Damnable Grace Read Online Tillie Cole (Hades Hangmen #5)

Categories Genre: Biker, Crime, Dark, Drama, MC, New Adult, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Hades Hangmen Series by Tillie Cole

Total pages in book: 144
Estimated words: 130761 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 654(@200wpm)___ 523(@250wpm)___ 436(@300wpm)

“AK,” a deep voice said, slicing through my mind. I tried to pull myself back, but I was fucking trapped. My heart slammed against my rib cage so hard I was sure my ribs were about to snap.

Then a long female moan took hold of my brain and fucking smashed through the memory. I blinked and cleared the water from my eyes. Blue eyes were still looking up at me. But it wasn’t the eyes that had brought me back, it was knowing I was with Phebe. It was the feel of her bony fingers gripping my wrist with all the strength of a flea. Her hand was shaking, but she was trying to bring the glass of water in my hand to her mouth.

With a deep inhale, I slowly lifted the glass to her mouth and watched intently as she drank. She coughed as she tried to swallow too much at once.

“Small sips,” Rider said from somewhere beside me. But I couldn’t look away from Phebe. Now her face was clean of grime, blood and whatever other shit she’d been caked with, I saw how she really looked. Her already pale skin was gray. Her cheeks were hollow, and her cheekbones were sharp on her gaunt face. But her fucking freckles were still there. The same damn mass of freckles that had stared at me the day I tied her ass to that fucking tree in the cult’s commune. So many of them that there must have been a million on her cheeks and forehead. And those little fuckers on her nose . . .

“That’s enough,” Rider instructed. I pulled back the glass. But I didn’t lower her back down to the bed. I kept her head in my arms. Even as her eyes closed and her breathing shallowed with sleep, I still didn’t let her go. Not until Rider moved into my line of sight. The fucker was watching me with a damn frown on his face. Watching me. Like he had any fucking say about what happened with this bitch going forward. Like a damn brother looking out for his sister.

“What?” I snapped and lowered Phebe back down onto the pillow. She looked real fucking strange lying in my bed.

Rider didn’t speak for a few seconds, just eyeballed me. He ran a hand over his crew cut. “I’ve patched her up. She was . . .” He gestured to her pussy. “Hurt. He had hurt her, but she will heal.” Rider looked at her arms and the visible track marks. “But we need to get medication to wean her off the heroin.”

As I went to speak, I heard the sound of the front door opening, and footsteps came hurrying down the hallway. Ky came into my room, Styx behind him.

Ky looked at the bed. I stood and moved out of the way to let him see Phebe, gritting my teeth when I remembered she was still naked. I turned around, lifted her thin frame and placed her beneath the comforter. When she was covered, I stepped back and looked at my prez and VP. But they’d already seen the damage. I could tell by the fucking murderous look on Ky’s face.

“She gonna live?” he asked coldly. I knew by his tone that the question wasn’t for me.

“She will,” Rider replied. He paused, long enough for Ky and Styx to look at him. “But she’s been on heroin, and more, I’d guess.” I felt the air go fucking stone cold around us. Ky’s teeth raked over his lips. The brother was pissed.

“They all were,” I added. Ky and Styx looked at me. “The bitches at the ghost town. He had them on IVs of smack and crack and fuck knows what else. All the sluts were out of it.” I glanced back at Phebe. She looked fucking tiny on my mattress. “Christ knows how long she’s been on it.”

“A while, I’d say,” Rider said.

“Don’t tell Lilah about her being back,” I said to Ky. “She ain’t come through this shit yet.”

“She needs medication,” Rider went on. “To get her off the heroin, and—”

“And I need y’all to get the fuck out.” I crossed my arms over my chest.

“What?” Ky said harshly. Styx stepped forward, his bulky chest puffing out at my shitty attitude.

“I need y’all to get the fuck out of my cabin.” My jaw clenched. Ky eyeballed me.

“You got an issue, brother?” Ky inquired, no doubt wondering what the fuck was going down.

“Bitch needs to get off that shit in her veins. So I’m gonna watch her until it’s gone. And for that I need everyone else to fuck off.”

“Cold turkey?” Rider said, sounding panicked. “There’re better ways. We can wean her off with medication, make it less painful for her. Fuck, she deserves it after what she’s been through.”


