Beneath This Man Read online Jodi Ellen Malpas (This Man #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: This Man Series by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Total pages in book: 214
Estimated words: 202638 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1013(@200wpm)___ 811(@250wpm)___ 675(@300wpm)

I sit and wait pensively for Jesse to ponder whatever it is he is pondering.

‘I’m not an alcoholic.’ He eventually grates.

‘I know.’ I give him my most re-assuring voice, but I fear I just sound patronising. He really doesn’t like being called an alcoholic, and now I’m wondering if he’s right or if he’s in denial. He looks so angry, I wish I had kept my mouth shut.

‘Jesse, how does he know?’

He stands up straight. ‘I don’t know, Ava. We need to have a chat with Cathy.’

Is that it? Is he not going to try and find out? ‘Why do we need a chat with Cathy?’ I ask shortly.

‘She’s been away. She needs to know stuff.’ He puts his hand out to me and I let him pull me up.

‘Like what?’

‘I don’t know,’ he answers on a huff. ‘That’s why we need to talk to her.’ He tries to tug me towards the kitchen.

I pull my hand away. ‘No. You, Jesse. This is your place, she is your housekeeper.’ I shake my head. That little comment has just earned me an almighty growl and a glare.

‘Ours!’ He reaches around me, grabs my bum and yanks me to his body. ‘You really know how to rub me up the wrong way. Which reminds me,’ He rolls his groin into me. ‘That was cruel and unreasonable.’ He arches his brow. ‘I waited upstairs and you didn’t show.’

A small chuckle escapes my mouth. ‘What did you do?’

‘What do you think I did?’

I burst into fits of laughter at the thought of my poor man resorting to a quick wank because I’m a child and a tease. I’m soon shut up, though, when I feel him grind into me again. I catch his eyes. They are dancing in delight. I know his game and with Cathy in the kitchen, I also know he has no intention of seeing me through to the end. I wriggle out of his arms and straighten myself out.

‘I’m sorry.’ I say on a grin. I’m not.

He narrows his dazzling greens on me. All of the anger has gone, thank God. ‘You will be.’ He makes a grab for me and positions me back in front of him. ‘Don’t do it again.’ He kisses me hard, grinds his hips, and then removes himself from me, leaving me dazed and disorientated.

I scowl at him. ‘Go and talk to your housekeeper.’ I make a rubbish job of pretending he doesn’t have an effect on me.

‘Ours! For fuck sake woman!’ He clenches his jaw in frustration at me. ‘You’re impossible!’

Me? ‘You go and talk to the housekeeper. I need to make peace with Clive.’ I leave him with a face like thunder. ‘Bye, Cathy.’ I call as I leave the penthouse.

I exit the elevator timidly. I’ve won Cathy back over, now it’s time to work on Clive. I have the urgent need to cleanse my soul. I laugh inwardly. A few apologies to the staff of Lusso isn’t going to cut it, and now Clive knows about the elevator door, I expect he’s even more cross with me.

I spot him collecting the post from the mailboxes. ‘Morning, Clive.’ I say cheerfully.

He looks up as he locks the mailbox. There is no escaping his grievance with me. ‘Ava.’ he replies with no friendliness. It’s beyond formal. I’ve really upset him.

‘Clive, I’m so sorry.’

‘You caused me untold inconvenience.’ He shakes his head as he makes his way back to his desk. ‘And I have no idea what happened to the elevator door. You’re like a whirlwind, Ava.’

Me? I roll my eyes. I’m not defending myself. ‘I know. Tell me how I can make it up to you.’ I rest my elbows on the high desk and plaster on my most angelic face.

‘Don’t look at me like that, young lady.’ he admonishes me.

I flutter my eye lashes, and he tries his best not to smile, but the corners of his mouth are twitching. I’ve nearly got him. ‘What’s your favourite tipple?’ I ask. Old boys’ are a sucker for a good whiskey. He glances up from the post he is sorting out.


‘I don’t mind a Glenmorangie Port wood finish.’ His eyes light up.

‘Done,’ I say, and he smiles. ‘I really am very sorry. I don’t know what got into me.’ I do know what got into me; Jesse Ward got into me.

‘Consider it forgotten. Here’s your post.’ He hands me a couple of envelopes.

‘Thanks, Clive.’

I turn and walk out into the sunshine, putting my sunglasses on and shoving the envelopes in my bag. It’s a lovely day, and I’m looking forward to spending all of it with Mr Challenging.

‘You’ll have to talk to her,’ Jesse strides out of the foyer of Lusso. ‘She’s asking about favourite foods, toiletries and all sorts.’ He’s clearly exasperated.

Watching him approach, I take him in, all six foot three inches of lean loveliness. I smile to myself. I will never tire of admiring him. His stonewashed jeans hang low on his hips and the white t-shirt is gripping his biceps slightly. He has his Wayfarers on and he’s not shaved. I could eat him.


