Angelo – The Marchesi Family Read online Silvia Violet

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 78
Estimated words: 75286 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 376(@200wpm)___ 301(@250wpm)___ 251(@300wpm)

Was I? “I don’t know, but I don’t want you to stop.”

“Turn around. Brace yourself on the bed. I’m not done making your knees weak.”

I did what he said, thankful to be able to hold on to something. Then he gripped my cheeks, pulled them apart, and I felt his warm breath against my hole. No way. No fucking way was he going to…

He flicked his tongue back and forth over me. I whined, and the sound should have been humiliating, but I would do anything to make him keep going. He flattened his tongue against me, licking me from balls to spine.

“Angelo. Fuck, please.”

He murmured something, but the words were lost as he buried his face against my ass.

I cried out as he pushed his tongue into me. It felt so fucking good, hot and slick. I clawed at the sheets, dropping down to my elbows. Even with the support, I wasn’t sure I could stay on my feet. Angelo’s hands dug harder into my ass cheeks. It hurt, but I didn’t care because he was tongue-fucking me, making it feel like he was going deeper than he should be able to. How was his tongue so fucking flexible?

He placed a hand against the base of my spine, pushing me until I was flat against the bed. He added a finger along with his tongue, then another. By the time he was done, I was so ready to be fucked. “Please, Angel. Please fuck me.”

I felt the vibrations of his laugh and his warm breath against my skin. “You called me Angel.”

“I… I did.”

“I love it.” He slapped my ass. “Up on the bed. On your knees.”

I did what he said. I would have done anything if it meant he would fuck me.

He didn’t join me immediately. I looked back and saw he was getting lube and a condom from his jeans. I hadn’t even thought about that. I would’ve taken him bare in my spit-slicked ass. I didn’t even care how risky that was. What was he doing to me?

The mattress dipped as he climbed onto the bed and positioned himself between my legs.

He teased my hole, pushing a slick finger inside. “Tell me what you want.”

I pushed back against him. “Goddammit, don’t make me wait.”

“What if making you wait is exactly what I want?”

“This is about what I want too, and I want you inside me.”

“Just remember, this is a one-time deal. After today, it’s back to what I want, and it’s your job to serve me.”

“You like when I don’t make it easy, when I struggle and say no to your demands.”

His hand cracked across my ass, and I jumped. Before I could process the sharp pain, he gripped my hips and drove into me, filling me fully in one rough stroke.

I cried out, but he didn’t seem to care. He kept going, fucking me mercilessly, driving me across the mattress. I braced myself on the headboard and shoved back against him.

I was really fucking close when he pulled out.

“No! Don’t stop.”

Angelo growled. “Turn over. I want to see you.”

I scrambled to obey. When I was in position, I pulled my knees onto my chest and looked up at him, expecting him to drive back into me. Instead, he pushed in so fucking slowly I thought I would lose my mind. I reached for him, trying to pull him to me, but it was impossible to move him when he didn’t want me to. He gave me several agonizingly slow strokes, then he wrapped his hand around my dick, pumping me just as slowly.

“Tell me how this makes you feel.”

“Angelo, please. I need… I need more.”

“Not until I hear you say it. I want to know you’re doing this because you want to. You’re giving yourself to me right now, letting me take you hard and rough because you need it. You know I’m the only one who can really satisfy you.”

I shut my eyes. The intensity of his gaze made me feel exposed. I should have insisted I stay on my knees. It was easier to ignore my feelings like that, to focus only on his cock driving in and out of me. It was just sex then, just pleasure, nothing more complicated.

He brushed his thumb over the tip of my cock, making me shudder. “Look at me, Cameron.”

I obeyed because I wanted to. I wanted him to be in control. I wanted to give in and surrender to him. I couldn’t pretend to hate it anymore.

“I want this. I fucking chose this.” Tears stung my eyes. “This is what you meant, isn’t it? This is what you meant when you said you would break me.” All the emotions I’d ignored threatened to spill over. I’d pushed myself as far as I could go.

“Yes, but you’re all I want now, and I’m going to take care of you. I’m going to make sure you have everything you need. I won’t let anyone or anything hurt you, and I’ll give you everything you crave.”


