Charge To My Line Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Heroes of Dixie Wardens MC #6)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Heroes of The Dixie Wardens MC Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 58
Estimated words: 71015 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 355(@200wpm)___ 284(@250wpm)___ 237(@300wpm)

I smiled at him, relishing in the fear that flashed through his eyes before he was able to cover it.

“I hope you enjoy the meeting. It’s the last one you’ll ever get,” I said, giving him a vicious right hook to the face before I stood and left the room.

The first pair of eyes I met when I exited the room was my pop’s gray ones. The same color as his son’s. And my daughter’s.

He looked livid.

Blood didn’t mean loyalty to him.

It didn’t to any of the members of The Dixie Wardens MC. Earning it did.

And Bobby fucking Prescott was about to have firsthand knowledge to that fact.


“The best thing you can do for yourself is walk, honey,” I heard the nurse say when I made it through the hospital room’s door.

“I don’t want to walk. I want to eat some freakin’ cake. Which I don’t have. And I haven’t had since I got pregnant. The least you could do is go get me some cake,” Tru muttered darkly.

Daniella caught my eyes as soon as I moved over the threshold.

She had a hand covering her mouth as she tried her hardest not to laugh at her daughter.

“How about some cookie cake and a Dr. Pepper from the cookie factory?” I asked, holding up my treasure for her eyes to feast on.

I also had a large french fry from Chick-Fil-A, and a chicken sandwich. Her favorites.

She looked at me and her eyes teared up.

“You’re the best husband ever!” She wailed.

I walked toward the bed, leaning forward once I got to her bedside, and kissed her senseless.

She was panting slightly once I disengaged my mouth from hers, and a pained, “Jesus Christ,” had me laughing.

Turning to Frank, I smiled. He had Ashe curled up on his chest. Her chunky cheek was resting against his heart, and he had one large hand curled around her tiny tush.

“She doing good?” I asked, turning back to my wife.

She nodded. “Eats like a horse.”

I didn’t doubt that. Not with the hefty bulk she carried.

“No doubt about that, baby,” I agreed. “How are you feeling?”

She grimaced, but before she could answer, the nurse chimed in. “She’d feel a lot better if she got up and started moving.”

I stepped in front of my wife before she could start throwing things.

“Come on, honey. I bet you’d like a shower, wouldn’t you?” I asked, knowing I was right.

She’d complained of it that morning, and I knew it’d get her up and moving.

Reluctantly, she nodded yes, and we spent the next five minutes getting her painfully out of the bed.

“Oh, God,” she whispered once she had her legs under her.

The nurse moved forward and disconnected Tru’s IV, placing a saline lock over the port before covering the entire thing in waterproof tape. “There you go, sweetie. Keep going, now.”

My belly felt sick as she started to shuffle forward, hunched to protect her vulnerable stomach.

I had one hand underneath her arm, holding her steady in case she faltered as she slowly made her way to the bathroom. Her ass was hanging out the back of her gown while her father laughed to cover up his unease at seeing his daughter hurting.

Daniella hurried ahead of us, turning the shower on for her before sneaking back out again.

“You can take off the dressings. It’s best to let them peel off with the water and soap from the shower. While you’re doing that, I’ll change the linens on your bed and bring you some more towels,” the nurse said before she breezed out of the room.

Once she was standing in front of the shower, I closed the door behind us and let her arm go.

She worked the gown off her shoulders and let it fall unceremoniously to the floor.

She looked down at her belly and sniffled.

“For some reason,” she said tearfully. “I thought my belly would be smaller once she was out.”

I laughed and pulled her gently into my arms.

Even naked and covered in dried blood, she was beautiful.

“I heard someone down the hall say that she peed for three minutes straight. And that it was almost orgasmic. How was that for you?” I asked teasingly, trying to get her mind off her belly.

It’d come with time. But for now, I was grateful for every inch of her body.

I loved the stretch marks. I loved the extra skin. The chunkiness of her cheeks. The swollen ankles.

She was mine, and would be for the rest of my life.

“I haven’t experienced that yet. They took the catheter out just before you came in,” she said lightly, no more tears in her voice. “But I’ll be sure to let you know how that orgasm compares to the ones you give me.”

I tapped her nose. “Brat.”


She ate her cold sandwich and French fries, blissfully happy with her world.

Who would’ve known that telling your wife that her father in law was currently torturing the man that nearly took her life, could make a woman so damned happy?

Only my wife.

“Did you want some of this?” She asked, gesturing towards her bag of cold fries.

I shook my head. “No. Thanks though, baby.”

She wrinkled her nose and stuffed another one into her mouth before speaking with her mouth full. “That’s just made my day. Maybe he can send me some pictures.”

I wasn’t sure if she was joking or not, but I chose to think that she was. Her mom and dad had left to go home for the night once the nurse came in and announced that visiting hours were over.

Now it just left the new family of three.

Ashe was curled up in a ball against my chest, making the cutest little musical sounds as she breathed.

“I didn’t realize that babies were so noisy,” I said, running my fingers along Ashe’s super smooth hair.

“Me neither. You should’ve heard her when I fed her earlier. She sounds like a little piglet. I nearly recorded it, but my dad was here, and I didn’t want to show him my boob,” Tru expounded before popping another fry into her mouth.


