Chaos (Tattoos and Ties Duet #3) Read Online Kindle Alexander

Categories Genre: M-M Romance, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Tattoos and Ties Duet Series by Kindle Alexander

Total pages in book: 142
Estimated words: 132031 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 660(@200wpm)___ 528(@250wpm)___ 440(@300wpm)

Dev took Cash’s beer to keep it from spilling and brought his hand to Cash’s back, patting there. “We can stick with the edibles. They’ll be better in the long run.”

It still took several long moments for Cash to gather himself enough to stand and even longer for him to come back to their moment.

Dev snuffed the blunt. Maybe they were done with that for now.

Cash reached for the beer and took a couple of tentative drinks. His handsome face blazed red from the coughing fit, whether it be embarrassment at Dev’s words or a reaction to the weed. Either way Dev found himself drawn to the blush and the innocence of the moment.

And all the ways he could ravish this good boy.

“My parents would be disappointed in my reaction,” Cash finally managed before clearing his throat again.

From the look in Cash’s eyes and the way he took a steadying step, Dev figured the effects were already taking hold. Cash was clearly a lightweight with recreational drugs. Dev could take all the shit on the tray and be better for it. He stepped into Cash’s personal space again.

“My parents would never believe we stopped at weed.”

Cash’s facial features relaxed. An easy, inviting grin split his lips. Cash gathered the pieces of his hair that had fallen onto his forehead. Dev stopped him, taking Cash’s wrist, before he could flip the tresses back into place.

“Leave it there. You’re hot, all fancied up, but I like the disheveled look too. Makes you look less godly. Besides, I’m gonna mess it up a lot fuckin’ more.”

The grin widened. “You’re sure of yourself. I think I should take this slow. I’m already feeling high.”

“Oh no.” Dev shook his head for good measure. “You’re gonna learn everything I do is to the extreme. I’m gonna hit that all night long,” Dev said. He reached for the ecstasy and brought the tablet to Cash’s lips. “You don’t have far to go in the mornin’, and I sure need the fuckin’ diversion.”

For all his big talk, Dev wouldn’t have forced the pill down Cash’s throat. He did though put it against the seam of Cash’s lips and meet that fucking sexy green gaze with challenge in his eyes.

Cash finally opened to let Dev place the tablet inside his mouth.

Oh fuck yeah, Cash closed his lips on his fingertips as he swallowed the pill dry. The motion suckled his thumb and forefinger. A hitch of breath slipped from Dev. Jeez that was a sexy move.

Dev kept his thumb inside Cash’s mouth, pushing deeper, the digit melded and molded by the sensual undulations of his tongue. His fingertips grazed the light feel of new stubble on Cash’s cheek. He relished the sensation and wanted that cheek to rub against the insides of his thighs. He wasn’t tender or gentle as his arm locked around Cash’s waist.

All that hardness felt good and right pressed against his body.

“You need to catch up with me now,” Cash said after popping free his thumb, and nodded toward the tray.

In a showoff move, he grabbed a few ecstasy tablets and dropped them into his mouth.

Cash lifted a brow at his boldness then brought his beer to Dev’s lips to help wash it all down. Dev envisioned them sharing food later, feeding Cash what he wanted him to have.

A possessive hand went to Cash’s hip, tugging him forward into the hard grind of Dev’s hips. “The universe must be happy with me. Sendin’ me pretty boys to live next door.”

Cash grinned. “Like the heavens are smiling down on us?”

“But you’re gettin’ fucked by the Devil tonight.”


Dev had casually tossed the handful of pills into his mouth as if they were nothing more than Tic Tacs. Cash had a mediocre pull off a joint and one pill and his head was swimming.

How could he manage to focus on his job? The reason he was standing inside this apartment in the first place. The reputation he’d developed as being steady on his feet and focused on the end game at all times was tossed out the window as if none of it had ever mattered. His only concern was the man standing in front of him.

He genuinely liked Dev. His heart had eagerly connected, begging him to take this offering, a onetime experience before the cameras started to roll inside this apartment.

Cash needed tonight to feed his soul. A purely selfish action. The fantasy of the man he’d always dreamed of compared to the one who stood in front of him, unaware he looked at the prospect of decades in prison if he didn’t turn on his club.

He and Dev would never have another chance like that again.

The beautiful part of actually inhaling then letting that pill slip down his throat was that the sadness of what was to come didn’t continue to bring him down emotionally. Instead, it ramped up the desire fueling this very bad decision.


