Be Mine Forever – The Bennetts Read Online Kennedy Ryan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 100
Estimated words: 94630 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 473(@200wpm)___ 379(@250wpm)___ 315(@300wpm)

“Aw, honey.”

Daddy crossed over and pulled her close, her folded arms between them. She went limp like she had as a little girl. Maybe she was being a spoiled brat, but it did feel a little bit like she’d waited all year and gotten what she wanted for Christmas, only to have it taken. Cam was the only man she had ever loved. Ever really wanted. She had sampled others and found them wanting.

“I’ve just waited so long for him, Daddy.” Jo sniffed and stifled the all-out sob that tried to burst from her chest. “What if he doesn’t come back?”

Her father put enough space between them to peer down at her, a small smile on his face.

“He didn’t leave until I landed, so I saw him before he left, Jo. I’ve only ever seen Cam in a state like that once before, and that was when Amalie died. He loves you. He’ll be back.”

“But what if—”

Her phone ringing from the bedroom cut into the arguments she had readied.

“Be right back.” She rushed to the bedroom in case it was Cam.

God, please let it be Cam.

She glanced at the screen. Peter. She cleared as much of the tear-hoarseness from her throat as she could.

“Hey, Peter.”

“Morning, Jo. You on your way?”

“Um…” Jo glanced down at her silk robe and bare feet. “Sure.”

“Good. I’ll see you in about an hour.”

“Ahhhh, Peter, I need a little info here. Where, who, why, when kinda thing would help.”

Peter’s deep, indulgent laugh washed over her frayed nerves across the phone lines.

“Breakfast at The Club. Remember you wanted to meet the parents who might be able to step in for one of the couples who pulled out?”

“Darn it.” Jo tossed her robe onto the bed and stood there naked for a second or two. “I’ll be there. Thanks for checking.”

“It’s nothing.” Peter’s pause sat there like he wanted to say more, and then he did. “You know there’s not much I wouldn’t do for you, Jo.”

Jo squeezed her eyes shut and gritted her teeth against another sob. This amazing guy who was on-paper-perfect was in love with her, and she couldn’t even care. Couldn’t respond. Even being naked while she was on the phone with him felt wrong.

“Peter, I can’t do this. You know I’m with…”

Was she? With Cam? He’d run off and told her not to doubt his love, but he had set another embargo on his emotions. He’d gone dark and asked her to wait.

“I know you’re with Cam.” Peter said the words she had left unsaid. “I just know we’d be good together, Jo, and I kind of haven’t given up. Thought you should know.”

And then he hung up.

Jo walked into the closet she’d shared with Cam for the last couple of months. She wanted to wrap herself up in one of his shirts from the hamper. Something that still hoarded his scent, that had lain against his skin. He hadn’t taken much. She ran her fingers over the leather sports coat he’d worn to Christmas dinner at Walsh’s house last year. She had stopped counting the number of times she’d caught him staring at her ass that night.

“I like mangoes in my salsa. I’m infatuated with your ass.”

MINE painted across her butt.

His heart in her hands.

Even gone, even with the hurt like a pyre of burning wood that started at her feet and licked to the top of her head, the memory of him could make her smile. It had been real, right? He’d been hers and she’d been his for a little while.

“Please bring him back to me,” she whispered into the lonely closet.

Tears rushed her throat, but she did what she’d always done. Gulped them back ruthlessly. She had things to do. She had kids to help. She had a life to live and Cam had his. He better hope she was here when he decided he wanted to let her in on it.

Chapter Thirty-One

Well, that’s that.” Jo sank into her office chair and stretched her legs out. “I think all is in order and we’re ready for our trip.”

“Haiti or bust.” Peter grinned across the desk, his eyes drifting to her legs before returning to her face. “I’m glad you insisted on this trip. I’m looking forward to meeting all the kids this will help.”

“Me too.” Jo gave her skirt a subtle tug downward, not wanting Peter to get any ideas. Well, more ideas. “And I hope we’ll get final word from Tiki’s potential parents.”

“They’ll come through. Don’t worry.” Peter shifted in his seat across from her. “So, any word from Cam?”

Jo swallowed a scream. Mrs. Quentin asked this morning when she served Jo’s egg-white omelet. Daddy called from Boston to check on her. Meredith had offered to cancel a date if Jo needed to “talk.” Shaundra kept poking her head in and asking if Jo “needed anything.”


