Beyond the Badge – Nox (Blue Avengers MC #6) Read Online Jeanne St. James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Dark, MC, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Blue Avengers MC Series by Jeanne St. James

Total pages in book: 133
Estimated words: 131888 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 659(@200wpm)___ 528(@250wpm)___ 440(@300wpm)

Yes, she admitted it—at least to herself—she had gone and fallen in love with the stubborn man. She hadn’t told him yet because she worried it might affect him in a negative way. She figured she’d wait until she was sure he could handle it.

And was sure the connection they had would last.

She had loads of time and patience. Their relationship wasn’t on any kind of fast track. She was perfectly okay with it traveling slow and steady. The exact opposite of when she met Jason, Keenan’s sperm donor.

That experience taught her the hard way not to rush into any kind of relationship. And she was even more careful now that she had two boys to consider.

Tonight wouldn’t be about the future. It would only be about satisfying sex and thought-provoking conversation. All week she was on the go, never feeling like she had enough time in the day between her business and the boys, but the time she carved out for Nox was her time to simply “be.” A time to breathe and reflect, as well as bask in his attention.

As normal when she got to the building where his apartment was, the rear gate was closed and padlocked. Now that his special assignment was over, he told her all the nitty gritty details about the task force. Or at least the details he could share.

As she always did when she got to the gate, she pulled up and got out of her car to open it. Nox had given her the lock’s combination so he wouldn’t have to leave the gate wide open while waiting for her arrival.

He told her she could text him and he’d wait at the gate to open it for her, but she was quite capable of letting herself in and didn’t feel the need to inconvenience him.

If they were still doing this routine come winter, she might take him up on his offer, but this evening was beautiful. The sky was clear and the temperature perfect enough for her to wear a pair of white shorts and a silky turquoise sleeveless tank, along with a pair of cute strappy sandals to show off her fresh pedicure.

As she walked to the side of the gate with the padlock, an unfamiliar male voice called out, “Hey!”

She abruptly stopped in her tracks since she’d never encountered anyone in the alley before. Was he calling out to her?

When she glanced over her shoulder, she saw a lanky man emerge from the shadows and head in her direction. With the limited light from the late setting sun, she noticed he had a straggly beard and the hood from his sweatshirt pulled over his head.

It was too damn warm outside for a sweatshirt. That wasn’t suspicious at all.

Her spine began to tingle and tighten.

Should she engage or ignore?


Shit. Her heart began to pound in her chest. Coming across a stranger in an alley in a town with a population of only one was a bit unnerving. “Yes?”

He jerked his chin toward the fence. “What’s in that building?”

“I don’t know,” she lied since the Blue Avengers wanted the fact that The Plant was their clubhouse kept under wraps.

For good reason.

“You’re headin’ in there. Gotta have a reason for that.”

When he stepped closer, she took a step back. “I sell real estate and the owners are thinking about selling. I’m here to meet them,” she lied again.

It was best if he thought other people would be showing up soon.

Something about him was definitely “off.” So, no matter what, she wouldn’t open the gate while he stood there. She couldn’t imagine anyone came to this town unless they were there to create trouble.

Or were lost.

This man did not appear to be lost. Though, he could be homeless.

The best thing to do would be to get back into her car, drive away and call Nox to let him know about this guy skulking around. She could return after the man moved on.

“Nice cage.”

His use of a term only bikers living the MC lifestyle used made the alarm bells ring in her head and goosebumps to break out all over her body. She never heard weekend warriors or wannabes, as her father called them, use “cage” for a car.

Despite not wanting to take her eyes off him, with him standing between her and her Benz, her gaze automatically slid to her car when the thought popped into her head.

Maybe he only wanted her car.

The high-end Mercedes was sitting there running with the keyless fob in the cup holder. As well as her wallet on the passenger seat.

Good going, Liyah. Not smart. You should know better.

“What do you want?” she asked him.

“Wanna know what’s behind the fence.”

“Like I said, I’m only here to obtain a listing from the owner.”

“Thinkin’ you’re bullshittin’ me.”

“I’d show you my business card but it’s in the car.”


