Cannon (Pittsburgh Titans #6) Read Online Sawyer Bennett

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Romance, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Pittsburgh Titans Series by Sawyer Bennett

Total pages in book: 88
Estimated words: 83461 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 417(@200wpm)___ 334(@250wpm)___ 278(@300wpm)

“I see.” My voice is hoarse, barely audible.

“Feels so good, doesn’t it?” he asks, almost as if he’s talking to himself.

He gives me no chance to answer because he starts moving, and I can’t come up with a coherent thought as he slides in and out of my body. His movements are wild, his gaze coming back to meet mine, filled with heat and carnality. Cannon looks like he wants to devour me… not just my body, but my soul.

Sounds rumble around me—curses and grunts as Cannon fucks me faster and harder. I wrap my other leg around him and hang on for the ride.

“Fuck, Ava… I’m going to come but I don’t want to.”

“Don’t hold back,” I pant as his thrusts rocket through me. My fingers slide up his neck, along his jaw, and over his temple. His hips continue to piston, but he focuses on me. “I want you to come hard, Cannon. I want you shredded right along with me.”

“Goddamn,” he mutters just as he plants deep and wraps his arms around me. His weight crushes me onto the mattress as he comes. My hands move to his back, and I feel the muscles along his spine rippling as he groans in pleasure. He grinds against me, face buried in my neck. “Fuck, that’s so good.”

A wave of affection for him sweeps through me that I wouldn’t have thought possible following the eroticism still flowing between us. I want to wrap him up in a warm hug, even as our bodies vibrate with pleasure.

Cannon rolls to the side so he’s not crushing me anymore and loosens his hold. I pull my head back to find him grinning at me.

“I think I’m broken,” he says, pressing a soft kiss to my mouth.

Laughing, I stroke my hand down his arm. “Me too. But in a good way.”

“Yeah, in a good way,” he agrees, letting out a long exhale before his eyes turn serious. “In fact, there’s no good reason on earth why we shouldn’t be doing this every day and twice on Sundays.”

Giggling, I run my foot down his leg. “Unfortunately, we’re not together every day.”

“Which means you should come to more away games,” he says, that boyish smile charming me to my bones.

“I’ll come to some more,” I assure him, but I won’t commit to how many. I still feel a little funky about him paying for my travel.

“Come to next week’s away game,” he says.

“No,” I admonish because we’ve already had this conversation. “That’s the day before Thanksgiving, and I have far too much to do to get ready to knock your socks off with an amazing meal.”

“It better be damn good,” he teases. “Then come to the next away game after that.”

“Okay,” I say and nearly forget to breathe over the look of happiness on his face. One tiny word split his face into the most beautiful smile ever.

“Did Melissa go to away games with you?” I ask.

“Not really.” His fingers play with a lock of my hair. “She wasn’t overly invested in my career. I mean, she came to the home games, but she wasn’t really into it. Not the way the other wives were.”

I consider that. It makes me wonder if she was being selfish or perhaps trying to punish him for being gone. “I bet that hurt your feelings.”

Cannon shrugs. “I’m not sure, to be honest. I was so focused on playing, I’m not sure I really even noticed. And that’s a good example of what was wrong with our marriage. She wasn’t there, and I’m not sure I cared.”

“You know I care about your games, right?” I ask softly. “When I can’t commit to every away game, a lot of that is me feeling weird about you paying.”

“I know,” he assures me. “But I’ll keep asking.”

“And I’ll come to as many as I can. I promise.”

“Does it bother you when we talk about Melissa?” Cannon asks, and I blink in surprise. “I know you asked about her, but—”

“No, not at all.” I prop up on my elbow to look more directly into his eyes. “She was an important part of your life—both the good and the bad—and I just happen to be very interested in you. I want you to always feel comfortable talking about her to me, especially the good times, which I’m sure you had plenty of. You can tell me anything about her. I’m assuming she had to be a pretty special woman if you loved her.”

A myriad of emotions flicker in Cannon’s eyes, but it’s his soft kiss and murmur of “thank you” that has me believing the most important one is gratitude that he doesn’t have to keep that part of his life separate.



It’s a home game day, and I finally feel like I’ve settled into a good routine. While I had coaching experience abroad and in the minor leagues, my role with the Titans is vastly different. First, we’re on a bigger stage—national eyes on us. Because I’m the figurehead of this team, it’s important that my face is seen. I’m the first one here and the last to leave, and it’s not lost on me that I’m a role model to all these men.


