Chiromancist (Seven Forbidden Arts #8) Read Online Charmaine Pauls

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Seven Forbidden Arts Series by Charmaine Pauls

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 69330 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 347(@200wpm)___ 277(@250wpm)___ 231(@300wpm)


The door slammed on her unspoken words. She clutched the duvet to her chest, trying to stop her shaking. This was bad. Doumar wouldn’t kill Bono, not as long as Godfrey needed him for information, but he’d be livid if Bono interfered, more so if he realized Bono had seen her naked.

The only people Doumar could take his anger out on were her and Niels.

Please, dear God, let it be her.

The van was parked three blocks up the road. Sean and Sara were on duty. They didn’t have a visual on the hotel, and their satellite was trained on the club. Bono knew enough about electronics to manually deactivate the satellite tracking on the wrist pad. He wasn’t a pilot and mechanic of advanced helicrafts for nothing. For all Sara and Sean knew, he was at the hotel with Sky.

He started the bike and made his way to the Black Lily. At the club, he entered the underground parking Doumar used. There was a chance the team would recognize his bike, but by that time, it would be too late. A quick tour of the floor told him Doumar’s vehicle wasn’t there. He parked and waited. According to his file, Doumar worked irregular shifts, but he was more at the club than at home. Sooner or later, he had to pitch.

Shortly after midnight, the white BMW pulled in. Doumar exited, wearing a long patent leather coat. At the sight of him, Bono’s anger flared. In a few long strides, he cut the Dutchman off from entering the elevator.

“Mr. Black,” Doumar drawled. “To what do I owe the visit? Need a whore?”

Bono grabbed him by the lapels of his coat, lifting him off his feet. “You sorry son of a bitch.”

“Whoa.” Doumar grabbed Bono’s upper arms, but he didn’t struggle. “Let’s talk about this. Whatever’s eating you, we can sort it out.”

Bono dropped him to the ground, shaking his fingers with disgust. “I don’t think so.”

Doumar landed on his feet with a thud, his eyes alert and his stance ready to defend himself. “You shouldn’t go around attacking people in a foreign country. It may get you deported. Or killed.”

It took everything he had not to break the man’s neck, but killing Doumar wasn’t going to help Sky. If the team’s connection to Godfrey were gone, Cain wouldn’t grant him more time with the chiromancist. The commander would order her dead. He first had to find out how Doumar was connected to Godfrey.

Biting back his fury, he asked, “How much?”

Doumar’s stance was cockier now that he realized he wasn’t getting killed. “How much what?”

“How much money does she make for you?”

“Who?” Doumar gave a snort-laugh. “Sky?”

“I’ll double it.”

Doumar lifted a finger. “Hold on a minute. Are you offering to buy her?”

“You’re obviously only interested in the money. You don’t give a fuck about her.”

Doumar snapped his teeth together. “Don’t tell me what I’m interested in or not.” His lips curved into a cold smile. “You’re overstepping your boundaries.”

“You won’t take the money?”

“Why will I take your money if she makes me enough?”

“You’re going to let her go, do you understand?”

Doumar pulled himself to his full length and dusted his jacket. “Here’s the thing you don’t get. She won’t go.”

Bono flexed and clenched his fingers. He ached to plant a fist in the asshole’s face. “You bought her like a slave. You have no hold over her.”

Doumar smirked. “Ask her yourself. She’ll always choose me.”

“We’ll see about that.” He took a step closer, putting them nose-to-nose. “In the meantime, if you ever put another mark on her body, I’ll cut off your dick and feed it to you, and then I’ll start on your fingers. If you’re still alive by the time I get to your feet, I’ll make you choke on your own toes. Got that?”

Doumar’s feathers weren’t ruffled. “I think so. It’s graphic enough.”

“I don’t make idle threats.”

“I’d hope not. If you did, it would make this whole performance,” he motioned between them, “one big, nutty show.”

“I’m watching you,” Bono said as he walked back to his bike.

“Ditto, Mr. Black.”

Doumar’s laugh echoed in the space over the noise of the engine as he started his bike. He wanted nothing more than to knock the Dutchman down and kick the life out of him, but he already knew from experience that impulsive violence only made matters worse.

Before going back to the hotel, he went to the trailer park and checked on the cat. He left more food and fresh water and made a mental note to fit a lock on the door.

Sky was dressed and pacing the room when he got back.

“Bono!” She rushed to his side. “Where did you go? What did you do?”

He put his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. “Why aren’t you sleeping? It’s late.”


