A Kingdom of Pleasure and Torment (Fablemere Fae #1) Read Online Abigail Barnette

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Fablemere Fae Series by Abigail Barnette

Total pages in book: 107
Estimated words: 100363 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 502(@200wpm)___ 401(@250wpm)___ 335(@300wpm)

His reaction quickly dispels my disappointment. He rises as if in a trance at the sight of me, silver lips parted. “Cenere. You look beautiful.”

I’ve left my long hair down, but brushed the ringlets out into soft waves and two slender braids that cross each other in a band over the crown of my head. I toss my hair over my shoulders, revealing my bare breasts framed by the sheer black silk. “You did say to dress appropriately.”

“You’ve succeeded. Please, come in.” He gestures to the doors, and they shut behind me. There is a table with food, but only one plate, one goblet, one set of utensils—although there are many of those. “Sit.”

He takes the only chair.

I go to him, not bothering to look for another seat. I know I won’t find one. I arrange my slit skirts around my otherwise bare lower half and take my place on his knee.

“Good girl.” His mouth slants in an approving smirk. “It’s time for another lesson.”

He leans around me, one long arm pouring wine from a crystal flagon into the goblet.

“You can’t just make it appear by magic?” I ask.

Instantly, I know it is the wrong thing to have asked. He puts the flagon down and uses the same hand to grip the hair at my nape and jerk my head back roughly. “Who do you think you are to question the strength of my power?”

“I-I wasn’t—”

“But you were,” his grip tightens, tugging at my scalp. “Do you think the king will allow you to speak to him in that way? Do you think he would issue you such a kind warning?”

“No. I’m sorry, Guardian.” I lower my head as much as I can to display my obedience and remorse. “But may I ask you a question?”

He loosens his grip and nods.

“You talk about the king. I thought I was going to court to seduce a prince.” It made sense to me that Sarta would say so; that he might not have given her the whole plan. But now, he speaks of the king as an inevitability, as well.

“Of course, you’ll seduce the prince.” Luthian combs his fingers through my locks, soothing my tender scalp. “But you’ll be the talk of the court. The king will at least sample you. Perhaps, he’ll take you as a mistress. But remember, his death is already arranged. You won’t find yourself in his company for long.”

“And the prince will still want me?”

“I dare say you’ll inspire a rivalry between them,” he says, and takes the goblet in his hand. “There is nothing Arcus loves more than displaying his power, especially over his sons.

“Food is an important component of court life,” he changes the subject, his tone studious. “Refreshment is available in nearly every room. The meals are sumptuous banquets that last for hours, with dozens of courses. You’ll dine upon fruits you’ve never seen before, creatures you’ve never heard of. But you will do it, as you will do all things, with sensuality. You will be provocative in your manner. For example...”

He dips two fingers into the wine glass and touches them to my bottom lip. I open and suck them in, gratified by the crease between his brow as he watches my lips slide closed, down to his middle knuckle. I swirl my tongue around them, sure that some of the skills I learned today would be effective on other parts. My instinct is correct, because he makes a noise low in his throat before he removes his hand.

“And how would you share the wine with me?” he asks, still distracted by my mouth.

I reach for the cup, but he withholds it. “No. I don’t ever wish to see you feeding yourself at my table. I wouldn’t have you even touch a fork or glass. While you are with me, you are to be fed. It might amuse courtiers to do so, as well.”

He presses the rim of the goblet against my bottom lip, and I take a sip. I hold it in and lean forward to kiss him. He drinks the wine from me and claims a dribble from the corner of my mouth with his tongue.

“Good girl.”

The praise is effervescent in my veins. I’m doing well. I’m going to have the power he promised me, and the wishes, too. I’m going to see Thrace in chains, humiliated. I think of displaying him before my throne at court, leaving him there to be leered at the way he’s leered at me ever since he married my mother.

“Cenere?” Luthian’s voice brings me back to him. “You’ve wandered off.”

“Please, pardon me, Guardian,” I whisper, my cheeks flushing with shame. He needn’t know the contents of my fantasies, though. “I was considering other ways I might serve you the wine.”

I put two fingers into the goblet, withdrawing them to drip wine above the peak of one breast. I paint a wet circle around my rosy nipple and lift my chest toward him.


