Coup De Grace Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Code 11-KPD SWAT #7)

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, Funny, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Code 11-KPD SWAT Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 59
Estimated words: 74641 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 373(@200wpm)___ 299(@250wpm)___ 249(@300wpm)

His thumb twisted inside of me and my orgasm, which I’d thought had been on the downhill slide, started to move forward again.

By the time I was back in my own skin, I was in a boneless heap where I’d collapsed, shoes digging into my upper torso and not one single care in sight.

“I think you broke me,” I told him, feeling him withdraw his thumb.

He snorted as he stood, and I watched as he drug his pants that were still around his ankles, back up his legs and over his hips.

He zipped them, but didn’t button them as he walked away, leaving me in my indecent position in a pile of sexual haze.

He came back short moments later with a wash cloth, and started cleaning my back free of his release.

Once done, he shoved his hand underneath my hips and lifted me up and back.

When my back met his front, I leaned my head to the side, exposing my neck for his seeking mouth.

“Thank God you’re on the pill,” he said in his gravelly voice.

I looped my arm around his neck.

“How do you know I’m on them?” I asked curiously.

I wasn’t surprised that he knew I still was.

He was a cop for God’s sake.

If he wasn’t observant and smart, he wouldn’t make a good cop.

And there was one thing I knew of for sure, Michael was a damn fine cop.

“Because I saw them in your purse last night when you were handing your phone to Alison,” he explained. “Just remember to take them, because after fucking you bare like this, I’m fairly sure I’ll never be able to do it again with a condom.”

His admission made me smile widely.

Then my smile died as I heard my phone ringing from the kitchen.

“Shit,” I said, standing up and yanking my panties up as well.

The new position placed Michael’s face right at eye level with my ass, and he took full advantage of it as I looked down at the mess we’d made of my closet.

“Shit,” I said, bending down to look through the mess.

I found a shirt, followed by a pair of pants, and threw them on, all the while Michael massaged my ass and inner thighs, working me into another tizzy before I realized it.

“Michael,” I said pleadingly. “I’m already late. Please.”

He growled in frustration as he said, “I have to get to work shortly too. Goddammit.”

I smiled as he let my hips go and stood, but only to replace his fingers with his cock.

He ground his hips into me.

I was thankful that he was still wearing pants, because had he been naked, I’d probably be asking him to fill me once again.

“Michael,” I pleaded once again.

He sighed and stepped back.

Immediately, I missed his body heat, but I had a job and commitments.

“Thank you,” I told him, turning around as I settled the shirt onto my body.

He smiled.

“Anything for you,” he said painfully, rearranging his cock in his pants as he buttoned and buckled his belt.

A smile curved the sides of my lips as I walked into the bathroom to inspect my face.

Where I then decided that the ‘just fucked’ look looked good on me.

And it wouldn’t hurt to allow Joslin to see just what she was missing.

“Ready?” Michael asked once I exited the bathroom.

At my nod he led me into the kitchen where I grabbed my bag and headed out the door.


Thirty minutes later, with Michael’s essence still leaking out of me, I ran into work, throwing a kiss over my shoulder at Michael as I sped inside.

He caught it and waved, making me smile.

I’d asked him to wait for me to make sure I still had a job, and he gave me an ‘okay’ sign as he leaned back in his seat and finished programming my number into his phone.

I still can’t believe he ever listened to me.

Hell, it seemed surreal…all of it.

Just a few days ago I was puttering along, trying to stay afloat with classes, work, and studying.

Now here I was, blowing off study time so I could go on a date with a man I never thought I’d have a chance with again.

“Good, you’re back!” Lennox cooed, rubbing her hands together in excitement. “There was a lot of excitement here an hour or so ago. Cops were everywhere, and then there was this man, Michael, I don’t know if you’ve met him but he has brown hair and blue eyes. He was yelling at someone about his truck being stolen. Then he forced the security guy to go through the camera feed, but the feed was down because the security guard spilled coffee on the hardware last week and completely fried the whole system.”

I blushed. “Did they find out who stole the car?” I asked innocently.

Lennox shook her head. “No. They didn’t, or at least we didn’t see who it was. They ran out of here like their asses were on fire earlier when they got some call about a BOLO, which I later learned was a ‘be on the lookout’, and we haven’t heard anything since.”


That would’ve been bad to have the hospital know what I’d done.

I was already on shaky ground as it was!

“Well, that sucks,” I managed to say lightly while squirting a large dollop of antibacterial soap into my hands. “You heard why I had to leave?”

Lennox nodded and we both looked to where Joslin was standing across the room.

She was with a new intern that I’d never met before, leaning into him and patting his arm while fake laughing.

God that woman was such a hoe!

And I still hadn’t forgiven Michael for touching her earlier.

I didn’t give a shit if that was the only way to get her unsettled. He needed to find a different way.

“I wonder what her problem is? She usually only reserves that kind of treatment for the women who try to steal her thunder,” Lennox wondered.

“That’s ‘cause Joslin is a show hound that likes to have all the attention on her,” Melissa, one of my favorite nurses, snarled as she threw down a chart on the counter next to my hand.


