Caged Bliss – Bianco Crime Family Read Online B.B. Hamel

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Insta-Love, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 91389 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 457(@200wpm)___ 366(@250wpm)___ 305(@300wpm)

“Tommy’s a fucking idiot. You know that prick has absolutely dick for brains. I don’t know how he got lucky, but sooner or later he’s going to burn that place down.”

Simon tilts his head sideways. “Maybe you’re right, but from my perspective, you’ve been locked up for five years and need some time to acclimate to how things are now, while Tommy proved himself over and over again. I’m not saying you can’t have it back eventually, but I’m saying you can’t have it back right now.”

I expected this but it still pisses me off. I take a beat to calm myself down. Raging at my brother isn’t going to help anything, and technically speaking, he’s my Don and his word is the law. Even if I don’t agree.

“That’s how it’s going to be, huh? I go to prison, I do my time and don’t say a damn word, and when I come back everything’s gone.”

“We’re easing you back in. Come on, Angelo, you know I trust you, but the world changed. I can’t help that.”

“I know it did.” I get to my feet. If I sit here a second longer and look at my smug older brother’s face, I might do something stupid. “And it left me the fuck behind.”

Chapter 5


It’s early and I’m already on my second cup of coffee when someone bangs on my apartment door.

I lean back against the couch and close my eyes. Maybe, just maybe, if I pray hard enough and really put it out there, whoever’s outside will go away. But someone up in the good old heavens doesn’t really give a crap about me, because my uncle’s voice filters through the door.

“I know you’re awake, Claud, open the damn door.”

I get up, groaning, and unlock the bolt, but I leave the chain fastened.

Uncle Rodney’s red face glares at me from the hallway. His eyes are bleary and red-rimmed and his gray hair’s sticking up in patches. He’s got on flannel and jeans, and he smells like a brewery at seven in the morning. I can’t tell if he’s starting the day off wrong or if he’s finally ending yesterday.

“Haven’t seen you around much lately,” he says, glaring at me like I’m mold growing in his shower grout. “And where’s that bitch sister of yours been?”

“What do you want, Rodney?”

He grunts at me. “Need cash. Three hundred bucks.”

“Absolutely not.” I try to slam the door, but he pushes his shoulder against it.

“Don’t be fucking ungrateful,” he growls. “When your worthless dad offed himself and your stupid bitch mom wasted away from cancer, I took your ass in and fed you and clothed you. Without me, you would’ve got thrown into the damn foster system. Don’t you fucking forget it.”

“You never let me,” I say between my teeth and lean harder against the door. “Go away, Rodney. I don’t have any money right now.”

“I know you make bank at that slut club. And I know your sister’s been fucking every rich dick available. I just need three hundred to keep my fucking lights on and to make rent.”

“What happened to your disability check?”

“None of your fucking business is what happened.”

Which means he drank it all away again. “Go away. I don’t have any money for you right now, but I might tomorrow, okay?”

I hate myself for saying it. I really, really do, but we both know that eventually I’m going to give in and hand over the cash. Because Rodney’s not lying: after my parents died, he took me and my sister in when there was nobody else, and even though he was a piece-of-shit guardian, at least he kept us clothed and fed and in school. Yeah, he was abusive, but not in the way that would get him locked up. Just in the typical fucking asshole sort of way.

I still feel like I owe him. It’s pathetic, and I hate myself for it, but he’s still my uncle.

The pressure on the door relents. “Tomorrow then. You promise?”

“I promise. Okay? Just go away now. I have to head into work soon.”

A pause. He sighs. “How’s everything? You good?”

“I’m fine. Serena’s fine. Will you just go?”

“Fuck you then, Claud. That’s what I get for trying to be nice.” Then he moved back and I slam the door shut. “See you tomorrow,” he yells through the door and stomps off down the hall.

I stay leaning like that for a few minutes, my eyes squeezed shut. Three hundred won’t kill me. If I bust my ass and swallow my pride, I could make it all tonight with the right amount of shameless flirting.

I need to cut him off. I know I’m just enabling my asshole alcoholic uncle’s drinking problem. But without me, he’d be in a gutter somewhere, probably dead or dying. Just like without me, Serena would be lost, an empty vessel, one bad night from overdosing.


