Biker’s Baby Girl Read online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Biker, Erotic, MC, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 97
Estimated words: 87908 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 440(@200wpm)___ 352(@250wpm)___ 293(@300wpm)

I buckled her in, kissed her cheek, which made her blush sweetly at me, and walked around to my side with a brand new boner. There was no use hiding that shit because I was sure it was going to be an all day thing, or at least until I bedded her and got the shit out of my system.

She gave a start of surprise when I took her hand in mine as we drove, but I didn’t make a big deal out of it, just gave her a little squeeze and kept my eyes on the road. I didn’t miss the little smile on her face though.

Fuck, I hope she doesn’t look at my lap, or if she does she doesn’t run screaming. That’s another thing I have to think about, how the fuck am I gonna get inside her? She’s tiny as fuck and even women twice her size, have a hard time taking me. Good thing I’d stocked up on the lube.

After I’d bought her a whole new wardrobe, appropriate for her new life, I took her out to eat. She was now the proud owner of enough jeans and tanks to outfit half the state.

She had about ten new pairs of shoes for every occasion and I still didn’t feel like we were done yet. Like any other female on the planet she’d enjoyed herself even though I’d had to talk her into it in the beginning.

I found myself flirting with her and touching her more than usual throughout the afternoon. She didn’t seem to mind, in fact she kept getting closer as if seeking my touch. She had no idea that I was training her to do just that.

I wanted her to crave my attention in every way, to always seek me out no matter where we were. I was obsessed I realized, totally taken by the idea of her needing me for everything, at every turn.

At the table before the server came, we sat staring into each other’s eyes as I played with her fingers, rubbing my thumb over her palm. I felt like an ass but I’d promised to give her soft for the first until she got used to me. Shit was like to kill me.

She was worth it though, but if she kept biting her lip and blushing that shit was gonna get her fucked in a heartbeat. Not just fucked either, hard and long, the only way I knew how.

The local fucks were all in my shit but nobody asked me any hard questions. No they just stared like what the fuck. I had to give a few of the good ole boys a good glare to get them to act right.

Her tits were the problem. I’d let her choose her own shit because she’d seemed so excited at the prospect that I figured her aunt never let her shop for herself. I see now that I maybe should’ve done that shit myself.

It wasn’t that she was half naked, but the top she had on was hugging her tits a little too well. My dick was enjoying the show so I was pretty sure others were as well, ergo the glares.

I threw my Cut over her shoulders when we were done and headed out into the warm sunshine. I needed to get with Jason and deal with the demise of her aunt, but I didn’t want to do that shit in front of her, and since it was her first day in her new hometown I didn’t want to leave her cooped up inside.

It was a nice day out, no clouds and a nice light breeze to go with the sunshine. I wish I knew what the fuck to do with it. What the hell did people do on days like today? It’s pretty obvious I’ve never been much for dating; it hit me then that it had been a long fucking while since I’d actually been on one of those.

I think subconsciously I’d known that she was going to be the one. And though I’d had a tangle or two over the years, I’d always kept it light, no entanglements. Now I had to wrack my brain for something to do

She seemed happy enough as we walked across the lot with her hand in mine, but the fact that she had already missed out on so much already made me want to give her more.

She had this half smile on her face that made me feel good as fuck, because it meant she was happy, to be here, with me. And when she lifted her head to the sun and ran her hand over the soft leather of my cut before dipping her nose into it for a smell of her man, my dick noticed that shit.

We reached the truck and my fuck it meter hit empty. It was her ass in her new jeans that did that shit. I cornered her against the passenger side door. When she looked up at me with those big blue eyes full of questions and fuck me, lust, I didn’t hold back. I lowered my head slowly, testing her. There was no fear, no hesitation in her eyes, only need.


