Breaking the Rules of Love Read Online Jenna Rose

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 64
Estimated words: 61576 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 308(@200wpm)___ 246(@250wpm)___ 205(@300wpm)

Sadie’s lips part gently like she’s ready to accept a kiss, and she shakes her head. “No…”

Just the answer I was looking for.

“Good. Well, you’re about to be.”



No more hesitation. I strip Sadie’s shirt off and reveal the perfect tits I saw last night while I was watching through her window. Only now they’re right up close, and the view is even better.

“Jesus, Sadie,” I groan as I marvel at their perfection. “You’re unbelievable.”

She smiles, blushing as I grab two handfuls and squeeze. My cock is absolutely throbbing with desire now. My heart is beating like a drum as I work my way down her sensual curves to her hips. I hook my fingers in the band of her shorts and pull.

“You’re a bad man,” she whispers as she tilts her hips back and helps me get her out of them. They drop to the floor, leaving her just as naked as I am.

“You love it.” I smile, grabbing her by the ass and lifting her into the shower with me. I see the flash of excitement in her eyes as I do it. She enjoys being manhandled by me, and knowing that awakens all kinds of dirty shit in my mind that I just can’t wait to do to her.

The tiniest little whimper drifts from her lips as I run my hands over her body, exploring every single inch. I didn’t realize just how pent-up I was from witnessing her naked through my window last night. Just touching her now has me on the verge of exploding.

But I bite the inside of my cheek and hold back. I’m going to give it to her in a way that will make her wonder where the hell I’ve been all her life. She’ll wonder what she was doing with any other man before she met me.

I grab her hips and pull her closer, sliding my cock between her legs. Her eyes widen as I begin to thrust. I can feel the lips of her sweet little pussy starting to spread around my shaft.

Her body moves back against mine. Her hips gyrate on instinct, as though she was bucking back against thrusts pumping deep inside her.

“You’re so–”

“Huge?” I chuckle. “Yeah. I know.”

I’ve been blessed by having Sadie as my neighbor. She’s a gift. What did I do to get so lucky?

I slip my hands around her back and grab her ass and squeeze, kneading the supple flesh as I bend my knees and let the tip of my cock press against her hole.

She’s already wet. I can feel the difference between the slickness of her body’s moisture and the wetness of the shower, and it just turns me on even more. Hell, I could hump her like this and make myself come if I wanted.

“You want it,” I growl. “I can feel it.”

Sadie nods. “Yes…I do.”

I snatch a fistful of her wet hair and tug, exposing her soft neck to me. She drops her mouth open and gasps as I kiss up to her lips.

“I’ve wanted you since the moment I saw you,” I tell her. “Since you brought me that lemon tart.” Her only response is a lustful moan, which I silence with my mouth as I press it against hers.

Our lips meet. Our hot tongues glide against each other. Hers is so soft and delicate, but I can feel the want and need, almost a desperation, as she presses back against me.

My cock is pressed against her wet hole as we make out. Kissing her is great, but I need more. I need to be inside her now. I may have just gotten her into my arms, but I’ve been dying to have her since last night. It’s just been one long tease since I saw her through my window.

I grab her right leg and lift it up over my hip and guide my cock so it’s positioned just right to enter her. Her pussy lips part for the tip of my dick, and her eyes go wide.

“I don’t know if I’m going to be able to take you, Jake,” she whispers. “You’re so…so big.”

“Of course you are, baby,” I reply. “Just take a deep breath.”

God she’s beautiful. She looks so young too and pure, like she’s never even been fucked before. “You’re sure you’re over eighteen, right?” I tease.

Sadie’s jaw drops, and her eyes light right up like I’ve just given her the biggest compliment in the world. She puts a hand over her mouth and then bursts out laughing.

“Jake, if you only knew…” She looks like she’s about to cry for a second, then quickly shakes it off. “If you only knew what my mom and I have been talking about lately, you’d know how much that means to me.”

“Well, you look damn sexy, baby.” I grin. “And you can tell your mom that your new neighbor, Jake, said so.”


