Bitter Sweet Heart Read Online Helena Hunting

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 144
Estimated words: 136296 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 681(@200wpm)___ 545(@250wpm)___ 454(@300wpm)

“Oh, I can, and I absolutely will.” His lips curl into a sneer as he reaches the island, and he slams his fist on the counter. “You are my fucking wife!”

The hairs on the back of my neck rise. “Why won’t you just let me go, Gabriel?”

“Because you are mine, and you don’t get to decide when you’re done with me. I’ve waited two years for you to come to your senses.”

I’ve never seen him unhinged like this. “I’ve already moved on.” I motion between us, bottle of champagne still fisted in my other hand. “We are over.”

“No.” He shakes his head. “We’re not over until I say we’re over. I’m done being patient. I should’ve burned this goddamn place to the ground when I realized what you were doing.”


“I know you’ve been sneaking out here for months with that little shit. Playing house. Whatever plan you think you have, it’s going to be awfully hard to execute if this place is a pile of ash.”

My phone lights up on the floor, and I glance down as Maverick’s name flashes across the screen. I should have messaged him as soon as I pulled into the driveway. I always forget to take it off the do-not-disturb setting when I’m done in the car.

The momentary distraction is all it takes. Gabriel darts around the counter, and I raise the champagne bottle. His face is a mask of fury, and he grabs my wrist on the downswing. I lose my grip and the bottle flies out of my hand, smashing on the kitchen floor. Shards of glass skitter across the tile and ping off the cabinets.

At first, I panic, and all those self-defense moves I learned with Maverick fly out the window. Gabriel grabs me by the hair, fingers anchoring near my scalp, and spins me around. When my cheek hits the counter, stars burst in my vision with the pain.

Real fear settles under my skin as Gabriel’s legs bracket mine, feet pressed against my heels, knees on either side of mine, pinning me against the lower cabinets on the island. I’m bent over the edge, chest pressed flat against the granite counter. He grabs my arm with his other hand, fingers digging into the skin as he forces it to the counter, holding me down.

The front door is open a few inches, and I spot the gas can sitting just inside the cabin on the shoe mat.

“What are you doing?” I struggle to keep my voice even.

“Helping you make better decisions.” His fingers slide along the back of my scalp, nails digging in, keeping me pinned to the counter.

Pain shoots across the side of my face. “You’re hurting me,” I grit out.

“I know. How does it feel to be the one with no control, Clover?” I try to shrink away as his lips brush my ear. “Sometimes tough love is the only way to get through to someone like you.”

The teapot on the counter is just beyond my reach. If I were a few inches closer, I could grab it. There’s a pencil next to it. It’s one of Maverick’s mechanical ones. We used it to record our scores when we played Scrabble the last time we were here.

My phone buzzes on the floor again. This time with a call.

“Someone wants your attention. I think he’s had enough of it, don’t you?”

More of Gabriel’s weight presses into my right side, like he’s looking over his shoulder. I take the opportunity and try to grab the pencil. I skim the end with my fingertips, but it’s just out of my reach.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Gabriel’s rage is a roar and a red shroud that blankets me.

He yanks my head back, and in that moment, I realize if I don’t do something now, this may end very badly for me. And I can’t let that happen. I won’t let this man take anything else away from me. Calm washes over me as I reach behind, grabbing hold of Gabriel’s hair. At the same time, I pull his head forward and snap mine back, head-butting him. The muscles in my neck strain with the movement, but it has the desired effect. Gabriel’s hold on my hair loosens, and he rears back, giving me enough room to maneuver.

I elbow him in the side and try to get out from under him, but he manages to grab my arm. I drop my shoulder and jam it into his diaphragm, and on the way up I twist my way out of his grasp. I try to sprint for the door, but he manages to grab me by the hair again, and I go down, landing in the middle of the champagne and shards of glass. My face hits the floor, and my teeth cut into my lip.


