Beautiful Read Online Kelly Elliott

Categories Genre: Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 117
Estimated words: 113934 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 570(@200wpm)___ 456(@250wpm)___ 380(@300wpm)


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Fifteen Minutes Earlier

WALKING INTO THE library, I saw Zeb Miller talking to Skylar. I had to take in a deep breath to calm myself down. I knew he liked Skylar and was trying to get closer to her. The problem was, she was totally clueless of the asshole’s intentions.

I trusted Skylar though and knew I didn’t have anything to worry about. As I drew closer, Zeb glanced up and saw me walking toward them. I was going to make it clear to this jerk that Skylar was mine.

Leaning down, I brushed my lips against Skylar’s neck and whispered, “Hey, angel.” My focus turned to Zeb as I sat. “What’s up, Zeb?” I asked with a fake smile.

“Not much. Was seeing if Skylar had started a paper we have due next week.”

I couldn’t help but notice how Skylar’s attention quickly moved from Zeb to me. I swore, her eyes grew darker as she stared at me. My pants felt a few sizes too small.

Focusing back on Zeb, I gave him a look that clearly said to beat it.

“I’ll let y’all get to studying. Later, Skylar.”

It was then Skylar finally broke out of her trance and looked at Zeb. “Bye, Zeb. See ya in class.”

Yep, she was totally clueless that the guy had the hots for her. I was going to have to find a way to warn her about this dick.

I watched as Zeb made his way toward the exit door before turning back to Skylar. The way she was looking at me made me wish we could skip all this school shit and head to her place.

“You look like you want to devour me, Sky.”

She nodded and smiled that beautiful smile of hers. “I do. Want to skip this?”


My smile faded. As much as I wanted to say yes, I knew I couldn’t. “I can’t. I really need to prepare for this test, and this is the only chance I have to study. Plus, I have this bullshit stuff I have to do for a physics project.”

Skylar leaned back and pouted. Damn, she was hot as hell when she did that.

“Fine. If we must act like adults, then so be it.”

Giving her a wink, I replied, “Maybe we’ll finish up early and meet back at your apartment.”

Her smile faltered, and it looked like the wheels were turning in her head. Obviously, something was on her mind. It was then I remembered I needed to find a book for that damn project.

“Damn it. Let me go look up and see if they have this book.”

Skylar nodded as I stood and headed over to the computer. I hated that I had this stupid group project. I was in over my head with football and the class load I was taking. Plus, I wanted to spend time with Skylar. I was going to have to come up with a good plan to make all of this work.

“Hey, Wyatt! Do you have plans for today?”

I barely glanced up and saw one of the cheerleaders standing there. She had told me her name before, but I forgot it.

“I’m here with my girlfriend.”

“Oh, what a bummer.”

I simply nodded, hoping she would go away.

“So, are you going to the party tonight?”

“Nope. With my girlfriend, like I said before.”

“Right. Okay…well, talk to ya later.”

With a peek over to Skylar, I saw she had her head down, reading something. I focused back on finding the book. After asking the librarian where to find it, I headed back to the table.

When I walked back up, Skylar was gone along with all of her books. I glimpsed around.

Where in the hell did she go?

Looking back down at the table, I saw my phone was in front of where she had been sitting. Picking it up, I swiped across the screen to open it.

Ashley L.: Thanks again for Wednesday evening. It was for sure worth it, and I hope you think so, too. Will you be able to pull it off again next week?

When I read the text from Ashley, it felt as if someone had hit me with a hundred-pound weight. My heart jumped to my throat.

How in the hell could I have been so stupid? How in the hell did I forget to tell Skylar about the study group?

Closing my eyes, I yelled out, “Fuck!”

Half of the library looked my way. Grabbing my stuff, I pulled up Skylar’s number.

It rang and then went to voice mail.

I rushed out the door to see if I could find her.

Her car rapidly pulled out of a spot, and she raced out of the parking lot. I stood there, watching her drive off, as I attempted to call her again. She must have turned off her phone, as it went straight to voice mail.

Pushing my hand through my hair, I cursed under my breath, “Son of a bitch.”


