Black Skulls (Bloody Black Skulls MC #2) Read Online T.O. Smith

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Bloody Black Skulls MC Series by T.O. Smith

Total pages in book: 92
Estimated words: 83872 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 419(@200wpm)___ 335(@250wpm)___ 280(@300wpm)

I glared at him. “Fucking shut your mouth before I do you what I did to Luke,” I snapped at him.

“I told you to leave him the fuck alone, Amelia, but instead you got him wrapped around your fucking finger! Now, Cole’s all fucking twisted up, and it’s all your goddamn fault!”

Amelia walked up to him, glaring daggers. “Well, guess what, Travis? I never really gave a fuck about anything you had to say anyway. You don’t fucking scare me and neither do the rest of these fucking pussies around here. I’ve been through hell and back, and I’ve made it out alive. Don’t you dare try to fucking scare me.”

“Your lack of fear is the exact reason you were clinging to Cole then, huh?” he snapped at her.

She slapped him, sending his face swinging to the side. I saw a flip in Amelia’s eyes that made her look like a cold-blooded killer. This last time with the ATL had changed her, and it definitely wasn’t for the better.

“You want to accuse me of being weak, but where’s your fucking wife at? Sitting at home, moping and crying that her life is so horrible because she got knocked out a few times? Burn in hell, Travis. You’re crossing the wrong fucking person,” she growled.

He gripped her arm, and within a split second, the arm that his hand was attached to had a knife stabbed into it. He roared in pain, releasing her. My mouth dropped open in shock. The room went deadly silent. Amelia glared at my dad. “Touch me again, and the next place that knife will go is in your fucking heart.”

She stormed out of the clubhouse, slamming the doors shut behind her.



I stormed out of the clubhouse onto the lot, following Amelia outside. When my eyes landed on her, I sighed. She was trying to pull a piece of glass out of her foot. I shook my head. She stabbed a ruthless man in the arm, and then, her next worry is that she’s got a piece of glass in her foot? For fuck’s sake, this woman was hopeless sometimes.

Heaving a sigh, I quickly ate up the distance between us. “Here—use me to keep balance. I’ll pull the glass out of your foot.”

“Go fuck off somewhere, Cole,” she spat up at me. “I’m not in the mood to deal with anyone.”

I glared down at her. I knew she was pissed. Hell, she had a few reasons to be. My dad was yelling at her for no fucking reason, and I beat the hell out of Luke. She was kidnapped again when I promised her that I would never let it happen again. If those weren’t reasons to be pissed off, then I didn’t know what was.

But that didn’t mean that I was in the mood for her smart ass remarks, either.

“Shut the fuck up for once,” I snapped down at her. “I’m trying to fucking help you. You can’t get the damn piece of glass out without my fucking help.”

The glare she threw my way could have frozen Hell. “Fine. Get it out, and then fuck off like I said.”

I ignored her but got the piece of glass out of her foot. “What the fuck are you thinking coming out here barefoot anyway?” I snapped down at her. “This place hasn’t been completely cleaned up yet since the ATL destroyed it.”

“Don’t mention that fucking crew to me,” she snarled, her eyes lighting up with rage.

I couldn’t even begin to imagine how she was feeling at that moment. I didn’t push it. I let the whole thing drop. I wasn’t going to force her to talk about it, not when she was in such a fragile state of mind.

“Fine,” I muttered. “But I’d like to know what in the fucking hell you were thinking when you stabbed my fucking dad in the arm?!” I barked at her. I was pissed at him for treating her like a man and putting his hands on her. I was pissed at her for fucking injuring him. He was my fucking dad, for crying out loud. I had a right to be fucking pissed off about it, didn’t I?!

“I wanted him to get the fucking message to never fucking lay his hands on me again, Cole,” she snapped back at me, a thousand different emotions lacing her words. “Being raped does not make me weak, and I won’t let any fucking bastard try to treat me as if I feel otherwise, do you understand? I don’t regret stabbing him.” Tears filled her eyes as she spoke. My heart clenched in my chest as I pulled her into my arms, holding her as silent tears fell down her face. “Cole, I don’t want to be a victim,” she whispered.

I tilted her chin up so she could look into my eyes. “Then fight back, baby.” I kissed her forehead. “But taking it out on the people who want to help you won’t help anything. Now, when we ride out tomorrow to get these bastards that dared to fucking touch you, my dad’s shooting arm isn’t going to be useful, and we’re going to have to hope that his other arm works just as well.”


