Blyss Read Online J.C. Cliff (Blyss Trilogy #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Crime, Dark, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Blyss Trilogy Series by J.C. Cliff

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 88115 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 441(@200wpm)___ 352(@250wpm)___ 294(@300wpm)

“Well, since she’s been up for a while, I figure we can get this party started.”

With my statement, Nick turns toward me with a serious look on his face before I get up from my chair. “I’m sure I don’t have to remind you, Travis, that when you work with her today, you’re breaking her for me.” He eyes me speculatively.

“What’s that supposed to mean, Nick?”

“It means I’ve been watching you. I see the way you’ve been kissing her, and I don’t like it.” He grows tense, clenching his jaw, and my body stiffens at his declaration.

I cock my brow and put on my stone face. “Nick, this is what I do. Either you trust me or you don’t. You’ve never questioned my loyalties before, so why now?”

“Because…this one is special to me.”

“Yes, I see that. That’s why I’m working hard to break her down without breaking her spirit, but she’s a fighter. She isn’t making this easy, and I’m forced to turn on the charm.”

“Yes, well, see to it you don’t turn on the charm full blast. I’m a jealous man, Travis,” he warns.

I nod my head. “Point taken, Nick. I’ve never let you down before, and I don’t plan to start now. I have the end prize in mind, which is seeing to the success of this enterprise, not getting sidetracked by a hardheaded female.”

“Just making sure we’re still on the same page. I’d hate for you to see what my jealous streak is capable of.”

“I’m well-aware of your capabilities,” I give him a cold, hard stare back, “and you are aware of mine.” He doesn’t intimidate me—no one does.

Having said that, I get up from the chair and leave the room. I make my way through the corridors and stop just outside Julianna’s door. Before I open her door, I hesitate a moment, preparing myself. I need to be the usual hardass that comes so easily to me, but each time her baby blues swell with tears, it twists a knife in my gut, breaking me down. I find myself caving in every damn time, and it’s got to stop.

I take a deep breath and walk into her room, and I damn near lose my breath at the sight of her. The camera doesn’t do the dress she has on any justice. The powder-blue fabric matches her eyes, and her long, blonde hair flips over her shoulder as she whips her body around to face me. I’m met with pure hatred as she glares her unyielding daggers at me once again. I shake my head. Yep, figured as much, still pissed.

“Get away from me, you —“

I shake my head again, saying, “We talked about your behavior the first night you were here, remember? I let you get away with it on the second, but today, if I need to, I’ll have to adjust your attitude.”

“Fuck you!”

“Is that right? Are you sure you’re ready for me, sweetheart?” She’s got to learn, and I know what will help set her straight. She can’t stand the BDSM shit, so leisurely, I walk over to the set of red curtains and draw them open. Standing by the dimmer switch, I turn the lights on high so all the paraphernalia is highlighted. “This is what we call the attitude adjustment center.”

She gasps out loud. “You wouldn’t dare.”

I stroll to the center of the wall and take my time stroking the St. Andrews cross as if it’s a prized possession. Keeping my hand on it, I slowly look over my shoulder, zeroing in on her eyes with my stone wall erected. “Oh, I think I would dare,” I say in a deceptively-calm, matter-of-fact tone. “Care to test that theory?”

I watch her lift her chin and clench her fists, resolving to swallow her pride as she replies, “I’m sorry, sir. It won’t happen again.” That’s a start, but she doesn’t truly mean it.

“I won’t warn you again. Yesterday was your last free ride for an outburst. You were alone, so there was no one for you to throw a tantrum at.” My tone is cold and hard. “You will respect all of us here, and you will mean it, acting only with humility starting now. I know when you’re faking it, and I’ll warn you now…” I tap the cross for good measure, “…that has consequences, too.” I tilt my head to the side, letting that information sink in. “Care to try that again? You don’t seem like you’re truly sorry for your outburst, Julianna.” My tone tells her I’m done entertaining her mood swings. “You don’t want to see mad Travis.”

Hanging her head down and gazing at the floor, she says half-deflated, “Yes, sir, I truly am sorry.”

Smart girl. “Are you beginning to see how imperative it is for you to take your situation seriously? You see, your daddy isn’t going to be able to rescue you anytime soon. In fact, he won’t be able to rescue you at all.”


