Broken: A Dark Romance Read online Books Willow Winters

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, BDSM, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: ,

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 66454 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 332(@200wpm)___ 266(@250wpm)___ 222(@300wpm)

My breathing is frantic as I wipe my brow with the back of my hand.

I fucking want her. This is a dangerous game I’m playing. I’m in too deep. But all I want is her.


It’s been days since I’ve really seen anyone else. I feel protected with Kade. When he takes me to the training room I know other people are here. I can see them in my periphery as Kade leads me through the house. But I keep my eyes down. Sometimes I hear them talking. Occasionally Kade stops to talk to them.

I’ve seen Master A more than a few times. He seems to be very close to Kade. Almost as close as Gabriel. I've talked to them a few times. As in, I've said hello and thank you.

Whenever I see anyone other than Kade,

it’s only in passing, and nothing like this.

The dining room is large, with an oval mahogany table in the center of the room. There are over a dozen seats at the table. Next to each seat is a plush pillow with a dark red damask pattern on it. The dark red and gold accents give the room a warm and rich feeling.

Although the room is large with many chairs, there are only three people in the room. Gabriel, with Talia by his side, and another man I don't know at the chairs.

“You’ve finally decided to join us?” Gabriel asks Kade as we walk through the stained-glass double doors. Gabriel’s at the head of the table and farthest away from us. Talia’s seated on the pillow beside him. I can only see a bit of her hair until we walk farther into the room and Kade takes a seat next to Gabriel. I kneel onto the pillow beside him. My heart hammers in my chest.

“I think she’s ready for a bit of socializing.”

Kade’s hand settles on my shoulder, his thumb rubbing soothing circles. I finally look over at Talia, and she seems perfectly content. Her hand rests on Gabriel’s thigh, and his hand is on top of hers.

Her eyes meet mine and she gives me a soft smile. She closes her eyes and when she opens them, she’s no longer looking at me.

“It’s about time,” I hear Gabriel say. “More guests are coming tomorrow. It should be fun.”

“Stone?” Kade asks.

Gabriel shakes his head. “He called again though.” Irritation laces Gabriel’s voice. “He’s an impatient asshole, isn’t he?”

I watch a woman walk into the room and hear her set something down on the table. Because I’m seated on the floor, I can only see her lower half. “Who’s an asshole now?” says a voice I recognize, and turn to my left. Master A walks across the room and sits to the left of Kade, directly next to me.

“No company tonight, Master A?” Gabriel asks.

“There’s plenty of company in here,” Master A says. I quickly turn to face the ground as he looks at me with a smile.

“Isn’t that right, Olivia?” Master A asks me.

I look up as my heart races. I swallow thickly and try to respond. My body heats with anxiety.

“It’s alright, angel.” Kade’s calming voice puts me a bit at ease.

“She’s scared, Master,” Talia says, looking up at Gabriel.

I look between the men as I try to breathe normally. They’re all looking at me, and I don’t know what to do. I weakly respond with a “Yes, sir.”

“Come up here, esclave.” Gabriel puts a hand down for Talia and she easily slides into his lap, molding her body to his and letting her legs dangle over his.

Kade reaches his hand down. “You, too.”

I do the same as Talia, mimicking her pose and look to her for clues on what I’m supposed to be doing. Her eyes are fixed on the large bowls and platters in the center of the table. The smell of butter and salmon fills my lungs. My mouth waters as I see the crusted fish on a silver tray with bowls of asparagus and potatoes next to it. Salmon is one of my favorite meals and the fillets look perfect, as though they came straight from a picture in a recipe book. The man across the table uses the tongs to dish some greens onto his plate.

Gabriel puts a fillet on his own plate and passes the utensil to Kade.

I lick my lips at the sight of the fillet. I want to reach out and dig in, but I don’t. I resist. I watch as Talia picks up a fork and starts eating. Gabriel pets her hair and continues a conversation with the man across the table. I keep my hands in my lap, knowing I shouldn’t do anything until Kade allows me.

Every meal I've had here so far he’s fed me. I peek at Talia as she picks up a piece of asparagus with her fingers and nibbles delicately on the tip. She leans back against Gabriel and watches him and the other man as they talk.


