Daemonium – Devil’s Playground Four Read Online Natalie Bennett

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, New Adult Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 72
Estimated words: 66334 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 332(@200wpm)___ 265(@250wpm)___ 221(@300wpm)

“Are we meant to go down then?” Hayven asked, her accent choppy with her teeth chattering.

We sloshed forward a few more paces, and then without warning, the metal grate beneath our feet dropped away altogether, forcing us fully into the water.


I was fully submerged, feeling a jolt of shock that took my breath away. Ky wrapped his strong arm around my waist and pulled me back up to the surface. He held me close as we trod water, managing to keep us both afloat.

I pushed my wet hair from my eyes and blinked a few times. Ciaran now had Lana in a secure embrace and her entire head was wet, indicating she’d gone under as well. Mel had managed to stay above water, but I knew it would be difficult for her to swim and keep treading even with her pain tolerance.

If I was drowsy before, I was fully awake now. I froze when Ky's face came close to my neck, realizing he must have lifted his mask at some point like the others had.

"How do you smell so good?”

His question earned varied amused looks from our friends.

"I dunno. Why do you feel so good?" I responded without thinking.

"In the water, Gracie? How scandalous,” Lana joked as she broke free from Ciaran's grasp and started swimming on her own.

"I didn't mean it like that."

"Do you guys ever take anything seriously?" Roger asked, spitting out water droplets.

He reminded me of a sprinkler.

"Just let me drown him, Sunshine," Ky whispered, tightening his hold on me.

Part of me jumped at that idea, but I pushed it away, knowing it wasn't really me thinking.

The remnants of Helios were still present, dulled but still present on the edge of my thoughts,

"We need to keep moving," Ciaran called out calmly. "Just stay above water. If you’re about to drown, don’t ask us for help."

“Such a kind soul,” one of the girls drawled bitterly.

“Thank you. I try my best,” Ciaran replied smugly.

I focused on preserving my energy. I was a pretty decent swimmer, but even the most experienced water athlete could burn out and the fog was making it difficult to see more than a few feet ahead. I swam beside Ky, his presence providing a sense of stability. The eerie tune of "Ring Around the Rosie" continued to play, distorted and haunting. It didn't seem to faze Ky; he thrived in this darkness. For me, it was a constant reminder of the twisted game we were trapped in.

A rock wall began to take shape before us, a glowing arrow painted on its side, pointed towards an entrance that led into what looked like a cave. We would have to go underwater to enter, not knowing what awaited us inside. I didn't like the idea of swimming blindly into an unknown space, but it wasn’t as if I could call for a timeout.

The pretty brunette with the accent, offered to go first.

"No fucking way," objected Charon.

"I'm on the college swim team, this is nothing. And you don't get to tell me what I can or cannot do Char," she snapped.

Her nickname triggered a memory in my mind. I remembered her name now - Hayven. Not only had she been at Judicium with me the night of Troy Sainte’s party, but she’d also been present other times when I saw Ky. I refrained from looking at Lana to see if she recognized her in any capacity.

When we weren’t swimming into the unknown or creeping through the city, that’s when I’d gauge where she was mentally. I really needed time to speak with my best friends.

Charon looked like he wanted to argue more, but he clenched his jaw and nodded. "Fine. Just be quick about it."

Hayven took a deep breath and disappeared into the water. We all watched, waiting for her to resurface. After what felt like an eternity, she emerged barely gasping for air. "It's clear on the other side! You can follow the path straight through. The tunnel is narrow, but not long, you'll make it."

"Okay, let's move," ordered Ciaran in a steady voice. "You go first. Lana, you're next. Stay close behind her."

Lana nodded and dove under the water seconds after Hayven, one by one we followed suit.

When it was my turn, Ky reached out and placed a hand on my shoulder. "I’ll be right behind you.”

Taking a deep breath, I submerged myself in the cold water. I swam forward and reached out with my hand, feeling along the wall until I successfully found the hole I needed to swim through. The water was even colder here; each stroke felt like a struggle. I kept my focus on the faint light ahead and propelled myself forward with strong kicks, aware of Ky swimming just a few feet behind me.

Just as my lungs started to burn, I was able to swim up and break the surface again. I coughed a few times, grateful for Ky as he moved my hair out of my face so that I could look around. We were in a dimly lit cave of sorts. I glided in the water until I reached where the ground sloped upwards, allowing me to stand again. The water now only reached my waist.


