Always Mine Read online Sloane Kennedy (Love in Eden #1)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Love in Eden Series by Sloane Kennedy

Total pages in book: 94
Estimated words: 85561 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 428(@200wpm)___ 342(@250wpm)___ 285(@300wpm)

Despite how far gone Brooks was, he scrambled to do as I said. I held my dick in place for him and didn't even have to tell him what to do. His mouth closed around my flesh and he began sucking hard and fast. I moaned and leaned back against the seat. "Slow, baby, I want this to last."

Brooks immediately slowed the pace of his sucking and began licking and teasing my sensitive flesh. I was so hard, I knew I wasn't going to last long. I dropped my hand to run over the top of Brooks’s head. Then I followed the line of his back down to his ass. His pants were loose enough that I could reach beneath the waistband. But instead of doing that, I pushed his pants down altogether so I could see his gorgeous ass. I palmed a globe, then began running my finger teasingly along his crease. Brooks whimpered, which caused my balls to grow even heavier. I put my finger in my mouth to get it wet, then put it back to Brooks's ass and began teasing his hole. Brooks cried out and pulled his mouth free of my cock. He whispered my name and began humping the seat. I immediately stopped fingering him.

"Xavier, please, don't stop." The desperation in his voice drove me to a place that only he could.

"What are you supposed to be doing?" I asked, my voice rough and gravelly.

Brooks quickly remembered himself and returned his mouth to my cock. The more he worked me over, the firmer my touch on his ass became. When I finally pushed my finger inside of him, Brooks cried out around my flesh, but he didn't pull away. He sucked me hard and fast. It took a little time to figure out what I liked best and once he did, he went to town on me.

I began thrusting my hips up, shoving my length to the back of his throat. He gagged but didn't try to pull away. I jammed my finger into his body as deep as it could go. When I found his gland and rubbed over it, Brooks sobbed incoherently. He was trying to fuck my finger at the same time that I was fucking his mouth. I wasn't sure if I wanted to come first, or let him. My body took the decision away from me because Brooks chose that moment to reach up under my shirt and flick his finger over one of my nipples.

Never in a million years would I have guessed the spot to be an erogenous zone like it was, but it did the trick and I began spasming. I could hear Brooks's desperate slurps as he tried to keep up with the cum I was shooting into his mouth, but there was no way. There was just too much, and I was good with that because I could feel it dripping down my dick every time Brooks pulled his mouth up. The idea that he was filled with my essence just made me come even more. I fingered Brooks harder and harder until I felt his inner muscles gripping the digit to keep me from pulling it out. I massaged his prostate repeatedly and within seconds, Brooks was pulling off my cock and yelling, "Xavier, please, I need to come!"

I realized he'd still been waiting for me to give him permission to do so. I used my free hand to tip his chin up so I could see his face. My juices were dripping down his chin and made his lips glisten. His pupils were blown and his skin was alive with color. I'd never seen him look more beautiful.

"Come for me, sweetheart," I whispered. I rubbed his gland one more time and Brooks began to cry out. His gorgeous eyes closed as his body began to jerk uncontrollably. I dragged him up and held him as he thrashed against me. I could feel his semen spurting over my own cock and that caused a violent aftershock to rip through me. I held him for what seemed like hours before our bodies began to calm.

"Sorry," Brooks murmured drowsily against me.

"For what?" I asked.

"I couldn't wait any longer. I really wanted to see the stars while you were fucking me." I felt him smile against my neck. I tilted his head so I could kiss his mouth.

"Baby," I said softly between kisses. "You're going to see a lot more than stars."

Chapter 17


He kept his promise to me.

By the time the sun began to rise, he'd fucked me under the stars, on the banks of the small pond we were parked by, and even against the hood of his truck. In between bouts of lovemaking, we’d snuggled under the blankets and sleeping bag he had in his truck and we’d talked about unimportant things like what our favorite movies were, what kinds of foods we liked… stuff like that. We stuck to safe topics, which meant most of what we talked about related to when we’d been kids since so much of Xavier's life had been spent in prison. I wanted to know about that part of his life too, but it was still an uneasy topic. There was no getting past why he'd been in prison. So I was reluctant to bring it up and ruin things.


