Bound to the Bikers – Screaming Eagles MC Read Online Stephanie Brother

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 78
Estimated words: 73680 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 368(@200wpm)___ 295(@250wpm)___ 246(@300wpm)

He doesn’t answer, too busy scanning for threats. The rumble of the bikes fades as the shooters ride off, but I’m not getting up until he says I can.

God, he’s massive. Alpha looms over me, his weight strangely reassuring. I feel like a traitor even thinking about it, but he’s so much better than Ollie. In a different kind of situation, this would be—Stop it. Don’t be stupid, Faith. Someone shot at us.

“They’re gone,” he says, getting up before holding out a hand. “Motherfuckers.”

“Who were they? Why were they shooting?” When his fingers close around mine, I realize how much I’m shaking. All of me is, like I’m out naked in midwinter. My teeth are chattering.

“We gotta get out of here first. Questions later.” Alpha tucks his gun away behind his cut and lifts me over the fence, quickly vaulting over himself right after. I’m so terrified that I accept the help without question. Then we cut back into the alley that leads to my backdoor. The whole time he keeps himself between me and the road while he scans for more trouble.

Oh God, what if they come back?

By the time we get to the store, people are shouting and sirens are wailing in the distance.

“Inside.” He gives me a nudge.

I fumble with the keys, but as soon as I get the door unlocked, I rush in to check on Nicky, leaving Alpha to slam the door shut behind us and lock up.


She comes running to the back, skin ashy and eyes wide. “Faith. Are you okay?” Then she sees Alpha who’s pulled his gun back out and squeaks in surprise.

“We’re okay. Are you? Did anything happen here?” My words stumble over each other. “Please, tell me everything’s okay.”

“Everything’s fine, but I heard what sounded like gunfire.” She eyes Alpha with a healthy dose of suspicion, some of the rose tint chipped away. “What happened?”

Blade and Ripper appear in the doorway, looking around like they were just dropped into a combat zone. There’s a knife in Blade’s hand, and Ripper’s got his resting just inside his cut, ready to draw iron at any moment. A young man with a hipster beard and corduroy pants looks between the bunch of us before deciding to leave the store in a hurry. I don’t blame him.

It only takes a few moments for Alpha to relay what happened. Just enough time for me to sink into an overstuffed chair in one of our reading nooks. My arms and legs are tingling, and I make a conscious effort to breathe like they taught me in therapy.

Alpha looks at me with a frustrated expression. “If you hadn’t made that stupid fucking video, none of the shit would’ve happened.”

“Don’t put this on me,” I snap. “I was living my life, and the next thing I knew you guys were in my house and telling me I’m in danger. For all I know, they were shooting at you and I just happened to be there. I run a bookshop, make little crochet animals and play D&D the first Friday every month.”

“You’re also the only daughter of a guy the president of the Pit Vipers wants to suffer,” Blade says without a trace of mercy. “This was a warning. They know we’re here and they wanted to send a message Eagle-eye can’t ignore.”

“I’m scared,” breathes Nicky, her voice shaky. The reality of MC life is sinking in, and I don’t think she’s ready for it.

“What if I give you the tape? That’s what you were looking for, right? Is that what they want?”

Alpha sighs. “I don’t think it’s that simple anymore.” The three of them share a look, conveying a whole conversation without saying a word.

Even Ripper doesn’t look like he’s about to crack a joke. “You’re on their radar now, babe. Even if they get the tape, they’re not going to forget you’re here. The safest thing for you to do is let us take you back to the compound.”

“No way! I’m not leaving my entire life for who knows how long!”

“You’d rather fucking lose it?” Blade snarls. “Those assholes make us look like choir boys. What do you think would’ve happened if Alpha hadn’t been with you? Either your brains would be all over the street or they would’ve grabbed you and you’d be having a hell of a worse conversation right now.”

A tear slips down my cheek and I dash it away before it can multiply. Why does it feel like betrayal that they are all ganging up on me?

“She gets it, man,” Ripper says.

“Does she?”

Alpha sinks down, putting one hand on my leg and using the other to make me look him right in the eyes. It’s too intimate, but I can’t look away. “We’ll check in and give you a couple days to decide, but we’re not going anywhere. Your fault or not, your life changed and you can’t just wish it back to the way it was.”


