Be Mine Forever – The Bennetts Read Online Kennedy Ryan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 100
Estimated words: 94630 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 473(@200wpm)___ 379(@250wpm)___ 315(@300wpm)

“Could you have found jeans any tighter?” She gave up on tying the laces and plopped her foot in Cam’s lap.

He laughed and finished the laces for her, tugging on her leg until she was flush against him.

“I packed your bag for the weekend in a hurry.” He ran his fingers over one thigh, his touch burning through the denim and searing her skin. “Just grabbed the first pair of jeans I saw.”

“You’re getting a little too comfortable rifling through my underwear drawer.”

“A family could go camping in your closet.”

“Glamping maybe.”

Jo stood, aware that the fitted cotton shirt he’d chosen barely reached her waistband, not covering any of her considerable assets in the tight jeans. Cam’s eyes weren’t the only ones glued to her ass, but his were the only ones she cared about.

“I’m not sure I’ll be able to skate in these jeans.”

Jo watched Cam’s lips twitch, fighting back a grin.

“Are they tight?” Cam wrapped one hand around her thigh, squeezing and steadying her on her wobbly skates. “I hadn’t noticed.”

“I think tight jeans will be the least of my problems. Falling and busting my ass is more of a concern.”

“Lucky for you the Barfield projects junior roller-skating champ is teaching you everything you need to know.”

“Is that a real thing?”

“Okay, so there wasn’t a trophy or an actual contest, but if there had been, I would have been the junior champion.”

Jo laughed when her ankle turned over and she almost fell. “I’m not sure I can trust you.”

Cam steadied her, hands at her hips, his eyes ditching the laughter and tracing her face, feature by feature.

“You can. Trust me, I mean.”

The teasing, the laughter had evaporated, and even with dozens of people skating, strobe lights flashing, and Madonna’s “Holiday” blaring through the sound system, intimacy curled around just the two of them, insulating them from everyone but the other.

Cam stood, one hand at the small of her back and one under her elbow. He cleared his throat, dispersing the intimate mist gathering between them.

“Come on,” he said. “The floor will only get more crowded, and I need some space to teach you all my moves.”

Jo nodded and followed his lead, taking a careful, shaky step onto the slick floor and out of the private space they’d made for themselves in the middle of the crowd.

“Let’s just start with walking.”

“I know how to walk, Cam. I need to learn how to skate.”

“Will you just listen? Let somebody else be in charge for once?”

“Are you saying I have control issues?”

“Are you saying you don’t?”

Of course she did. Jo drew a huffy breath and took the small steps forward like Cam instructed. After the first walking steps, learning the “T” position and the basics of forward and backward, Jo felt confident she was ready. Maybe not for the trophy, but at least for once around the rink.

“I’m ready.”

“Jo, let’s walk a little more.”

“I do have actual trophies for skiing, so I think I can manage once around a roller-skating rink.”

“Okay, just hold my hand.”

“I can do this on my own.”

Cam’s brows crept up and a small smile pulled at the corners of his lips. He threw his hands up, literally and figuratively, scooting back and gesturing for Jo to skate ahead. Jo moved forward, pushing one foot in front of the other. One minute she stood, semi-confident and fully vertical. Before she could draw her next breath, she landed horizontal in an undignified spill, all the breath knocked out of her lungs. For a second, she considered ignoring the hand Cam extended to help her up, but she wasn’t sure she’d be able to stand on her own.

As soon as she was on her feet, Cam pulled her tight against his body and tucked his face into her neck. She might end up with a few bruises from the fall, but she was fine. Jo was about to reassure him when she realized Cam’s body was vibrating against hers.

“Are you…are you laughing at me, Cameron Mitchell?”

Cam pulled back completely and bent over, hands on knees, broad shoulders shaking. He covered his mouth but couldn’t catch the laugh fast enough.

“You should have seen—”

Gasping. Pointing.

“And you just—” Cam threw his arms out and reenacted her flailing from moments ago.

“And then you…bahahaha.”

Jo took advantage of the guard he’d left down and quickly kicked her skate behind his, sending him sprawling to the floor. She straddled him before he could recover, settling her butt onto the wheels and her knees alongside his hips, ignoring the strange looks from skaters whizzing around them.

“Now who’s laughing?” Jo poked his shoulder, shaking with the laughter he couldn’t seem to stop.

“Still me, baby.” He reached up and pushed a chunk of unruly hair over her shoulder, the laughter dying down to a grin. “I told you to let me teach you.”


