Ashes Read online Suzanne Wright (The Dark in You #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Funny, Paranormal, Romance, Vampires Tags Authors: Series: Dark in You Series by Suzanne Wright

Total pages in book: 118
Estimated words: 111986 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 560(@200wpm)___ 448(@250wpm)___ 373(@300wpm)

“I don’t know, sir.”

“Talia apologized. She begged for forgiveness. But you killed her anyway. Why?”

McCauley blinked, still exhibiting no emotion. “I don’t know who you mean, sir.”

“You’re quite the little liar, aren’t you, McCauley? And you’re not as good at it as you think you are.”

His eyes narrowed ever so slightly.

Linda shouldered her way into the room and crossed to McCauley. Standing behind him, she placed her hands on his shoulders. “You heard him, he didn’t do anything.”

Leaning into her, McCauley rubbed at his eyes. “I’m tired.”

It was an act, and Linda fell for it hook, line, and sinker – smiling down at him like he was her own, personal angel.

“We’ll be back,” Knox told her.

Linda’s head snapped up. She didn’t glare at him, but he knew that she wanted to. Instead, she stiffly inclined her head, as if not trusting herself to speak. She remained with McCauley while the others all made their way downstairs.

In the hallway, Knox spoke to Wyatt. “I think it would be best for all concerned if I remove him from your home.”

Wyatt’s shoulders sagged a little. “It would devastate Linda.”

“I’m pretty certain he killed Talia.”

“I wish I could disagree. I look in his eyes, and I see nothing. He’s never happy, he’s never sad, he’s never angry, he’s never anything. It’s not natural. But Linda wants him here.”

“He manipulated her up there,” Harper pointed out.

Wyatt nodded. “It’s not the first time he’s done it. You have to understand… Linda had several miscarriages. Only one pregnancy went full-term.” His Adam’s apple bobbed. “Our son was stillborn. We called him Sam.”

The agony in his voice made Harper swallow hard. She couldn’t even imagine how painful that must have been for the couple.

“It’s something that’s been eating at Linda for a long time,” Wyatt continued. “It’s like she feels that she’s failed as a woman and a mate – it’s ludicrous, of course, but that just seems to be how she feels. She sees McCauley as a chance for us to be a ‘real’ family. She doesn’t care that he doesn’t behave like normal kids. As far as she’s concerned, we shouldn’t expect any element of normality from a traumatized child. And she’s probably right about that. It could be that I’m being as insensitive and paranoid as she’s accusing me of being.”

“You’re not,” Harper stated. “As sad as it is, your mate seems intent on being willfully blind to the fact that McCauley isn’t just a little out of the ordinary. There’s something truly wrong with him.”

“I know, but it will devastate Linda if you take him. We can’t know for sure that he did kill Talia. Innocent until proven guilty, right?”

“I’m not comfortable leaving him here,” said Knox.

“Where else does he have to go? Look, you need someone to keep an eye on him. I can do that. Maybe I can even help him. Maybe with time he’ll come to trust us and he’ll change.”

Knox strongly doubted it, but Wyatt was right – he did need someone to watch over McCauley. Wyatt was as good a person as any for that role. “All right, but don’t drop your guard with him. You’re a strong demon. He might be a child, but he could also be a very dangerous child. Don’t hesitate to act in your defense.”

“I won’t.”

Though Knox still wasn’t comfortable leaving the Sanders to take on McCauley, he left the house with Harper and the sentinels. Nobody spoke until they were inside the car.

Levi turned on the ignition. “Damn, you weren’t kidding when you said that kid is creepy. I’m ninety-nine percent sure he killed Talia.”

“And he’s not sorry for it,” said Tanner.

Levi pulled away from the curb. “He behaves like our inner demons do – it’s as if he’s taking behavioral cues from it, imitating and obeying it.”

“Like the demon is the parent,” Harper mused.

Knox looked at her, eyes narrowed. “Exactly.”

“His human mother was neglectful, right?” said Tanner. “It could be that his demon sort of… stepped in.”

Levi whistled. “That would be bad. Our demons don’t particularly give a shit when it comes to right and wrong. They’re vengeful, they don’t feel guilt. If that’s the kind of ‘parent’ that’s shaped him, he needs to be watched very closely. Maybe Linda and Wyatt really can help him – they’ll be role models. They’ll give him the attention and care that, until now, only his demon ever gave him. Do you think McCauley will hurt them?”

“If our theory is right, no,” replied Knox. “His demon will be smart enough to know that it needs the Sanders to tend to McCauley’s basic needs. It will be happy to use them until it feels that McCauley can take care of himself. It will have urged him to stay with his human mother for the very same reason. She could feed and clothe McCauley – things the demon can’t do for him.”


