Biker’s Baby Girl Read online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Biker, Erotic, MC, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 97
Estimated words: 87908 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 440(@200wpm)___ 352(@250wpm)___ 293(@300wpm)

I went after her tits again until her nipple pebbled on my tongue and her pussy clenched around my fingers. “Cum for me baby, that’s it.” She rode my hand in search of her next cum as I made love to her tits with my mouth. “Creed…?”

Her voice shook and her body trembled. “Does any of this scare you baby?” She shook her head and moved against my hand in the last throes of her orgasm. I took her mouth in a soft gentle kiss as I eased my fingers in and out of her softly. Her breathing went back to normal and her body was pliant as she looked up at me in wonder.

“Are you ready to learn how to please me with your mouth?” She tensed up in my arms, such an innocent. “There's nothing to be afraid of. Did you like when I used my mouth on you?” She hid her face in my chest making me laugh again. I don’t think I’ve ever known anything this fucking pure in my life. “So fucking sweet, don't ever change babygirl.”

“I love eating your pussy, in fact I love everything about your body.” My eyes went to her huge tits as I finger fucked her harder. “Sometimes, I’ll wet my fingers in you and play with your pussy and clit for an hour, just to make you feel good. Most of the time though I'm gonna be inside you, in fact for the first year or so I'm gonna be in you so much you might start to think that's all you mean to me, don't.”

I used my jizz to lubricate my finger before easing it into her ass. “Easy it's just another way for me to share my love with you.” Her ass was tight as fuck. It was going to take a lot of work to open her up there.

I fucked her pussy with my thumb while teasing her asshole with the first knuckle of another finger. I wanted her nice and primed before I let her get her first eyeful of the monster.

With her tit in my mouth and each hole stuffed I brought her off three times. My cock had been hanging out the top of my pants since the dry fuck, just waiting his turn. I brought her little hand down and wrapped if around my meat, it didn't reach all the way around but it was good enough.

She jumped in surprise when she felt the steel that decorated my meat. I had a ladder going the full length of the underside of my cock shaft plus an Apadravya and a Prince Albert in my cockhead. For someone as green as she was I’m sure she wasn’t ready for a close up of my shit.

“Stroke me, move your hand up and down.” I didn't want to take my fingers out of her pussy long enough to show her so I just instructed her. She played with the studs that lined my cock and the ring at the very tip while my boy put on a good show and leaked like fuck into her hand.

“Can I see?” She moved before I could answer and her eyes were soon widening in fright. I didn't even try to bullshit her. “He's a beast I know, and he will hurt you.” I pushed my fingers deeper until I reached her hymen. “But he's a part of me and trust me I'll make it all good. Give me your mouth sweetheart.”

I kissed her to take her mind off the beastly one, but I was sure that would only work for so long. I could feel her hesitation mixed with curiosity as I played in her pussy while she ran her hand up and down my drooling cock.

Time to move this shit to the next phase. Her hand felt good as fuck but I knew something else that would feel even better, and since I couldn’t fuck her pussy for another day and a half, I wanted the warm wet cavern of her mouth. Fuck!

“You see how he's leaking and jumping in your hand? He wants your mouth.” I don’t even know how I got those words out. Having her service me with her soft hand was more pleasurable than any intercourse I’d ever had with anyone else.

I had no doubt that it was because of who she was, the fact that she was my heart. I kissed her again, long and hard as sudden emotion overcame me. She was really here with me, my woman now and soon, completely owned by me.

“I don’t know how.” She fretted as she said the words, like that was a bad thing. “You better not fucking know how. That’s my job; to teach you everything you need to know about pleasing me. Now give me your mouth.”


