Cyrus Read Online Jessica Gadziala (The Henchmen MC #9)

Categories Genre: Biker, Erotic, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Henchmen MC Series by Jessica Gadziala

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 79007 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 395(@200wpm)___ 316(@250wpm)___ 263(@300wpm)

And I wanted it to be that, especially as her eyes glistened, as she got emotional with the impact of the sensations, the look making an unfamiliar tightness grip my chest.

I had wanted to do something I had never done with a woman before. It was amazing how, even with all my years to experience, there was still something left unexplored.

I had never made love to anyone before.

And I wanted so badly to have that first with Reese.

But then she whimpered, she moaned, her body begged for more.

And it had been so long.

There was no denying us what we both needed - an end to the torment. So I let go.

Then she came so hard that she lost her voice for a long moment. When she found it again, she did it; she cried out my name. There was no stopping my own release then.

I had fallen asleep feeling more content than I was aware was even possible.

I shook my head, brushing away the thought as my cock strained at the memory, already at-attention and painfully in need of relief.

We had so little time.

But I was going to go ahead and spend a little of it doing something we both would prefer over going down to the dining room for breakfast.

My hand moved up her thigh, over her hip, her belly, then traced under one of her breasts, the nipple hardening almost instantly. Even asleep, her body responded so openly to touch. My fingers moved up, rolling over the hardened, impossibly soft bud, smiling a little as her body shifted, moving toward consciousness. I worked it gently until she sighed contentedly, almost awake. Then I took it between two fingers, pinched, and twisted.

Her eyes shot open as a surprised moan came from her mouth.

"Good morning," I greeted just a second before my mouth closed over her nipple, sucking over and over until her entire body started writhing.

I pulled my head up, seeing her hooded eyes, knowing without even having to touch her to check that her pussy was already fucking dripping for me.

But, you know, not needing to check didn't mean I didn't want to.

My hand slid over the gentle curves of her side, moving in at the last possible second, sliding down her slit, then pressed two fingers inside her before she could even know my intention. Her pussy clenched around the invasion as she whimpered out my name, her hips rocking upward, begging for more.

And, well, if my girl wanted more, she got more. She got all she could take.

There was no time for soft or sweet or exploration.

I finger-fucked her pussy until her wetness was dripping down my hand, until her fists were nearly tearing at the sheets, until I didn't have to, she reached into the nightstand to find a condom and held it out.

I took it, biting the edge to open it, but dropping it on her belly, rolling slightly so my cock was accessible. She didn't need instructions. She was too fucking far gone to even think clearly as her fingers fumbled to release the condom, pinching the tip, then rolling it on my length as my fingers turned inside her to rake over her G-spot. The choked moan she let out had my balls feeling like they were in fucking vice grips as I pulled my fingers out of her, stroking my cock with my hand, spreading her wetness there before I reached to push her on her side, facing away from me.

I reached down, grabbing her calf, slinging it over my thigh as I reached down to slap the thick cheek of her ass, knowing that some day, she was going to let me claim that too.

But today wasn't that day, and she was grinding back into me.

If she needed my cock in that sweet, tight pussy of hers, she was going to fucking get it.

I grabbed my cock, then slammed inside her without warning, making her let out a cry that was going to wake anyone on the floor who was sleeping in on a Sunday.

A growling noise escaped me, knowing there wasn't a feeling in the world that compared to a woman you cared about needing, and loving the feel of your cock inside her.

My hand sank into her hip, holding tightly to keep her in place because she was teetering toward the edge of the bed.

Then, well, I fucked her.

There was no other word for the hard, relentless, bed-breaking thrusting.

I fucked her.

And she cried out, begging for more, begging for release.

My hand moved out, grabbing hers, and moving it down her body to press between her legs. She didn't even hesitate. She worked her clit as my arm went up her chest, to press between her breasts that were bouncing wildly as I slammed into her. My hand went up around her throat, pressing into the veins that ran up the sides, cutting off the oxygen as I felt her pussy clamp down hard.


