Boyfriend Material – Hawthorne University Read Online Ilsa Madden-Mills

Categories Genre: College, Contemporary, New Adult, Romance, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 88646 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 443(@200wpm)___ 355(@250wpm)___ 295(@300wpm)

We fuck.

And fuck.

Every thrust sends ecstasy crashing over me. Eric’s eyes glow as he watches me ride. There’s something empowering about knowing that I have control over my own pleasure—and his.

I grind against him, rubbing myself to get the friction I need against my clit.

He leans his head back, euphoria on his face.

He’s right. I am a fucking goddess.

My orgasm hovers, close, but I stretch it out, hold onto it by moving different ways, waiting for the right moment.

“Julia, Julia . . .” Sweat drips from his face, his voice ragged.

His thumb rubs my clit, circling it with light, then hard strokes. I’m so there.

I fall forward against his shoulder. “Come for me.”

And he does, tensing, grabbing the edges of the bed for leverage and thrusting hard into me as he growls. I replace his fingers with my own, watching him come apart beautifully, and then I go with him. He buries his face between my breasts, delivering kisses to my neck.

“I know. I’m a miracle,” I whisper into his skin.



A few days after the police incident, I open my eyes to find Julia studying my face. She boops my nose. “You’re finally awake, sunshine.”

I nod. “Morning.”

Her fingers twirl with a piece of my hair. “You wanna go grab breakfast somewhere? I only have one final today and it isn’t until this afternoon.”

“Food isn’t on my mind right now.” I roll her off and cage her under me, my head dipping to scent the citrusy shampoo in her hair. For the rest of my life, every time I see a lemon or an orange, I’ll think of her.

She laughs up at me.

“Hmm.” I spread her legs with my thighs and nestle myself between them.

She sighs in contentment at our proximity while I take in her silky skin, the rise of her gorgeous tits.

I want to memorize each dip and curve.

I want to imprint her on my brain so I don’t forget.

My head dips as I flick my tongue over one of her nipples. My hand caresses the other, plucking at it like a guitar. Her nipples harden as I nibble at the rosy flesh before sucking it.

Little gasps of pleasure come from her as she strains to be closer. I switch to her other breast as she opens her legs wider and her leg hooks around my hips.

I tug on each pebble, rubbing them between my fingers as I watch her face. “Julia . . .”

Her needy eyes.

The way she bites her lip.

Reaching over to the nightstand, I roll on a condom. Holding my cock, I tease her entrance, getting her wetness on me, then sliding out to tap against her clit.

She sighs in pleasure, then gets a serious look on her face. “I have something to ask you,” she breathes.

Adding my thumb to the mix, I tease her nub, watching it swell. My eyes move to hers. “Yeah? Same. You go first.”

Taking her hips, I slide all the way home and swivel my hips.

She cries out with desire. “Maybe later.”

“You’re a tease.” I kiss her, my tongue caressing hers.

She eases away and sends me a fake glare. “You’re the tease.”

I stroke out, then back in. “You don’t fucking know what you do to me, do you?”

“Tell me.”

I thrust in deep. “Maybe later.”


I stop, my chest heaving. “Right now, I want to fuck you. Can I be rough?”

“Try your best, sunshine.”

I’m starting to know what makes her pulse race. I pull her hair and she arches up to reach me as I suck and bite, leaving my brand on her skin.

I want marks. From me. So everyone knows she’s mine.

She matches me, biting my earlobes and neck.

Our mouths meet open-mouthed and do an erotic dance as I thrust into her.

My cock throbs. Pulses.

I fuck into her.

Again and again.

Relentless strokes.

I reach underneath her and raise her ass to get deeper.

Her smell. Her hair. That sweet, delicious, hot pussy.

Over. And over.

We fuck. And fuck.

My thumb circles her bundle of nerves as I tell her to let go, that I can’t wait to feel her cunt fluttering around my cock. I tell her every dirty thing I want to do. Fuck her ass. Fuck her mouth. Fuck her forever.

She shouts my name, her body tightening, then shuddering as her contractions milk me. I grab her hips, my fingers digging in, grabbing for my own release.

Sharp sensations of pleasure build in my spine, spreading up to my shoulders and arms and neck.

More, yeah, more.

It’s so fucking good.

Each wet glide.

I’m lost in the lust.

She arches and writhes. Her nails dig into my ass, and I stiffen and yell my release in a guttural sound that comes straight from my chest.

I fall on top of her, heart thudding, head blissfully blank.

After several moments, I roll off of her and tug her into my arms. I kiss her lips, slow and sweet. It’s dumb to tell her how fucking good our sex is, so I stay silent.


