Break Your Little Heart – Heartbreak Hill Read Online Charleigh Rose

Categories Genre: Angst, Contemporary, New Adult Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 132
Estimated words: 124923 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 625(@200wpm)___ 500(@250wpm)___ 416(@300wpm)

I slap his laptop shut and we’re out of the office in two seconds flat. I have to force myself to take slow, measured steps even though my heart is threatening to pound out of my fucking chest. Thayer’s right behind me, his steps unhurried. When I finally find Valen, I stop short, causing Thayer to run into my back. My mouth goes fucking dry at the sight of her. She’s wearing a silvery dress that clings to every curve, two slits clear up to her hips showing off those long legs I had wrapped around me the other night. Her dark hair is pulled up, and tied around it is a black ribbon. Fuck me. Valen always looks hot, but tonight, she’s dressed to kill. If I didn’t know better, I’d say she was doing it to torture me. Or tease me. Possibly both.

A shove to the back snaps me back to reality, and that’s when I realize who she’s talking to—who she’s smiling at. It’s a fake smile. I can tell that much even from here. I can only see the back of his head, but I know without having to see him that he’s enjoying his fill of Valen. My uncle has never bothered to hide his interest in women, even when his wife is on his arm.

As if she can hear my thoughts, her eyes flit toward the staircase. It’s only a fraction of a second. I can’t even be sure she saw us. But when my uncle turns in our direction and Valen’s hand snaps out to grab his bicep, I know she did. And that move right there is going to raise his hackles.

“Son of a bitch,” I mutter, moving a little faster now. Without considering the consequences, I take the stairs two at a time before I shove my way through the throng of people. I’m five feet away when she spots me coming toward her, eyes wide and full of warning, and three feet away when Thayer’s hand clamps down on the back of my neck, steering me to make a sharp right.

“Don’t react. You’ll only make him more suspicious. You don’t want Valen to become a target.” I shake him off me and straighten out my suit jacket, but I listen because I know he’s right. A couple of years ago, I would have doubted it, but knowing what we know now, that’s exactly what it would do.

I look over my shoulder, keeping my eyes glued to them as I blindly walk in the opposite direction. I stop far enough away that I’m not obvious, but not so far that I can’t see what’s going on. I can’t tell what they’re saying, but Valen doesn’t look fazed in the slightest. She doesn’t even flinch when my uncle’s hand squeezes her hip. It only lingers for a second before he’s dipping his head and turning to leave, but the fact that he touched her at all makes me want to punch a wall.

When I look up at Thayer, he’s giving a pointed look at my fist that I didn’t realize was clenched at my side. His gaze lifts to my face before he arches a brow.

“What?” I bark out, daring him to say anything about Valen and me again, but wisely, he stays silent.

“Nothin’.” He flicks his head toward Shayne. “I’m going to talk to Shayne. Coming?”

When I look back up, Valen is nowhere to be found. “I’ll meet back up with you guys in a minute.”

“What the fuck are you up to?”

I hold my hands up. “Nothing. I swear. I just need a second to clear my head.” I pat my chest where the pre-roll sits in the interior pocket.

He narrows his eyes, not believing me. “It’s almost midnight.”

“I’ll be back before I turn into a pumpkin.”

He rolls his eyes. “Don’t do anything stupid.”

“You mean like breaking into our uncle’s office in the middle of his own party?”

“Yeah. Like that.”

“You’re welcome to join me,” I offer, knowing he won’t accept when it’s this close to midnight, and his New Year’s kiss is waiting on him.

As predicted, he declines and leaves in search of Shayne while I slip out to the terrace on the first floor, the length of it extending along one side of the room. It’s dark out here except for the dim light that comes from a couple of the heat lamps. I’m surprised none of those old fucks snuck out for a smoke. Though, I guess the cold is probably too uncomfortable. Instead, they’re probably in the warmth of my uncle’s library, smoking their Cubans while they compare the size of their dicks, boats, and wallets.

Reaching inside my suit jacket, I pull out the joint I rolled earlier along with a lighter. I pinch the joint between my lips and light it, letting the smoke fill my lungs as I watch through the window. I have a perfect view of the party from out here, thanks to the sheer curtains and well-lit room. It must be closer to midnight than I thought because I watch as everyone starts to seek out their significant others, pairing off. I spot Thayer pull Shayne into a corner, away from the crowd. Instinctively, I search for Valen, jealousy already rearing its ugly head at the thought of someone else’s lips on hers.


