Beyond the Badge – Nox (Blue Avengers MC #6) Read Online Jeanne St. James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Dark, MC, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Blue Avengers MC Series by Jeanne St. James

Total pages in book: 133
Estimated words: 131888 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 659(@200wpm)___ 528(@250wpm)___ 440(@300wpm)

Nox remembered the conversation perfectly. In fact, he’d never forget it.

At the end of every day, he and Jackie would lie in bed together and when she’d press his hand to her extended belly, her expression would turn soft, and she’d smile at him.

“We made her.”

“Yeah,” he turned toward her, rubbing her very firm stomach, “we did.”

“I love her, but I can’t wait until she’s no longer riding my bladder. Until she no longer kicks my ribs. And until you can help take some of the burden off me.”

He pulled up her nightgown to bare her stomach and pressed his mouth to her tight skin. “She’ll be here soon. I can’t wait to hold her.”

“We need to pick a name.”

This was something they constantly disagreed over. Jackie wanted to choose one so they could call her that from the start, while he wanted to wait. “Not until we see her. I want her name to come from the heart.”

“But I have a long list. Will you at least consider some of the names on it?”

“Jackie, we’ll know who she is once she’s in our arms. There’s no rush. I wanted the baby’s sex to be a surprise and you strong-armed me into finding that out early. Let me have this, at least.”

Jackie’s fingers dragged gently through his hair. “Fine. We’ll compromise.”

“Right, a compromise,” he agreed.

Liyah originally didn’t want to help him pick a name for his daughter. But in the end, she gave him some great suggestions, leaving it to him to decide on the final choice. On her list was one name that stood out above the rest.


Latin for “everlasting.” It was perfect because his unborn angel would last forever in his heart.

He had her name engraved on the headstone under Jackie’s. And for some reason, being able to see it and trace the letters with his fingers made him feel more at peace.

With snow falling around him and Liyah, and with the boys waiting in the warm SUV, she gripped his hand tightly as they stood together in front of the grave after decorating the plot with a Christmas wreath.

Earlier, Devyn had joined them when they did the same at Mark’s grave.

Hearing Liyah sniffle next to him made him wonder if she was emotional from visiting the cemeteries or if it was because of the frigid temps.

“You want to go?” he asked her.

“When you’re ready.”

He glanced at the strong, smart woman who single-handedly set his life back on the right path. “I’m ready. And I’m sure your family is wondering where we are.”

Liyah snorted softly and jiggled their clasped hands.

“Okay,” he admitted, “Cait might be wondering where we are. Your father won’t give a shit if I show up. Come on, let’s go before the boys complain.”

“They probably don’t even realize what time it is.”

“I’m sure their stomachs are growling,” he said. They were bottomless pits. If it was edible, it disappeared like magic.

“True. Food is the only thing that makes them pause their video games. I’m sure they’re trying to conquer a few more levels in whatever their latest favorite is since I told them once we arrive at their grandparents’ house, the phones will be put away for the rest of the day. Christmas is a day to spend with family.”

“Thanks for the warning. I’m sure their eyes and fingers will be twitching,” he teased.

“Actually, I expect them to sneak upstairs to play on Caleb’s gaming console.”

“Won’t they want their presents first?” The back of his new Chevy Tahoe was jammed-packed with wrapped gifts.

He didn’t want to know what Liyah spent on all of that.

“Oh yeah. They’ll rip through their gifts, shovel dinner into their pie holes and then rush upstairs and not be seen again for the rest of the evening.”

“Sounds peaceful,” he teased.

“Right?” Liyah laughed. “Until they begin to fight over the controllers.”

“We’ll just turn up the Christmas music to drown them out.”

“That’s the spirit!” she exclaimed as they walked hand-in-hand back to his vehicle.

Despite Magnum “taking care” of both Saint and T-Bone—and Nox didn’t know or want to know the details—things between him and Liyah’s father still remained tense.

Magnum had subtle ways of showing his displeasure about Aaliyah letting Nox move in with her months ago. He was slick enough to make sure only Nox noticed in order to avoid both his wife and daughter giving him hell about it.

But the big man left no doubt he was not happy about the arrangement since he wanted his daughter to be with anyone but a “pig.” He’d even prefer Liyah be with Romeo, known for using women and tossing them away when he was through. A true pig in Nox’s eyes.

However, somehow, they managed to keep things civil. Magnum tolerated Nox, only for the fact he wanted to keep his oldest daughter in his life. As well as his grandsons.


