Campfire Chaos Read online K. Webster (Hood River Hoodlums #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Dark, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Hood River Hoodlums Series by K. Webster

Total pages in book: 102
Estimated words: 100476 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 502(@200wpm)___ 402(@250wpm)___ 335(@300wpm)

I sneak a glance over at Cal. Roan is kicked back beside him, with Sebban in his lap as he eats Cheetos, engaging him in a conversation. When he’s with his Hoodlums, Cal is a king. Not a cruel one. The kind who laughs and smiles, gifting his royal subjects with his kindness. I’ve seen girls all but fall to their knees, just begging to see his amused eyes and smile.

I could be jealous of all those past girls, but I’m not.

I see the real him.

The angry, hurt, broken man behind the playful façade.

I know the real him, because I made him.

Pain aches through me knowing I’ve created the creature that lurks within, wanting to lash out and hunt for vengeance. I also feel a sense of protectiveness over that part of him. As though the beast I helped make needs me to stroke him and promise it’ll all be okay. Like maybe I’m the only one who can.

As though I’ve summoned the beast with my thoughts alone, Cal’s green eyes slice right to me, cutting me open to reveal my innermost ponderings. The playful king’s features darken only for me. He keeps up with his conversation, laughing when appropriate, but keeps me trapped in his lair of despair with him. The urge to crawl over to him and into his lap is strong. It’d be a horrible thing to do in front of his family, but I possess the urge to anyway.

“I’m going swimming,” Cal states, his voice thick with warning. He’s a shark inviting a minnow to play in the water with him. “Anyone coming?”

I wait until Jordy and Roan stand up to join him before also agreeing.

“I’ll go.” I tear my eyes from Cal’s hungry, approving gaze to look at the other girls. “You guys coming?”

Roux is locked in conversation with Cal’s parents, but Tierra and Penny nod. Hollis takes Sebban’s hand once he has his lifejacket on, and they follow along.

The water is cool, the promise of fall nipping at my toes with each step I take into the rushing river. It’s not until I’m waist deep that I sense his presence. The hairs on my arms stand on end and my nipples perk. I gnaw on my bottom lip, staring straight ahead to the other side of the river, trying to keep from leaping into his arms.

His hand takes mine as he walks deeper into the water. Following a shark into the deep end sounds like a terrible idea, but the prospect of his teeth excites me. He turns around when the water is just under my breasts, stopping from going too deep. I’m disappointed when he releases my hand. His eyes, however, have a hold on me. Latched onto my nipples that strain through the brown and gold fabric.

Penny and Tierra linger near Hollis and Roan as they all play with Sebban in the shallow waters. Jordy wades out by Cal and me. He’s a shark too. Thankfully, his eyes never stay too far from wherever Roux is.

“Roan tell you his old man got out?” Jordy asks Cal.

“Yeah. Seems pretty pissed about it.”

I perk up, listening in on their conversation. Roux didn’t tell me her dad was out of prison. We hadn’t exactly had a free moment to talk either, though.

“Jace is a good guy,” Jordy tells Cal. “I know he fucked up when they were younger, but if it weren’t for him, I might have died in the pen.”

His words make me shiver. Jordy gave up his freedom to protect Roux and Roan. It was incredibly stupid, but also selfless. His loyalty to them will always be his best quality. Jordy Martinez may be the most unhinged, scary Hoodlum, but I think he might love the hardest. Roux absolutely deserves that kind of love after the hellish life she and Roan went through.

“I hope he doesn’t fuck it up,” Cal agrees.

When Roux stands up from her chair, her stomach poking out as she stretches, Jordy slices through the water like the shark he is, eyes locked on his target. I’m left alone with Cal.

A strong arm encircles my waist, pulling me to his chest. I suck in a sharp, surprised breath. Hot lips find the side of my neck, gently kissing the flesh there. The cold water creeps up over my chest and to my chin as he wades deeper. My feet lash at the water now that I’m unable to stand.

“I’ve got you,” he rumbles. “Stop moving, English.”

I relax in his hold. His other hand that’s not holding me to him splays over my naked stomach, teasing me with his fingertips.

“This swimsuit should be illegal.” His growled words make me shiver. “Having to stare at you with a fucking boner in front of my parents is cruel.”

I grin, loving that I had that effect on him. “You hid it well with your plate.”


