Boss Me Around (The Mcguire Brothers #3) Read Online Lili Valente

Categories Genre: Contemporary Tags Authors: Series: The Mcguire Brothers Series by Lili Valente

Total pages in book: 67
Estimated words: 62620 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 313(@200wpm)___ 250(@250wpm)___ 209(@300wpm)

“Thank you,” I murmur as I cup her breast hard, squeezing the flesh as I flick my tongue quickly back and forth over her pebbled tip. “You taste like heaven.”

“I taste like the heat of battle,” she says, her breath coming faster as she rides me hard, taking her pleasure in a way that’s sexy as fuck. “And divine feminine power and red meat and campfire.”

“And all my dirtiest dreams,” I agree, lifting my hips as she slams down on my cock again, making her cry out.

“Yes,” she says, gripping the fur above my head for leverage as she strokes faster. “Just like that. Fuck me just like that.”

I’m pretty sure she’s fucking me, but I’m not about to argue with my warrior princess. “Yes, mistress. You feel so good, your pussy wet and dripping on my cock. I can’t wait to fill you up with my come, my baby.”

“My baby,” she corrects, her breath hitching as I catch her nipple lightly between my teeth. “Lineage descends through the mother in my…clan… Oh my God, oh my God, yes!”

She slams down on me one last time, her hips rocking as she rides out her orgasm. I can feel her slick walls gripping me tight as she comes, but I fight the urge to join her with everything in me, too desperate to have my barbarian on her back to lose it now.

“Permission to fuck you hard on top,” I grit out as her blissed-out moans and whimpers begin to grow softer and farther apart.

“Yes,” she says. “Yes, captive, take your reward.”

A beat later, I have my arm tight around her waist, flipping us over in one smooth motion, rolling on top without pulling my cock from her dripping pussy for a second. “Now, it’s my turn to claim victory on the battlefield of love,” I say as I grip her behind her thighs, pushing them up and out until she’s spread wide for me. I glance down, watching my cock drive in and out of her wet heat, pretty sure I’ve never seen anything sexier in my entire life than her pleasured and open and ready for me to come inside her.

“I’m going to give you that baby you want, mistress,” I say, taking her with the same savage vigor she employed in her turn on top, slamming my cock into her welcoming body as she moans and wriggles beneath me.

I come with a roar she echoes as she tumbles over a second time, and I silently give thanks for my girl, this tent, and the best Thanksgiving surprise ever.

Afterwards, we lie side by side on the soft fake fur, catching our breath for several minutes before Starling giggles.

I roll my head toward her. “What?”

“Claim victory on the battlefield of love,” she echoes, repeating my line.

“Too cheesy?” I ask, grinning. “I can pull it back a little next time.”

She shakes her head and tosses her bare leg over mine. “No way. In the moment, I was totally into it. It only got funny after.” She giggles again. “Kind of like my furry bra.”

I grip the inside of her bare thigh possessively. “No way. I love that bra. There’s nothing cheesy about that bra. That bra slayed.”

“You slayed,” she says with a happy sigh. “I love your pervert ways.”

“Right back at ya, beautiful.” I trail my hand up her thigh. “Never change. I want to keep perverting it up with you for a long time.”

“So, you’re not planning to break up with me next month?” she asks, but in an idle way that lets me know she isn’t really worried.

Still, I want to make sure she knows just how serious I am about this.

About us…

With one smooth motion, I roll on top of her and pin her wrists to the rug above her head. “No way. You’re stuck with me, woman. That getting you knocked up fantasy was way too hot not to give it a try in real life someday.”

Her eyes widen. “Really?”

“Really.” I kiss her, slowly, thoroughly, before pulling back to gaze down at her again. “With you.”

She grins. “I kind of figured. Since you’re naked and on top of me.” She swallows, emotion creeping into her voice as she adds, “Me, too. I want that with you. I want all the things with you. But maybe we should give it a year or two, then think about getting hitched before the baby part? That would probably make my mom happy. Barrett and Wren, too. They’ve been so cool about us dating and the sex tape fallout and everything, we really shouldn’t push our luck.”

“All right,” I say with a put-upon scowl. “I guess I can get on board with that plan. As long as I can pretend to knock you up a few times between now and then.”

“You can pretend to knock me up anytime, sexy,” she says, wrapping her legs around my hips. She wiggles against my rapidly swelling cock with a wicked grin. “In fact, you might want to try again right now. We still have two hours before we have to be at your mom’s house.”


