Cyrus Read Online Jessica Gadziala (The Henchmen MC #9)

Categories Genre: Biker, Erotic, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Henchmen MC Series by Jessica Gadziala

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 79007 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 395(@200wpm)___ 316(@250wpm)___ 263(@300wpm)

Until then, if she had to bunny hop, she had to bunny hop.

I smiled as she walked out of the bathroom in her typical black leggings, black flats, and a burnt orange cardigan that matched the flame accents on her Harry Potter t-shirt.

That was some geek gear alright.

"I'm ready," she declared, giving me an excited smile.


"I'm sorry," she said for about the fiftieth time since we walked into the Javis Center after waiting in a modest five-minute line to get in where we were handed free coffee, and given fliers for a new Netflix-for-books service that had Reese shoving it immediately inside her purse into look in later.

"Stop saying you're sorry," I said, shaking my head as I took three more books from her hands.

She was sorry that she squealed when she first walked in. Then she was sorry that her hands got full, and she needed them free to get more books and swag, so I took them from her. She was sorry that I had to overhear her talking to some big-time book blogger about - get this - Daya being the next big name in indie. She was also sorry that when my hands got full, she needed to rent a cart that had a picture of a mostly-naked man on front to pull around.

This time, though, she was sorry because she wanted to go sit-in at a panel of romance novelists who were doing a Q&A.

"I know it's been so much booky and girlie stuff..."

"That's why we're here, angel. You go do your panel thing. I am going to browse around and call my brother."

"You're sure you don't mind?" she asked, both practically jumping out of her skin in excitement, and worrying her lower lip with her teeth about me.

I reached out, snagging the back of her neck, dragging her against my body, then sealing my lips over hers.

That was one way to get her to stop worrying about me.

I pulled away quickly to avoid having a hard-on in the middle of a crowd, but way too fucking soon at the same time.

And damn if she didn't sway on her feet after for a second, looking up at me with dreamy eyes.

"You're gonna be late."


"For your romance panel," I supplied with a smile, loving how easy it was to muddle her brain.

"Oh! Right. Yeah, I promise it will be the last thing!"

It wouldn't.

I knew that.

There would still be an hour left after she got back, and she was going to find at least five extra things she wanted to see before then. That was the point. I wanted her to have a day all her own. She deserved it. And I was having fun watching her enjoy it. And maybe overhearing some of the, ah, explicit discussions about these romance heroes. Hell, I even heard the one discussed from the book I read aloud to Reese that night in the library.

I watched her scurry off, reaching for my cell as I went down a floor where no real events were going on, where there was a charging station and a lot of open room to make my call.

"How's it going working with Edison?"

"You should see this fucking fortress, man," Reeve said, sounding tired. "No way in. Reign said it was because V's guys had infiltrated once, and Lyon got some professionals in to make the place impenetrable."

"Did you guys ever see the new boss?"

"Pulls a car with darkened windows right into the garage. No one who has followed him around town has seen him either."

"Did they do any more drive-bys?"

"Figure the Mallicks are no worry to them, since they don't do turf wars; they don't get involved with anything really. And no one is going to start shit with the mob. It's not New York level Cosa Nostra down here, but they have connections to New York. No one wants to fuck with the wise guys."

"How's Summer doing?"

There was a pause. "Reign hasn't been around too much. Cash said she won't get out of bed still. She'll get there."

If anyone knew about getting over grief, it was Reeve.

"So, nothing new to report?"

"Nah. Don't see there being anything until you get back, if then even. How are things?"

"There are cock-shaped lollipops here," I told him, hearing a chuckle from not only him, but someone who must have been standing close enough to overhear. "It's good. Things are good."

"Glad to hear it." He was too, even if he didn't necessarily sound like it. He might have given up any hope of finding any happiness in his own life, but he still wanted it for Wasp and me.

"Call me if anything changes. It's only an hour or so away."

"Things will be fine. Enjoy your woman. We'll see you when you get back."

With that, he ended the call.

Reeve wasn't much for small talk or saying goodbye.


