Angelo – The Marchesi Family Read online Silvia Violet

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 78
Estimated words: 75286 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 376(@200wpm)___ 301(@250wpm)___ 251(@300wpm)

“Do you think this man is behind the attacks on our people?”

“I’d say there’s a damn good chance.”

Even if I wanted to stay there with Cameron, this couldn’t wait. “Where should I meet you?”

“Elena’s house.”

We’d thought she’d be safe there, but obviously, we’d been wrong. “She’s not there alone is she?”

“She had a bodyguard, but the man got past him. The only other person there is her nanny.”

“I’m on my way. Call her back and stay on the phone with her.”

“I’m on it.”

I hung up and rushed into Cameron’s bedroom to get the rest of my clothes. I winced as I yanked on my sweater. How had I already forgotten about my injured hand?

“I’ve got to go,” I called out as I lifted my bag over my shoulder. I didn’t wait for a reply.

I took the steps two or three at a time. Even if it was an emergency, I knew I was an asshole for leaving without an explanation, but I couldn’t deny that the escape was welcome. The complex feelings Cameron had stirred in me were a burden I didn’t need.

Devil and I parked a few blocks away from Elena’s house. As we moved closer, we found two men watching the place. We knocked them out, restrained them, and called someone to pick them up.

When we reached the house, Elena was with her children in the playroom. Her relief when she saw us was obvious.

“Let’s get out of here,” I said. “We’ll wait until we’re at our house to ask questions,” I told her. The children had experienced enough upheaval in the past months. They didn’t need more reasons to be scared.

One of our guards who’d shown up before us had taken her nanny home. We left Devil’s motorcycle and all rode in my car.

As I drove, Devil tried to reassure Elena. “Lola is preparing the room you used before. She’ll have some milk and snacks for the kids, and after she feeds them, she’ll put them to bed.”

“Thank you,” Elena said. I hated the defeated tone of her voice.

“We’re going to make all of this go away. I promise. I’m glad you called us.”

“I didn’t know who else to call.”

“Once we take someone under our protection,” Devil said, “we’re always here.”

“Thank you. You’re good men. Nothing like Damian. Nothing like anyone I’ve met who is part of all this.”

Once we were back at our family home, Lola took the kids, and Elena, Devil, and I met with Lucien in his office.

“Start at the beginning,” Lucien said, his voice soft and soothing. “Tell us everything from the first moment you knew something was wrong.”

Elena took a deep breath, then began. “I felt uneasy all evening. I kept getting the feeling that someone was watching me. At first, I told myself I was being ridiculous. I’d watched a scary movie the night before, and I thought maybe I was just jumpy from that. Then, after Lily, my nanny, took the kids to give them their bath, the doorbell rang.”

She paused and took a sip of water from the glass Lucien offered her. “I didn’t go to the door. I called my bodyguard, but he didn’t answer. That’s when I realized something was really wrong. As I headed toward the back of the house, I heard the back door rattle. I grabbed my phone, but before I could call anyone, a man broke in. He had a gun. He told me to drop my phone, and I did.”

“You did the right thing,” Lucien said.

Devil’s jaw was clenched, and I laid a hand on his shoulder. “We’re going to fix this.” I turned toward Elena. “What happened after that?”

“The man claimed to be Damian’s firstborn son. He said his name was Sergio, but he wouldn’t tell me who his mother was. He said I didn’t deserve to know her. He said now that his father and brother were gone, it was time for him to ‘seize his birthright.’”

“So he’s decided to continue the war against my family?” Lucien asked.

“I suppose so,” Elena said. “He told me I was one more mistake his father had made that he needed to clean up, and I could either marry him or suffer the consequences of defying him.” He showed me pictures he’d taken of the children when they were out with Lily.” Tears welled up in her eyes. “He said he’d give me a day to make my decision, then he just left, but his eyes…. They were wild. I don’t know if he was on something or if he’s just crazy.”

Devil slammed his hand down on the arm of his chair. “Either way, he’s going to die. By my fucking hand.”

Lucien gave him a warning look as he came around his desk and knelt by Elena. “I made a miscalculation by releasing you from our protection as soon as I did. Please forgive me. You and the children will stay at our Weston house until we are absolutely sure every loose end has been tied up.”


