)___ 800(@250wpm)___ 667(@300wpm)

“Nothing for a long time.” A tiny smile tempts her lips. “She held her secrets close.”

“She’s a smart and deceptive little thief.” As I knew she would be. “Where is she now?”

“Now? I have no idea.”

“But she was here, only days ago, was she not?” The tales of the attack in the royal garden—of a powerful caster with glowing silver eyes and a flying beast much like the one the exiled king arrived with yesterday—point to Romeria, though witnesses swear it was not her face they saw.

There are also rumors floating that it was me. I haven’t dissuaded them.

“If she was, she did not cross my path.” Wendeline’s throat bobs with her hard swallow. At one time, I am sure she was adept at lying. How else did she deceive so many?

“You tell the truth, and yet you hide what you know. Given your current situation, I would think you wise enough to appease a powerful ally. As difficult as your time has been, I assure you, it can be much worse.”

She lifts her chin. “I have served my purpose, and I am prepared to die. But I will not be a part of any scheme meant to lure or betray Romeria or His Highness, the true king of Islor.” There is no waver in her voice, no falter in her heartbeat. She speaks the truth now.

“You are prepared and yet you are still here. Honestly, I am stunned you haven’t plunged a dagger into your own heart.”

Mild amusement skims her expression. “Who says I won’t?”

“Because you believe you could still be of use to your beloved king.” When Malachi ordered the guards to release her, I expected her to run from these city walls before the sun set. But she skulked to the sanctum and here she has remained. It’s the only answer that makes sense.

I could have the guards imprison her to avoid an unseemly end at her own hands, but I imagine she’ll be of little use to me then. She is a valuable source of information and a connection to Romeria, even if I can’t trust her.

I ease back into the pew. “I’ve always thought it silly that we have all this power to heal others and yet cannot help ourselves. Give me your hand.”

She hesitates but finally relents.

I unwind the gauze, revealing the angry red stump where her smallest finger used to be. “I imagine you weren’t privy to much in the way of poultices and clean water during your time in the dungeon.”

“I made do.”

“Still, it is difficult to reverse the damage done.” The hint of rot lingers. “Your guild is a great distance from here, is it not?”

“I would not call them ‘my guild.’ They have long since labeled me foe. But yes, Mordain is leagues away, across another realm and a channel.”

“You work against them, and yet you could not have masterminded this grand plan on your own. I have only just arrived and already I have heard the stories of murderous complicit casters and a tainted princess created by Aoife herself who won the heart of a king, only to betray a realm.”

It’s a moment before she relents. “Yes, I had much help, from those who value prophecy and a higher purpose than power and wealth.”

“I did not know such beings existed.” I draw forth a weave of healing, directing it into Wendeline’s injury. It’s mere moments before she sinks against the pew, some of the tension dissipating from her limbs as the flesh knits together smoothly, the redness fading to a faint silver. I release her hand. “There, you could have earned that injury years ago by the looks of it.”

“That would have taken me an hour to mend on someone else,” she admits, smoothing the pad of her thumb over the stump. “Thank you for the kindness,” she offers after a delay. “You do not have marks.”

“Hmm?” Her question catches me off guard.

She slides her sleeve up to reveal a small glowing emblem of gilded horns. “To indicate your affinities. You do not wear any from what I can see.”

I turn my wrist to confirm my bare forearm. “No. In my old world, casters hide who they are. It is safer for them that way.”

“You must greatly prefer this new one. Not only a key caster revered but also a queen.”

“It has its benefits.” And I have little time to waste. “What do you know of my purpose here?”

“Besides aiding the Fate of Fire in raining havoc?”

“Do not accuse me of things you are equally culpable in.” My voice turns sharp and carries too far, earning looks from several sanctum patrons. A swift glare from me has them ducking their heads.

With one last glance at her deformed hand, Wendeline gathers the used bandaging as she collects her thoughts. “I know that Malachi sent your husband to the Nulling. I can speculate that it is because you summoned him to preserve your fleeting life in hopes of matching your husband’s lengthy one. It seems he granted your request, but at a very steep cost.”


