Beyond the Badge – Nox (Blue Avengers MC #6) Read Online Jeanne St. James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Dark, MC, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Blue Avengers MC Series by Jeanne St. James

Total pages in book: 133
Estimated words: 131888 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 659(@200wpm)___ 528(@250wpm)___ 440(@300wpm)

All eyes turned toward Nox.

“He told us he hasn’t seen him or even heard his name mentioned,” Crew reminded him.

“You don’t find that suspicious?” Nox asked.

“Not if they made him disappear,” the task force leader answered. “Why bring up his name if they want him to remain a distant memory? My assumption is that they don’t want anyone asking about him. Questions could lead to problems.”

The problem was, the asshole hadn’t disappeared. Now was the perfect time to tell them that discovery since Nox no longer had to hide his relationship with Liyah.

The only issue with letting everyone know T-Bone was still on the loose and up to his asshole ways, Decker, Finn and Rez might personally want to go after that prospect—or former prospect—and that could get them in a jam.

They could lose their jobs, get charged with a crime or worse.

“I can confirm he’s still breathing,” Nox revealed quietly, then waited for the fallout.

The whole room went into a deep freeze for a second or two. Then someone hit it with a flame thrower or something because so many of the guys were speaking at once Nox couldn’t make any sense of it.

“Yo!” Crew yelled over the din. “Yo! Settle down!”

It took a few seconds but eventually, the room quieted.

Crew turned to him. “Explain.”

“I spotted him at a motel⁠—”

Nox was cut off by a slew of wheres, whats, whens and what the fucks.

Crew lifted a hand to shut everyone else up. “How long ago was that?”

“Just the other night.”

“So, recently.”

“Yes, recently,” Nox confirmed, then reluctantly admitted, “but it wasn’t the first time I’ve spotted him there.”

Just as everyone was gearing up to pepper him with more questions, Crew lifted his hand again to silence them. “Explain. From the beginning. Don’t leave anything out.”

“I… uh… went to a motel a couple of months back…”

“Did you hire a hooker?” Rez asked.

“No, asshole, I didn’t hire a damn hooker. I just happened to be in the area.”

“You just said you were at the motel.”

Damn. “Yes, I was at the motel⁠—”


“Will you let the man finish, Rez?” Crew shouted. “Holy fuck.”

“Continue,” Rez encouraged with a smirk.

“When I was leaving, I spotted someone who looked like T-Bone. It turns out I was right. To make certain it was him and to see what the fucker was up to, I went back to do some surveillance.”

Crew frowned. “Why are you only telling us this now?”

“Because I wanted to make sure it was him first.” Nox would leave out the detail that he definitely knew it was T-Bone by the second night of spying on the former prospect.

“Isn’t anyone else dying to know why the fuck Nox was at a motel?” Rez complained loudly.

“Are you that fucking dense?” Decker asked. “To keep Aaliyah a secret.”

“So, why is T-Bag staying at a motel?” Finn asked next.

“Because he lost his room at the Uniontown church?” Torres suggested.

Nox continued, “That could be one reason, even though I didn’t see him wearing his colors once. However… someone else showed up who was.”

The room went still again as they waited.


“Are those two having a relationship?” Finn wiggled his eyebrows.

“It’s a relationship, all right, but not a sexual one.” Not in the sense Finn was thinking. “At least not with each other.”

“Explain,” Crew repeated, his expression turning darker.

Nox glanced over at Decker. “Sadie must have been a lucrative side hustle for T-Bag, because I saw several different women being ‘helped’ in and out of the motel room during my watch.”

Decker roared, “That fucking motherfucker,” and slammed his hand so hard on the desk where he sat, his mug jumped and caused coffee to spill over the rim.

“Too bad he survived that night in the…” Finn ate the rest of those words.

Only four of them knew about ambushing T-Bone and taking him out to a field to squeeze him for information on Sadie’s whereabouts.

Nox and Finn’s eyes met.

Even Crew didn’t know all the details and the four of them wanted to keep it that way. It was safer for everyone not involved, in case it ever came to light. The concept was simple: one couldn’t answer questions if they didn’t know the answers.

“Okay, so now what?” Finn asked.

“So, if he’s no longer a part of the club, then he’s no longer a part of the investigation,” Crew announced.

Exactly what Nox figured he’d say.

“But Saint’s still a target,” he finished.

“Targeting Saint is all fine and dandy, but what are we doing to stop T-Bone?” Decker asked. “He can’t continue to get away with exploiting women like that.”

Crew answered, “If we can confirm he’s still a Demon, we’ll include him as part of the sweep. If not, then the best thing to do is tip off the locals about him using a motel in their area to pimp out women.”

“Crew—” Decker started.

Crew shook his head. “Honestly, I’m surprised he’s still breathing. I figured since he disappeared, he truly disappeared.”


