Beneath This Man Read online Jodi Ellen Malpas (This Man #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: This Man Series by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Total pages in book: 214
Estimated words: 202638 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1013(@200wpm)___ 811(@250wpm)___ 675(@300wpm)

‘Natasha, you are an intolerable flirt as ever.’ Jesse retorts wryly, draping his arm over my shoulder and landing me with a chaste kiss, obviously sensing my irritation. She smiles slyly and narrows slutty, easy eyes on me.

Has he slept with her too? I feel my new found possessiveness simmering steadily inside me. I can’t imagine that I’m going to be spending much time here if this is the response I’m going to be getting whenever I do. Not that I particularly want to be here, but with it being Jesse’s place of work, it would be handy if I could come here and feel comfortable and not feel like I’m stepping on a million attractive women’s toes. And that’s another point; does Jesse only offer membership to women who are of an eight or above on the good looks scale? Retirement is looking more likely as time goes on. I want to spend every second stuck to Jesse so I can slap down these brazen, desperate tarts. I’m mentally trampling again.

As we walk into the bar, we find the stool that I always seem to get positioned on is taken by a man. He soon makes way when he sees us approaching, raising his glass in greeting. I’m lifted onto the stool and Mario is with us without delay, leaving the members of The Manor to be served by one of the other bar staff.

‘What would you like to drink?’ Jesse perches on his stool opposite me and takes my hand in his. ‘Most Marvelous?’ He raises his eyebrows.

I turn to a waiting Mario. ‘Please, Mario.’ I say, and he smiles his usual fond smile, but looks a little more flustered than he did earlier. I’m not surprised; he’s being run off his feet.

‘I’ll have one of those.’ Kate joins us and leans on Jesse’s shoulder with a huff. ‘These shoes are killing me!’ she exclaims with a look of true pain on her pale face. ‘Seriously. A man categorically devised the high heel and he did it in an attempt to make it easier for you dudes to rugby tackle us womenfolk to the ground and haul us back to your beds.’

Jesse throws his head back and laughs a proper belly laugh as Sam and Drew find us.

‘What’s the score?’ Sam asks as he eyes Jesse laughing hard. He looks at me and Kate and we both shrug on wide smirks. Kate slaps Jesse’s shoulder affectionately. I can’t help but share in Jesse’s amusement at Kate’s dry comment. When he laughs like that, faint lines spring from his twinkling greens and fan his temples. He looks so handsome.

‘I’m sorry, drinks?’ he asks, getting his laughter under control and giving me a wink.

I pool on the stool, sending him a telepathic message to take me home. Basking in the sun on Central Jesse Cloud Nine has resumed. I’m in my element.

Drew and Sam throw their orders at Mario, but he’s already halfway to the fridge to collect their beers. I scoop our cocktails up and pass one to Kate, catching her nodding over my shoulder. I frown at her, so she repeats the jig of her head, and I realise what she is signaling – she wants a cigarette. I lean into Jesse, and he drops his conversation with the boys’, instantly turning his face to me.

‘What’s up, baby?’ He looks worried.

‘Nothing, I’m just going to use the ladies’.’ I lower myself from the stool and grab my clutch from the bar. ‘I won’t be long.’

‘Okay.’ He kisses my hand.

I walk away and join Kate. ‘I need a fag.’ she spits urgently.

‘Really? I thought you wanted to drag me upstairs,’ I flip as she leads me out. My casualness with regards to upstairs must be a result of Mario’s Most Marvelous. ‘I’m going to the toilet quickly, I’ll meet you outside.’

‘The front.’ she calls, making her way to the entrance hall, while I head in the other direction towards the toilets.

I find the ladies’ empty and let myself into a cubicle. I’ve not attempted the task of using the toilet in this dress yet. I could be a while. I negotiate the dress up to my waist with relative ease and make sure I hold it all up before I sit. I don’t know why I’m worrying; the toilet floor is spotless. I hear the door open and a few voices chatting happily.

‘Have you seen her? She is young for our Jesse.’

Oh no!

I freeze mid-wee and hold my breath. Our Jesse? What? Did they share him? I sag on the toilet and release my bladder. I’ve started now, I can’t stop.

‘He’s all over her. Fucking hell, did you see the diamond around her neck?’ Voice number two gushes.

‘You can hardly miss it. It’s obvious what she’s after.’ Voice number three pipes up.


