Broken: A Dark Romance Read online Books Willow Winters

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, BDSM, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: ,

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 66454 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 332(@200wpm)___ 266(@250wpm)___ 222(@300wpm)

I breathe out as he slips the egg into place. He has to pump it in and out before it’s fully in place. I'm not at all aroused.

“I’m not used to you not being wet for me,” Kade remarks as he reaches back into his pocket and grabs the controller. “You must really dislike being punished.”

No shit. Nothing like thinking you’re going to die to turn you off.

I hold onto my snarky remark and try to forget everything. Just obey. I can do this.

Kade flips the switch and a gentle hum fills the room.

It doesn’t feel the same as earlier. It’s on a low speed, and I’m not anywhere near on edge.

My fingers twitch at my sides, and Kade sees. He’s quick to cuff my wrists to the chain around my stomach.

“Are you comfortable?” Kade asks. The shackles on my ankle bite a bit into my skin, but other than that I am, yeah. I nod my head and search Kade’s eyes for answers.

The humming seems to get louder and the vibrations more intense. It's just enough that my pussy heats, and desire spikes, but then it's gone. I try to readjust, feeling off-balance, but I can't. I can't move anything.

“I have to blindfold you now,” Kade says, and I shake my head out of instinct. I don’t want that. Not being able to see terrifies me.

“You don’t have a say in this, angel,” Kade says as he slips a black blindfold over my eyes. I hold in a moan as the vibrations increase again and my forehead scrunches. I try to twist my hips, but I’m limited, and it only makes my ankles hurt from putting pressure on them.

In an instant, the sensation is gone again and I feel on edge. I can tell there’s light, but other than that, I’m blind.

“Kade,” I whisper. There’s no response. “Kade?” I call for him with desperation.

“I’m here, angel.” I wish he’d hold me.

I scream out as the vibrations pick up again and I try to buck my hips to get away, but I can’t. My body heats as I get closer to my heightened orgasm, but then it dies.

My heart races, and my pussy clenches.

I breathe out slowly.

I swallow and attempt to ignore it. I try to ignore the arousal pooling in my core, the heated tingles along my stomach and legs. My nipples have hardened, and every small movement against the dress seems to elicit a shock of electricity straight to my clit.

The vibrations intensify again, and this time I try to rock my hips. I just need a bit more. It’s so close, yet so far away. I whimper a small moan as they die down, leaving me feeling needy and helpless.

When it doesn’t come, I lie limp and try to remember to breathe.

And then again, and again.

I clench my teeth as each time my orgasm approaches, I almost fear the moment I fall off the edge. My toes and extremities tingle with need. My body feels as though it’s going to explode, each time greater than the last… yet nothing happens.

My arousal drips down my ass and onto the seat. I want to move. I pull against the chains, but I can’t do anything. I’m forced to scream out as the next one comes and goes. Leaving my body to fight against both the upcoming release, and the inevitable denial of it.

“Kade!” I cry out for him. But I hear nothing. “I’m sorry!” I scream as it comes again.

I buck my hips and try desperately to find my release.

My body heats and cools as a thin sheen of sweat covers every inch.

And then nothing.

My head thrashes, and my heart beats up my throat as I try to both fight and conquer the heated sensation.

The faint hum of the vibrator is the only noise in the room.

And it’s the only sound other than my own moans and screams for god knows how long.

It feels like hours.

Tears leak down my face as it comes again, with the relentless sensation, but this time there’s more. A strangled cry leaves my mouth as I get closer than I ever have before.

Relief blooms in my chest. The intensity picks up and just as I begin to fall, the vibrations stop completely.

I scream out in both anger and frustration. I feel delirious.

The room is quiet other than my frantic breathing. Even the hum I’ve listened to the entire time has left me.

I try to calm down, thinking maybe it’s over. My punishment is finally done with. But then the faint hum comes back with the soft vibrations, and I lose all sense of composure.

I scream out for Kade until my throat hurts. Sweat covers my heated body and I pull against the chains and thrash on the bench as my punishment seems to last and last.


