Betrayal Road – Torpedo Ink Read Online Christine Feehan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Dark, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 141
Estimated words: 129980 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 650(@200wpm)___ 520(@250wpm)___ 433(@300wpm)

Code looked up from one of the seven screens set up in the room. “Billows had him picked up. The men who took him from his garage weren’t very gentle either. I had his place wired, complete with cameras, and I could see very plainly he was in fear for his life. He stepped over a line, and Billows must have decided to take him out.”

“Did you follow up on the car’s route through traffic intersection cameras?” Steele asked. “I need to know McGrady’s not going to be breathing down our necks.”

“The car took him to the location I’ve indicated on this map.” Code brought up the map on the largest screen hanging in the room. “We all agreed there had to be a way to bring the women to the training area that we were certain was located beneath the two clubs. Billows would never have been able to get away with trafficking for so long if he brought women in through the club. Someone would notice eventually.”

Maestro could easily see the large red X Code had placed on the map. The road was narrow and unpaved, looking as if it was a part of a park or land reserved for a park.

“You believe there’s another entrance to the underground rooms?” Steele asked Code.

“There would have to be. How could Azelie work for Billows for seven years and never see evidence of women coming and going if her boss moved them through the club?” Code said.

Maestro nodded. “I suspected as much when she told me about hearing the woman scream. Her boss wasn’t in an office, she was certain of it, yet he appeared out of nowhere. How did he get down there without her being aware?”

“When Maestro told us Azelie’s story, he mentioned then that there would have to be another entrance,” Code explained. “Beneath the city, there’s a maze of underground tunnels. It didn’t surprise me to see Billows’ men taking McGrady to a different location to enter his underground rooms. Suffice it to say, McGrady, if he’s still alive, is in a holding room below the Adventure Club.”

“Thanks, Code,” Steele said. “We’re going to run this mission by the numbers. Always be aware of the clock; time’s moving fast on us. Billows normally shows up in the underground office around three-thirty or four A.M. Code, do you have eyes on him?”

Code nodded. “At the moment, he’s at home with a very accommodating blonde. They never spend the night with him. He doesn’t sleep with them. He has very rough sex with them and then sends them home.”

“Let us know when he’s on the move,” Steele said. “We’re on the clock. Let’s move out.”

* * *

* * *

The team was made up of eight members, plus Steele at the lead. Lana, Preacher, Keys, Maestro, Master, Player, Ink and Code trained consistently together. In this case, Savage and Destroyer from team one had joined them because they were the best at interrogation. It was imperative to get names from Billows to continue the quest to find those higher up in the trafficking ring.

They left their transportation a good block away, and, like wolves, the pack circled around the huge building to come at the entrances from several sides. They couldn’t take the chance of guards getting behind them.

Cameras weren’t normally a problem. Code identified each security camera’s location, and he took over the cameras remotely. Code and his information were essential to both teams. He’d never let them down, not once, and Maestro knew the responsibility for the lives of his brothers and sisters weighed on him.

Each had a role to fulfill, and the lives of the others depended on them getting their job done. Lana was a marksman, rarely missing a shot. Maestro had never known her to fail in bringing down a target or protecting them from a distance. She was their eyes on scene, going high and establishing the best place to protect them from any hidden dangers.

Preacher moved around the building to find each security guard. He went to the left and Ink went to the right. If they encountered a guard, they killed him quietly and hid the body carefully so it wouldn’t be easily found. There were four stationary guards and one roving. Neither had much time to take the guards out and hide the bodies. Fortunately, when they ran the plan repeatedly, they knew the position of the guards, even the roving one. They had established ahead of time where to hide each body. That was due to Steele’s meticulous planning. When he ran a mission, no detail was too small, which was why their missions tended to run smoothly.

The most important guard was the one stationed at the entrance to the private hallway marked For Employees Only. If Billows came into the building via the clubs, he would use that route. A guard had to be present at that door, and one had to be sitting at the desk where Bobby Aspen usually was on duty. His replacement during the daylight hours was a man named Alex Right. It didn’t matter which guard sat at the desk, he had to be replaced with a team member. Preacher had that role.


