Blindsided Read online Eden Finley (Fake Boyfriend #4)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Fake Boyfriend Series by Eden Finley

Total pages in book: 93
Estimated words: 91914 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 460(@200wpm)___ 368(@250wpm)___ 306(@300wpm)

“Oh, I’ve seen these guys, but they had a chick with them.”

“That’s where I found them.” Is it weird I’m excited we have the same taste in porn? It makes sense seeing as we’ve been sexually compatible since way back in college. I pull up the threesome scene which was my rabbit hole into the world of these guys.

It’s a clip that jumps straight to the middle—no foreplay, just fucking—and it takes about thirty seconds of watching before Miller’s hands wander. Then his lips. They lay light kisses to my neck as his fingers trail down my side.

I go to put the phone down, but he stops me.

“Keep watching.”

His mouth and hands continue to explore my body, while I keep my eyes on the screen.

The moans coming from my phone speaker are broken by one of the guys saying “Take that fat dick,” which, of course, makes Miller and I crack up laughing.

“Hey, Talon, you gonna take my fat dick?” He chuckles into my neck.

“I, uh, can mute the sound.” I put my phone on silent.

“Get on your hands and knees.”

I do as he says and place my phone on the bed facing me. Miller’s ingenious idea to distract me with porn totally works, because while he covers his fingers in lube, I’m too busy getting worked up at the people going at it on screen to be nervous.

He kneels behind me, and when he teases my hole, I imagine what it’s going to be like being the guy on screen—with Miller’s cock buried so deep in my ass I can’t feel anything but him.

The first breach of his fingers gives me the same sense of awkwardness like when I do this to myself, but Miller’s gentle and patient, and he works me slowly. So slowly that I’m easily distracted by the video again.

I don’t realize he’s two fingers deep until he hits that spot inside me that I was never quite able to reach. “Holy son of a fucking god bitch.”

Miller chuckles. “God bitch?”

“I’m sure God has bitches and hos around him all the time.”

All I get is laughter at my nonsensical rambling. Of course.

Miller continues to fuck me slowly with his fingers until I’m involuntarily rocking back onto his hand.

“Do you think you’re ready?”

“I … I think so.” Maybe. Shit, I don’t know. Is anyone truly ready to shove something the size of Miller’s dick in an out hole?

I’m unsure when Miller suits up, but when he removes his fingers, the feel of latex dragging along my ass crack makes me shiver in anticipation. And maybe nerves. Okay, a lot of it is nerves.

His cock lines up with my hole, and I brace myself for something that doesn’t come.

“Change of plans,” Miller says. “Move over.”

“What? You can’t tease me like that. I—”

“You froze up as soon as you knew it was my cock. I want you to ride me so you set the pace. It’s way too much pressure for me to handle, and I’m scared of hurting you.”

Typical Miller. Always trying to protect me.

“I’m not gonna break.”

“I might. My leg won’t hold up this way for long anyway.”

I’m sure he’s stretching the truth for my benefit, but when Miller lowers himself onto his back, I’m quick to crawl on top of him and straddle his waist so he can’t get away.

We’re doing this.

I reach behind me and grip his cock to keep it still as I sink down on him. He tries to hide the concern on his face, and I try to cover the pain, but it’s a struggle. Every fat inch that makes its way inside my body, the more my ass protests.

Miller grips my ass cheeks and holds tight. “Take your time or it’ll hurt more.”

I still and close my eyes, trying to concentrate on anything else but the ache in my ass.

“Talon, breathe.”

Yes. Miller giving orders is what I need right now. Handing him that control relaxes me—settles something inside me somehow.

He massages my lower back and ass while I concentrate on my breathing, and our eyes meet. It’s the encouragement I need. Miller is amazingly patient with me like he always is. It’s always been our dynamic. I’m the loose cannon he reins in, and I make him loosen up.

Although, right now, he’s anything but loose. His body is wound tight, his jaw set hard, and as I take more of his cock, it becomes apparent he’s trying to restrain himself.

I slowly rotate my hips and take him in shallow thrusts until I’m fully seated.

I can’t stop looking at Miller’s dark eyes, hooded in pleasure. The sting lessens when I know how much he’s enjoying this, and then as it fades away, the pain turns into need.

I lean down and kiss Miller’s addictive mouth while I take a few more minutes to adjust. With his cock deep inside me, I’ve never experienced this kind of want before. I want to move, I want to stay still, I want to beg … Basically, I want everything and nothing, and now I’m not even making sense.


