Caged Bliss – Bianco Crime Family Read Online B.B. Hamel

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Insta-Love, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 91389 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 457(@200wpm)___ 366(@250wpm)___ 305(@300wpm)

Whatever it is, I’m speechless and staring.

“I didn’t mean to startle you,” he says and nods at the lounge. “But we were just heading to the same place.”

“Oh, right, I’m so sorry.” I step back, used to being deferential to guests. At least, usually. Sometimes my sarcastic side comes out, like it did earlier. Right now, I’m a little too taken aback by this guy’s sheer incredible beauty to do anything but stutter like an idiot.

“Want me to get the door?” he asks and doesn’t wait for an answer. He pushes it open and leans closer. “Next time, make two trips. Your hands were too full.”

I stare at him for a beat. Then I force a smile. “Great advice. You must be the most talented waiter in the world to hand out gems like that.”

He looks surprised as I breeze past him, already kicking myself for that stupid snarky comment. I really can’t help myself sometimes, especially when I’m pissed or uncomfortable, and this man definitely has me feeling some things I’m not exactly happy about.

The men of Cage are dangerous. Not like that idiot back on the dance floor—he was a little fly buzzing around my head. No, the real men of Cage are hunters, prowlers, hungry jungle predators waiting to pounce and kill.

This guy’s got that vibe and more, and I’m pretty sure he’s going to rip my head off for snapping at him.

But instead, I hear him laughing quietly as he follows me into the room.

I’m completely forgotten when Tommy comes over and the two of them share one of those handshake hug things men like to do. They’re acting like they’re best friends that haven’t seen each other in forever as I place Serena’s drink in front of her, Tommy’s drink in front of his spot, then pop the champagne and pour the glasses, working as quickly and as quietly as I can. But I nearly drop my tray again when I hear the guy’s name.

“Angelo Bianco, it’s so great to see you on this side of prison,” Tommy says with a big laugh.

I nearly scream.

Bianco. Meaning he’s a member of the Bianco inner circle. Everyone at Cage knows about them. The Biancos are the wealthiest and most deeply connected of the Chicago crime families, and they own this whole place.

Which makes Angelo my boss’s boss.

And I was just a dick to him for absolutely no reason.

I’m freaking out as I pass drinks. Tommy barely spares me a glance. Serena’s sitting with her legs crossed, looking bored and half-conscious. When the men return to the couches, Tommy puts his hand on my sister’s leg and leaves it there. She barely looks like she notices.

I linger for a second, ask if anyone needs anything, and get the hell out of there. Angelo doesn’t spare me a look. I pause in the hallway to gather myself. Sweat beads down my back and my heart races as a bitter taste fills the back of my throat.

I’m going to lose my job.

Tommy’s going to fire my ass when Angelo tells him about the rude, bitchy waitress that gave him shit on the way in here. And it won’t matter that Tommy’s dating my sister. He’ll toss me out because I gave lip to a damn Bianco.

Like an absolute moron.

This is a nightmare.

I can’t afford to lose this job. I can hardly make ends meet as it is, especially with my leech of an uncle always asking me for money.

But worse, once I’m out of the club, I’m out of Serena’s life forever. She’s always in Cage, always by Tommy’s side, always doing Tommy’s drugs and dancing on Tommy’s dance floor and wearing clothes Tommy paid for.

I can’t get into Cage if I don’t work here.

Once I’m tossed out, I’ll lose my sister for good.

And I can’t handle that.

I’m still at Cage after all this time because I believe I can get through to her. She’s still in there, still the girl I grew up with, the girl I dedicated my life to when things were horrible. After we lost our dad, after we lost our mom, after we moved in with our piece-of-shit uncle, Serena was everything to me.

Now she’s slipping away, piece by piece, and if I’m fired from this job⁠—

She’ll be gone, and I’ll have nothing left.

Chapter 3


“It’s fucking great to see you on the outside, Angelo.” Tommy hands me a glass of champagne. He’s grinning huge, one hand on his pretty girlfriend’s leg, but I’m pretty sure she’s high as shit and doesn’t even know where we are right now. “Here’s to freedom.”

We touch glasses and I drink. My mind’s half in this room and half on the mouthy, gorgeous little waitress I spooked out in the hall. She was standing in front of the door and looked like she was trying to figure out how she was going to get it open with her hands full, and when I offered to help, she nearly dropped all her shit.


