Biker’s Law Read Online Book Free by Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Erotic, MC, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 44
Estimated words: 41246 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 206(@200wpm)___ 165(@250wpm)___ 137(@300wpm)

That didn’t go over so well, so she’d had a few choice things to say to me. It was the first time I’d had to deal with her mouth since the first night I took her under me. But this time had been different. It seemed she no longer believed my threats, so she’d let it all hang loose. Until I put her ass over my knee that is. Then she knew I wasn’t fucking around.

She didn’t speak to me all day, but that didn’t stop me from fucking the shit out of her that night, until morning. That seemed to sweeten her ornery ass up and she came around by the next day. Still sulking, but she wasn’t giving me the cold shoulder any longer.

Ma on the other hand was holding out. That old woman can hold a grudge. She still wasn’t talking and I wasn’t pushing. If I was going to marry Chloe, which I’m sure I am, then ma was gonna have to come around.

Cisco was waiting for me when I got in this morning. The others still didn’t know who he really was and since he was hanging around for the next few months it might get sticky, but I was sure if we could pull off what we did for a whole damn year and some, we could do this. As long as we remembered not to call each other cuz.

“Oh shit.” Ma was talking to him. Fuck, since we hadn’t been talking I never got around to telling her that he was here. She never knew about our little deal and though she may not have recognized him from afar, she was sure to up close and personal.

I played it cool when I walked up on them and from the conversation you’d never guess they knew each other. She was tearing into him and anyone else from the Jokers within earshot. She wasn’t pleased with them being here and she was making it known.

They broke up when they noticed me, and she headed off. I had a few words with the newbies who looked nervous as hell to be here, since some of my younger crewmembers were giving them the evil eye. Soon, I’ll call a meeting and put all that petty shit to rest.

These men grew up in this town and sure they liked the mystique of the MC, but as long as their first priority was the town and its growth, they had no problem with me. The ones I knew were just in it for the vain- glory were not invited.

I headed back to the office worrying about Chloe and what the fuck she was doing at this very minute. I should’ve followed her to her friends’ should’ve put a man on her at least. But like she said, she grew up here and knew the place as well as I did, and there was no danger.

My head said that it was so, but my heart hadn’t caught up yet.

I wasn’t in there five minutes, had barely taken a seat at my desk when the door opened and ma walked in. I kept my eyes on her crazy ass as she made her way around the desk. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my cheek.

“What’s that for ma?” I’m such a sucker I’d missed this.

“Thanks son.”

“For what?”

“I don’t know what you did, but seeing Cisco out there, with them, I know you two did something. You don’t have to give me all the particulars now. Your daddy would’ve been proud of you.” Yeah he would’ve been proud that his son was a murdering bastard who’d put a hole his ex friend’s head. I can live with that.

I patted her arm but didn’t admit to shit. The less people who knew about that shit the better. I could just see ma having one of her fits and spilling her guts to Chloe. Shit, I have to tell her. The thought made my gut burn.

I had a shit load of paperwork to tend to. Now that the two crews were blended I had to find work detail for the newbies. Just because they may have been high up in the food chain over there didn’t mean they were gonna hold the same positions here. I wasn’t about to fuck over any of my men to make room for them, fuck that. But neither am I gonna fuck them over.

There was more than enough to be done, and who didn’t know how can be trained. I think the women might be a bigger problem than the men, but with ma at the helm, I didn’t foresee that shit lasting long or getting too out of hand.

I spent the better part of the afternoon into the evening in the shop. It felt like forever since I’d been back there getting my hands dirty, shooting the shit with the boys.


