Bring Me Home (Safe Harbor #1) Read Online Annabeth Albert

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance Tags Authors: Series: Safe Harbor Series by Annabeth Albert

Total pages in book: 89
Estimated words: 83039 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 415(@200wpm)___ 332(@250wpm)___ 277(@300wpm)

“Wow. Just look how gorgeous the city is,” I marveled as I stepped onto the narrow balcony, which housed side-by-side lounge chairs.

“I’m looking.” Monroe did an exaggerated leer, checking out my ass as he followed me.

“I’m serious.”

“So am I.” He pulled me against him, nuzzling my neck. “Well, at least this is sturdier than the last time we were on a balcony together.”

“Yeah, wouldn’t want to plummet to our doom when I kiss you.” Turning in his embrace, I gave him the soft, romantic kiss the night seemed to cry out for. Tender and slow, our lips fit like we’d had decades together, while my heart still sped up like it was the first time all over again.

We kissed and kissed, city noise a faint roar beneath us, a cool breeze washing over us even as my skin heated more and more from each lingering caress. As with dancing, it ceased to matter who was leading. Monroe had started it, I’d continued it, and now the kiss ebbed and flowed like the traffic below, neither of us controlling as we let the kiss take on a life of its own.

Monroe dipped his head, kissing my jaw, which I’d shaved smooth for the occasion, and my neck. He loosened my tie before unbuttoning my collar.

“What are you up to?” I stretched my neck, nothing if not helpful as he continued down my torso until my shirt hung open.

“It’s not obvious?” Eyes sparkling, he released me long enough to grab a pillow and throw from a chaise just inside the door, tossing both onto the nearest lounge chair.


“You sound so scandalized, Rebound.” He laughed warmly, wrapping me in a tight hug before starting on my dress pants. “Aren’t you the one who very nearly made me come in public within a half-hour of meeting?”

“Did I?” I tried to sound shocked.

“You know you did. And there’s something about being up this high, late at night, an anonymous city below us…”

“Okay, I can see the appeal.” Chuckling, I got in on the action, undoing his tie and shirt and unbuckling his pants, but I stopped short of pushing them down. “Are we seriously going to do it out here?”

“Yes.” Lightly nipping my ear, he sent my pants to the balcony floor to join our shirts. “You’ll have to be very, very quiet for me.”

“I’m not the screamer,” I reminded him, but he grinned, looking far younger out here under the moon, naked and naughty with me. And once we were both naked, he led me to the lounger, urging me to stretch out, him spooning me from behind. His hard cock pressed into my back, and his breath was warm on my ear. My stomach quivered, not with fear precisely, but not exactly eager want either.


“Shh. I know.” He skimmed a hand down my side. “You don’t bottom.”

“You have me thinking more about it,” I had to admit. Every time I fucked him in our bed back at the house, I became that much more curious about what he was feeling. “The way you love getting fucked is a hell of a turn-on. But my first times…” I had to stop and bite my lower lip hard.

“It’s okay.” He dropped a soft kiss in the middle of my neck. “You don’t have to tell me.”

“I want to. I’m known for being accommodating, right? So the first time someone at college asked, I said sure, I could bottom. But it sucked. I tried it twice. I wanted to like it. But it hurt, and both encounters were totally awkward on top of that.”

“Oh, Knox.” Monroe shuddered, hand tightening against my abs. “I’m sorry it happened like that for you. Honestly, my own first times weren’t that much better. But I’m glad I tried again with you.”

“Me too.” Tipping my head back, I met him for a lingering kiss.

“And I’m not going to be that dude who tells you it would be different with me. Because I don’t know that. Not everyone is wired to enjoy getting fucked. But I will say that if you ever did want to try, I’d do everything in my power to make it good for you like you always do for me, and I’d stop the second you asked.”

“I know you would. You’re…safe.” Safe was as close as I could come to encompassing how deeply I trusted Monroe, how close I felt to him, especially right then.

“Safe is good.” He kissed me, long and deep, with a new level of solemness to his touch and lips. “So, you trust me?”

“Always.” I snuggled more securely against him, deliberately pushing against his erection rather than shying away.

“I want to go like this, between your thighs.” He reached over to our pile of clothes, retrieving something from his pants. I had to laugh as he slicked up his cock.


