Breaking the Rules of Love Read Online Jenna Rose

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 64
Estimated words: 61576 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 308(@200wpm)___ 246(@250wpm)___ 205(@300wpm)

Jake nods slowly. “I guess I never expected to hear you say something like that, Sadie.” And I never expected to say it either. “Does that mean we’re done, Sadie? Like…actually done?”

For some reason, at that moment, images of the day Howard left me flash through my mind: him walking out the front door, me racing after him, Tiffany in his car unable to look at me, both of them driving away.

“Yes, Jake,” I say, swallowing hard. “I’m afraid it does.”



Five days and I still haven’t heard from Sadie. And I think it’s safe to say at this point I’m not going to.

I’ve given up texting, I’ve given up calling, and I’ve gone back to my life. I really thought my plan to bring her up to the cabin in Vermont would work, but I guess all I did was end up pushing her further away.

Blew up in your face, you idiot. Just like you thought it might.

Her rule runs her life, and I’m just going to have to accept that. I thought that if I told her about how I used to be like her and how similar we used to be, but how I was able to change because of her, that maybe she would be able to change too.

Looks like I was wrong.

Well, I tried. And at the end of the day, I can say I tried. But tonight’s job isn’t making things any easier.

“All right, boys,” I say to Ryan and Logan, who are standing by the truck beside me. “Let’s go over tonight one more time.”

“There he is!” Ryan says with a laugh. “Thought we might have lost you, boss.”

“Yeah, you looked like you were lost,” Logan agrees. “In deep in thought about that neighbor of yours.”

“Would you two shut up?” I snap. “Who are tonight’s VIPs?”

“Geez,” Ryan replies, checking the straps on his Kevlar vest. “Mr. and Mrs. Thorton.”

I nod and turn to Logan. “And the objective?”

“Escort them from their home”—he nods to the decadent mansion beside us where we’re currently parked—“to their fundraiser event at the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art. Make sure they’re safe and escort them home.”

“Correct,” I reply. “This should be a low-threat level job. Mr. Thorton is just covering his bases. But keep your eyes open, all right?”

The boys nod. We’ve been standing outside now for nearly twenty minutes waiting on the Thortons. They’re rich as hell and used to the world revolving around them, so there’s no telling how long we could be out here.

I almost canceled tonight’s job, to be honest. After what happened with Sadie, protecting a happily married couple was kind of the last thing I wanted to be doing. But the money was just too good, and I have a responsibility to Logan and Ryan as well. So here I am.

“You’re better off without her,” Ryan says casually like we’re discussing the weather. I haven’t even told them the whole story about what happened up at the cabin. I just told them that it doesn’t look like Sadie and I are going to work out.

“Let’s not get into this, man,” I reply. I need my mind on the job right now, and the last thing I want to hear are Ryan’s reasons behind why Sadie is no good.

“Trust me, boss,” he says with a smile. “She may be fun in the sack, but that girl’s clearly broken inside.”

“Right?” Logan chuckles with a nod of agreement.

“I mean, clearly has issues that you aren’t going to be able to fix. Bitch is crazy–!”

I move right in and press my forearm against Ryan’s throat, pinning him against the truck.

“I said let’s not get into this,” I growl, staring directly into his eyes. “You understand?”

I hear Logan make a move behind me, but it’s a reflex move. He stops himself. He knows better than to interfere right now. He knows that if I really wanted to do something to hurt Ryan, I could. This is just a warning to let Ryan know to drop it. And from the look in Ryan’s eyes, he gets it.

He nods, and I slowly remove my arm from his neck. Ryan is a top-notch security guy, but he’s got a big mouth, and I’ve had to check him a handful of times. This will be one more time we’ll add to the list.

He shakes himself off and straightens the collar of his shirt. “All right, so where the hell are these two anyway? Let’s get this show on the road, am I right?”

“That’s what I’m saying,” Logan agrees with a nod.

Also eager to get going, I leave the boys by the truck and march up toward the front door. This is breaking protocol and is also very unprofessional of me, but I can’t stand out here waiting any longer. I need to do something to take my mind off her.


