Breaking His Rules Read online Victoria Snow (The Office Affairs #2)

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Office Affairs Series by Victoria Snow

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 79898 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 399(@200wpm)___ 320(@250wpm)___ 266(@300wpm)

After Ada’s bath, we got into my big bed together and I put Frozen on my laptop. As Ada watched and followed along with Anna and Elsa, my mind was spinning. It was only natural that Nico would have wanted some time by himself to think, but what was he thinking about?

Did he already regret coming over to meet Ada? Was he going to tell his parents?

My stomach churned anxiously and I bit my lower lip so hard that I tasted blood. I kept trying to relax, even getting up to make some sleepytime tea, but nothing did the trick and I knew deep down that I likely wouldn’t feel better until I’d had the chance to talk with Nico again.

The next morning, Ada was past the point of contagion and feeling well enough to go into Dawning City, at least for a few hours. I bundled her up in her new fall coat and sneakers, packed us both lunches, and we left the apartment. I was still feeling nervous, but I’d actually managed to sleep for a few hours the night before.

Ada, on the other hand, was being clingier than ever. She hugged my legs tightly at Dawning City, even refusing to go with Stephanie to the play corner.

“Mommy, don’t leave,” Ada said. She looked at me and delivered a very fake cough. “I’m sick!”

“But you’re getting better, baby,” I said, squatting down and putting my hand to her forehead. “You don’t feel nearly as hot as you did this morning, and you’re going to be just fine.”

Ada pouted. I wondered what was the matter – was it because of Nico? Was she frightened because I’d been so anxious while she was still ill?

Whatever the problem was, I felt terrible about leaving her ... but I had to get back to work at HAUTESCENE if I didn’t want to worry about losing my job on top of everything else.

“I promise, I’ll be back in just a few hours,” I said. “And then we can get ice cream, okay? But only if you’re not still sick.”

Ada immediately looked cheered. I felt guilty – bribing my kid with sugary treats was something that I’d promised I’d never do, back when I was pregnant – but it made her smile, and right now that was the most important thing to me.

After one more kiss, I reluctantly left Ada with Stephanie and the others and made my way into the office. In the few days that had passed, it already looked different – brighter and airier than I remembered.

Nell saw me passing by her office and waved me in. “Harper? Do you have a minute?”

I nodded and desperately hoped that she wasn’t about to chew me out.

“Of course,” I said. “What’s up?”

Nell motioned for me to take a seat.

“How’s your little daughter doing?”

“She’s much better, I think,” I said. Nell was looking at me with a surprising amount of warmth and after a second I added: “Although she did perform a very fake cough when I was dropping her off at daycare this morning.”

To my surprise, Nell smiled and nodded.

“I wanted to thank you for being so understanding,” I said. “I know that I haven’t been at HAUTESCENE long – I had no idea that Ada would get sick. She’s been the picture of health since she was born, and this was a total nightmare.”

“I can imagine,” Nell said. She still sounded warm and friendly, and I couldn’t help but wonder when the other shoe was going to drop. There had been a bit of weirdness between us before and suddenly, it felt as if all of that had existed only in my imagination.

“You know, I have a daughter, too,” Nell said. Her smile faded a bit. “I think I’ve only mentioned my sons before, but I wouldn’t be anywhere without Lucinda.”

“Pretty name,” I said.

Nell nodded. “I think so,” she said, smiling again. “She’s always hated it – she thought it was so old-fashioned.”

“That’s exactly what my brother said about Ada’s name,” I said.

Nell chuckled. “I understand how it is to worry about a kid, though,” she continued. “Lucinda had leukemia when she was a little girl – I don’t know how I made it through all of that and came out on the other side.”

“Oh my god,” I said. My hands flew to my mouth and tears came to my eyes.

“She’s fine, now,” Nell said. “Healthy and happy – she and her wife just adopted a baby girl.”

“Oh, good,” I said. I had the strange, irrational urge to get up and hug Nell, but I somehow sensed that doing so would be too much.

“I just wanted you to know that even though I can be kind of icy, it’s just because of my job,” Nell continued. “But you’re a strong employee, Harper, and you’ve been quite the asset to HAUTESCENE.” She was all professional again, and I rose to my feet.


