Brave – Love and Secrets Read Online M.A. Innes

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic, M-M Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 78
Estimated words: 74652 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 373(@200wpm)___ 299(@250wpm)___ 249(@300wpm)

Austin waved his hands before bringing them back to cuddle Charlie. “He’ll make that clear before you get to that point but I will remind him that it should be well articulated.”

Looking down, he frowned at Charlie. “Hear that, naughty boy? No surprising him. He’ll worry. He’s not as adaptable as me.”

Mumbling something about brats as Charlie giggled again, Austin sighed. “I think it’s sunk in, but at the first point where he asks for even a glass of wine with dinner, that’s your cue to figure out some questions.”

Got it.

Alcohol meant horny trust.

“I can do that.”

Would he ever get to that point with me, though?

He was still hiding against Austin even if he’d relaxed and had laughed a few times. That did not scream I was getting a date out of this situation, much less enough dates for him to get drunk horny.

One glass would do it?

No, I had to focus on the issues at hand and not naughty what-ifs.

“I’m not sure how to ask this but on a scale of healthy vanilla sex life to Austin, where is he when he’s not little?” Yeah, there was no good way to ask that.

Austin was back to rolling his eyes as Charlie giggled, not offended at all but clearly not big enough to answer the question either.

Was this even a conversation we should be having when he was little?

“Very few people are as fascinating as I am.” I couldn’t tell if Austin thought that was a good thing or not. His snotty tone made it hard to tell. “But I would say he’s more interesting than you’re probably expecting. Picture a naughty slut with wide eyes and an innocent expression asking if he can lick you. That’s sub Charlie.”

Oh, really?

Before I could figure out what the right way to respond to that was without sounding like a dirty old man, Austin leaned down and whispered something that had Charlie giggling again.

“That’s…that’s not something I would object to.”

Fuck, my answer sounded terrible.

Austin was looking at me like he thought I was an idiot, but Charlie was snickering around his binkie, so I wasn’t sure what to say. “Really? That’s it?”

“I’m not trying to make him uncomfortable and he’s not fully grown-up, for fuck’s sake.” Shit. Should I not be cussing around him? Everything had gotten completely out of hand. “I should not be telling a sweet little that I can’t wait until they’re big and horny so I can see what a dirty slut they are for their Dom. It’s inappropriate.”

Austin beamed and sat up straighter. “But you do want to be his Dom, right?”

God, that was all he’d focused on?

Patting Charlie’s back, the crazy omega kissed the little’s head. “See, I told you he’d like slutty Charlie just as much as sweet Charlie.”

This was the strangest conversation I’d ever had.

“Does he even like being called slutty? I can’t tell if you’re being mean or supportive.” It was always an odd line with Austin, and I was starting to worry I should be sticking up for Charlie more.

“Aww.” Austin sighed like I was delightfully romantic. “He’s trying to protect you, cutie. That’s so cute and it definitely means he wants you.”

Had that still been in question?

Good grief.

“Yes, I want to get to know him in a regular date kind of way and I want to get to know him in a we’re moving toward a scene kind of way. He’s sweet, and I had fun just being around him this evening.” I wasn’t sure there was a more logical way to explain it but we’d clicked. “I just don’t want to make him uncomfortable and I’m not sure how to progress from here.”

Nothing in my research had prepared me for Charlie.

That wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it was making planning logical next steps difficult…and I wasn’t sure if Austin was helping or not.

“Well, Charlie has to go soon but what do you think about meeting back here later this week to hang out and talk? Then if that goes well, you can have a late dinner?” Austin seemed to be entirely too comfortable planning our lives and didn’t seem to think he was being bossy at all. “I think that sounds good—just remember no drinks.”

“I’m not going to forget that rule.” My dry response got another delightful giggle from Charlie but Austin huffed and narrowed his eyes.

“It’s important.”

That was definitely something we agreed on.

“It is.” I was pretty sure we could also agree that Austin was a pain in the ass. “I would like to hear from Charlie that he likes our plan, though, before we finalize the details.”

Although Austin probably knew Charlie’s schedule by heart somehow.

“What do you think, cutie?” Austin looked down curiously at Charlie, who was very still. He was patient and waited out the shy little without looking frustrated at all.


