Brutal Ambition Read Online Sam Mariano

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Contemporary, Dark, New Adult, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 171
Estimated words: 167204 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 836(@200wpm)___ 669(@250wpm)___ 557(@300wpm)

Whatever their kinks, I appreciate the originals.

It was on this night 173 years ago that the founders kidnapped the girl two of them were interested in, dragged her into the woods behind the school, and took turns defiling the pretty little virgin.

Nothing can come between two Blue Bloods, after all.

Our bond has to be strong enough to surpass any conflict. If something comes between us, we have to find a way to squash it and move on because we are bonded to each other for life. That’s the only way this works.

Of course, Kyle and his idiot friends don’t understand the significance behind what happened that night. Only those selected to be a part of this club know the full history behind it, but since that tidbit of our history is a bit sordid—and, of course, completely unconfirmed—it’s something that comes up when people talk about the possibility of secret societies on campus.

Officially, there are none.

But, of course, there are.

Two of them. The other one is more vanilla, more traditional. If you’re not some politician’s son (or of use to some politician’s son) then you can fuck right off thinking you’ll get into that one, but I wouldn’t want to be, anyway.

I got tapped to join the only club I was interested in, and Kyle Roarke did not.

So, according to our intel, Kyle and his chosen “brothers” are planning to defile their own virgin tonight and found their own society.


I’m not worried about competition. We don’t consider them that.

What we are worried about is these stupid fucks doing something so goddamn illegal in such a blatant, artless fucking way that they raise the alarm on campus about secret societies. All it takes is for the copycats to fuck up and cry “secret society,” and the real ones will be put under a microscope.

Of course, the university is aware of old, exclusive, secret clubs like ours, but they’re able to ignore us as long as we aren’t clumsy enough to attract too much of the wrong kind of attention.

And we aren’t.

But these guys are.

When they get caught, they won’t go quietly and keep their mouths shut. They’ll sing like birds, maybe even try to say they are Blue Bloods in an attempt to invoke the club’s protections.

Which they won’t get, but that could lead to a lot of headaches for us, and that is not how I want to spend my senior year.

I watch from across the room as Kyle circulates. I’ve been watching him since I got here. It hasn’t been a very interesting surveillance. Mostly, he’s just hitting on every girl who will talk to him and sporadically checking in with his friend Tyler.

An oblivious couple walks in front of me, momentarily blocking my view of Kyle.

I’m bored of watching him and I am getting thirsty, but I can’t drink in this goddamn mask. Can’t take it off, either. They’re not smart enough to realize I’m blatantly dressed as a “blue blood” at their party and make the connection that way, but they’d recognize my face. They don’t know I’m a Blue Blood, but they strongly suspect I am, and I don’t want to spook them into putting off what they’ve got planned for tonight.

I suppose I could sneak outside for a few minutes and unmask somewhere no one would see me.

I’m just about to step away when something catches my attention. A cape of delicate white lace trailing behind a pretty brunette with chocolate brown curls. Her costume is modest and provocative at the same time. White thigh highs keep much of her legs covered despite her wearing a bodice structure that covers little more than a swimsuit, but a swatch of creamy thigh is exposed—just enough to be strangely sexier than being able to see her entire bare leg.

What an unusual costume. I’m more distracted by it than I was by the cat.

I don’t like to be kept wondering about things, so I’m about to walk over to her when, to my immense displeasure, she gently grabs Kyle’s shoulder from behind.

He looks back at her and there’s a spark of familiarity I don’t appreciate.

She smiles a bright, open smile.

Disappointment settles in my gut when he turns around to greet her, looping an arm around her waist and pulling her against him for a hug she doesn’t seem to hate.

Well, that’s an unpleasant turn of events.

I watch for another moment or two to make sure she wasn’t just saying hi before wandering off, but she stays by his side. I watch as she smiles and laughs, watch her follow him to the beverage table to get drinks.

At least she’s smart enough to not let him get her a drink she hasn’t had eyes on the entire time.

Not that she seems worried about that.

I can’t quite believe it—and I don’t know why it bothers me—but the girl seems to have come here for him.


