Bitter Sweet Heart Read Online Helena Hunting

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 144
Estimated words: 136296 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 681(@200wpm)___ 545(@250wpm)___ 454(@300wpm)

“I know. I want to watch you fuck your hand right here, before I take you inside and keep those fingers, that mouth, and that sweet, sweet pussy busy for the next few hours.”

“You’ve already watched me fuck my hand.” I stretch my other leg over the dashboard.

“Not the same through a screen.” He runs his hand up my shin and along the inside of my thigh. “I want my truck to smell like you for the next month. Every time I get in here, I want to remember the way you look right now. So fucking sexy.” He leans in and kisses the inside of my leg. Then he bites the skin. “My sweet, dirty girl.”

I shudder, grinding down on my hand, but I know it’s not going to be enough. “Maybe you can help me?”

“What kind of help you looking for?” He kisses the inside of my thigh and sucks.

“Whatever you’re willing to give. I can’t hit the spot the way you can.”

“That must be frustrating.”

I bite my lip and nod.

“I could make it easier for you.” He grabs me by the hips and lifts so my ass is resting on the center console. His hands glide along the inside of my thighs, thumbs brushing over the place where my fingers disappear inside me.

“Look at you. So fucking perfect.” He drops his head and bites his way up the inside of my thigh, then licks along the edge of my fingers, still buried inside me. I suck in a sharp breath as he eases a finger in alongside mine.

He pauses and lifts his head. “Too much?”

I shake my head. “No. I need more.”

He keeps going, and I feel his finger moving along the back of mine, curling over my middle and ring finger, sliding past them. He presses against them, and I moan loudly, bucking my hips up. “There it is. You almost had it.”

“I know. So close, but not quite enough.”

He flutters his finger, using just the right amount of pressure, and the hot edges of an orgasm start to burn through me, lighting me on fire from the inside. It goes on and on, wave after wave of intense pleasure, dragging me under and sending me skyrocketing into bliss.

“I need in you.” Maverick cuts the engine. “We’ll come back for everything else later.”

He nabs his wallet and clamps it between his teeth, opens his door and slaps the interior light off, then jumps down, grabs my ankles, and pulls me onto the seat. For a second, I think his plan is to have sex outside in the freezing cold, but he wraps my legs around his waist and hoists me up, hits the lock button, and uses his elbow to close the door.

The snow crunches under his feet, and I nab the wallet from his mouth. My teeth chatter, and a shiver rips through me as the cold air hits my bare legs. A few seconds later, he pushes through the front door of the cabin. A fire, all embers now, glows in the fireplace, which means he found the spare key I keep hidden in the garden shed and managed to let himself in.

He closes the door behind him, shutting out the cold, and carries me over to the wooden island, setting me on the counter. I tear a condom free and rip the foil package open, then realize Maverick is still fully dressed.

I set the condom beside me, push his coat over his shoulders and start on his shirt while he unbuckles his belt. He yanks his shirt over his head when I’ve managed to get the top three buttons open. I shimmy out of my underwear and pull my shirt over my head, tossing it on the floor. My bra is next as he kicks off his pants and boxers.

His erection stands at attention, thick and long and hard. I wrap my hand around the velvety shaft and sigh as I stroke him a few times.

“Fuck.” He plants his fists on either side of me, watching my hand moving over his cock. He lifts his head enough that I can see his eyes. They roll up once, and he exhales a shuddering breath. “I’m probably not going to last very long the first time.”

“That’s okay. Me either.”

He huffs a laugh.

I pick up the condom and free the latex from the foil square. “And I know you can go all night, so I’m not worried.”

“You’re probably going to have to tell me when you’ve had enough, because I’m feeling pretty insatiable.”

“We match.” I roll the condom down his length and guide him to my entrance. “Now show me that you missed me as much as I missed you.”

The head slips inside, and he pauses, eyes lifting to meet mine. “I needed to hear that from you.”


