Beast Mode Todd Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 50
Estimated words: 45548 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 228(@200wpm)___ 182(@250wpm)___ 152(@300wpm)

I checked in and looked out onto the beach where Cal had told me the asshole likes to spend his days. It was easy to break into his room, just slip in while the maid was there with the pretense of looking for the ice machine and while she was distracted put something in the lock so that it would close but not engage.

I waited until she left to sneak back in and wait. I knew his routine, so knew that he should be coming back anytime now to get away from the afternoon sun. I’d timed everything perfectly because I didn’t want any wasted time. A quick in and out. Get what I came for, then drag his ass back before he pulled a runner.

I was sitting in the shadows with the curtains drawn when he walked in. Of course he didn’t notice the difference in the room, which I was banking on for the element of surprise. As soon as he closed and locked the door I flipped on the little table lamp and he damn near jumped out of his skin.

“Hello Doug.” A million emotions walked across his face in that first split second. His mind would be tabulating the incongruity of my being here, where I was not supposed to be. He’d be questioning, why, how and how much I know. All within a matter of seconds.

I saw the lies in his eyes even as he swallowed what saliva had pooled in his mouth. My getting to my feet and approaching didn’t help, neither did the string of very thin wire I had between my hands. “Why so scared? Come in, sit down.” He took one last half ditch look back at the door but must’ve realized I’d be on him before he turned the lock.

He barely made it to the edge of the bed where he dropped down on its side, his eyes watching me like a frightened animal, knowing the end was near. “What…what’re you doing here? When did you get out?” His swallow this time was much bigger than the last.

“Cut the shit. You have something you wanna tell me?” He looked around the room for answers and any minute now I expected to see piss stains on the front of his shorts. The fool had a strawberry moustache from the froufrou drink he’d had on the beach no doubt. What a fucking caitiff.

“I don’t know what you mean. Are you talking about the business? Everything’s good there.” I knew that if I wanted this shit to work I couldn’t be seen as leading. I used my expression to show him how displeased I was instead of saying the words that were burning a hole in my tongue. Expressions aren’t recorded unless I was using video, which I’m not.

“Douglas, have you ever known me to be anyone’s fool. What made you think you could get away with it. I saw the girl.” His face went white and the sweat pouring off of him now had nothing to do with the midday scorcher. The AC was on full blast in fact, just in case he decided to scream.

“What did she tell you? Whatever it is it’s a lie.”

“Why don’t you tell me your version then?” I moved in a little closer and he actually whimpered. How did I not know this about this guy? The longer I stood there the harder it was for me not to end him.

“It was a joke, it was just supposed to be a joke.”

“What was supposed to be a joke?” I kept eye contact so he could see his death written in my face. That ought to keep his ass on the straight and narrow.

“Look, I approached her okay, I saw that she liked you, was always hanging around. So I told her to you know…”

“No, I don’t know.”

My tone didn’t tell him one way or an other if I was buying his bullshit and my short answers were giving him nothing. Let him do all the talking. It’s basic interrogation one oh one. Given enough time he’d hang himself, which is what I was banking on.

“I told her to pretend that you two were an item, that you’d slept with her.”

“And why did you do that?”

“I don’t know, I wasn’t thinking I guess. I just thought it would be funny.” That shit made no sense but I guess he was too dumb to come up with a plausible lie in the days since he’d been here in hiding. Unless he never meant to return.

“I fail to see how you telling an underage girl to start a rumor that we’d had sex could be seen as funny.” He became increasingly fidgety at this point. I guess that little added edge to my voice startled him.

“I don’t know man, I guess I was high at the time or something.”


